View Full Version : Multiboxing Group Composition Discussion

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  1. Talent Specs for the Multi-Boxer
  2. mutli-boxing and rouges
  3. Shaman elemental (pets), any tips?
  4. DOGS OF WAR: A Melee Multi-boxing experiement
  5. 3 Pally + 1 Shaman + X 4/5
  6. Brainsotrming Combos and Techniques
  7. 3-4-5 Shaman Talents
  8. Viability of locks
  9. Elemental Shaman Stats
  10. 4 shaman+mage viability in heroics?
  11. Boosting A Rogue = Easy Mode
  12. Help my Pally
  13. Theorycrafting: 10 boxing 10 man raids SOLO?
  14. Viability New Deathfrost enchant
  15. Heals: Druid or Priest?
  16. 3/2 set up...
  17. Heroics: possible with non-traditional setups?
  18. 4 locks and a priest
  19. 3-boxing shamies - quests or instances?
  20. Which is harder to gear out for a Paladin? Holy or Prot?
  21. Warlock 4-5 boxers
  22. For the healz....Shammy or Priest (all 5 mans)?
  23. desto lock lvl 47 and shadow priest lvl 47, ppl say they cant do dps
  24. 5 hunters pets
  25. 5 shaman, or 4 shaman + pally
  26. 3boxer and dual boxer
  27. Stealth running heroics with 5 druids?
  28. 5 Ele Shammys
  29. WotLK imp scorch
  30. Instanced Leveling with a Mixed Group
  31. Shammy Hex new CC! Dont need no mage no more!
  32. 5th spot... paladin or another shaman?
  33. Theorycrafting: The best pve 5box group
  34. Shamans x 4 +.... My new favorite...
  35. My Pally/Priest/Lock Experience
  36. Instancing questions for warlocks.
  37. Dual Boxing Pally/Priest
  38. 4 x 4 Shammys doing heroic!
  39. PVE 4 lock specs?
  40. Multiboxing melee classes
  41. pally + 4 SP for pve?
  42. Dual boxing heroics?
  43. Going back to my mixed classes
  44. 5th Shaman or a PROT pally
  45. Best instance to run at 65 with 5 shamans?
  46. IF you roll druids
  47. Multiclass - PVE - Non-boosting, RAF leveling - My brain dump about my current leveling experience
  48. Multiclass PVE group - really seem to be bulldozing the instances.
  49. Brainstorming on 25 man content - How many boxers would it take.
  50. 3.0 patch Shaman Talents
  51. 3.0 Lock Spec and Rotation for PvE
  52. Best Tri Boxing Combination - PvE
  53. anyone tried tanking with ret paladin (3.0)?
  54. totems in 3.0
  55. 4 shaman at 60, what for a 5th?
  56. 1 Pally/4 Shaman help
  57. Think I'll be able to run DM (for warlock mount quest) with 1x shadow priest 4x afflic lock?
  58. 1x Paladin 1x Disc\Holy Priest 3x Warlocks ? Your thoughts on this please.
  59. Need help for 5th in Tank/healer and 3x dps team
  60. Finally I'm level 60... But could use some help.
  61. WotLK group setup - need your opinion - Thanks
  62. The 1 Pally 4 Shamen Set up?
  63. 3.0.2 Prot Paladin Boosting is so much easier!
  64. Death Knight 5x, Worth it?
  65. tankadin and 4 ele shamms whats easiest instance for your level?
  66. [Healer+4xHunters] Pet/Spec Options with WotLK incoming (slightly long)
  67. RAF duo almost 60 Hellfire quests or instances?
  68. 3xHunters + Druid ding, 6days 6hours /played
  69. Should I spec the Druid Resto or a Shammy?
  70. Coming back for WotLK - What Shammy Build?
  71. Any Shammy multiboxers notice a DPS decrease after 3.0.x?
  72. Frostfire unorthodoxy - elementalism and how to spam it
  73. Pally level 61 and 4 Elemental Shammies level 71
  74. Spec 1 Shammy resto for WoTLK? Also Totem of the void still needed?
  75. Could 5 boxing shaman heroics be over?
  76. So im 75 now heres my big question?
  77. Tri-box warlocks
  78. Two 5 man teams all separate classes...
  79. 5 Box - Mixed Group - Did I gimp myself?
  80. Multibox 3 shamans, will this hurt our over all raid dps?
  81. Wow - either shamans do extremely poor DPS or DKs do way too much
  82. This group works pretty well
  83. DK Tank, for multiboxers.
  84. Need healer advice
  85. Just playing with an idea with Death Knights and transfers ... Possible ? Playable ?
  86. Elemental shaman dps tests.
  87. New ele Shammy Changes 3.1
  88. 4 Mages, 4 hunters, 4 shamans or other?
  89. 2-box locks-felguard or affliction?
  90. Pally Tanking Stats?
  91. my affliction warlock sucks
  92. Pally vs. DK vs. Warrior or 5th Shaman?
  93. [WoW] 1 Paladin 4 Shamans or 5 Shamans?
  94. Stealthy's Gear Guide for Elemental Shamans Lvl 68-80 (Horde)
  95. What Gear should a Pally and 4 X Elemental Shammies look to get at 80 in order to gear myself to start Heroics?
  96. Class Makeup Suggestions for Two Multiboxers
  97. Spare toon team brainstorming
  98. Lets talk about Death Knights.
  99. Death Knight 5 boxing
  100. Does the DK unholy talent to become a ghoul permanently break focus?
  101. DeathKnight spec from 60-70 with healer
  102. efficient group composition Q's
  103. 4shamans or 1moonkin,3 shamans for pvp arena?
  104. Elemental shaman stat priority
  105. What kind of stats should elemental shammies and protadin have before entering heroics?
  106. 3-box pve class makeup, hunter vs warlock for dps slot.
  107. Shaman vs Pally for Healer?
  108. Death Knight 3 Elemental Shammys and 1 Resto OR DK and 4 elemental shammys?
  109. Group Composition?
  110. Any 5x hunter teams?
  111. The new 5 box setup that owns
  112. Mana spring totem has inverse scaling, what's with that?
  113. Defense for tanks
  114. Ranged DPS Class Guide
  115. Update: How the 5x Boomkins are doing
  116. WoTLK PVE Group Composition
  117. Caster synergy group
  118. 1xPally 1xDruid 1xShammy - Help? lol
  119. Pre heroic tanking checklist/guide
  120. 2 box ideas
  121. The New DK changes... Good or Bad?
  122. A Spec Question.....Leveling and 5-manning in Northrend
  123. Pally and Druid, Lock, or Mage
  124. x4 Elemental Shaman + Prot Paladin Tank
  125. DK - super useless tank
  126. Is this a good team?
  127. Resto Druid & Mage Builds for PVE
  128. 5-Huntard group and level 80 instances?
  129. What would you say about this team!? :D (4 Boxing)
  130. What to do with my mistake
  131. Out of Druid, Warlock, and Pally
  132. 1pally 4druids
  133. 3 Mages lvl 70 - Trying to find best spec for dps castsequence
  134. Rate my Spec/10 ( Shaman Team )
  135. Problems with picking combo for a 3 +1 setup.
  136. Debation on a Tri-box composition.
  137. Paladin vs DK tank, my experience.
  138. so a lock, a mage, and a priest...
  139. 2 Hunters which Pets & Questions
  140. Blood dk
  141. Asking for help on what class to go with my paladin
  142. What are good spell/skill combinations for pally + mage?
  143. So, 5x Elemental Shamans Instancing...
  144. Ideas for a noob 2 boxer
  145. [Healer + 4xHunter] WotLK Experiences
  146. To 2 box 2 70's or 2 box a 70 and an 80 (who is out of group)
  147. Rogue DPS, Mutilate daggers.
  148. Need 2 Boxing Help (with RAF)
  149. how to make paladin - shaman working in pvp? what speccs?
  150. lock epic mount
  151. Making the jump to 5x, healer question
  152. Best WotlK Heroics class choices for 5 box
  153. 3x or 4x Shamans? Help!
  154. 3box
  155. Choosing classes to 2x RAF: Need an advice
  156. shadow priests groups 4x with a main (warlock, or dk, or something better)
  157. Hunter levelling - yummy
  158. BM Hunter Pet Abuse
  159. Some advice about 5 boxing Druids
  160. anyone tried 5 druids since wotlk?
  161. New to boxing WoW
  162. Your thoughts 5x paladin
  163. Need advice please!
  164. Reasto shaman or Holy pally
  165. Need help with a 2man team, for PvP(will probably get more accounts but 2 is a good start!)
  166. Warlock spec
  167. What are shaman groups seeing for DPS in heroics?
  168. 5x Death Knight Group, any suggested races? Blood Aura stacking == bug?
  169. 4 deathknights and which healer for pvp and pve?
  170. 3.0.8 Shaman love (patch today?)
  171. Is this a crazy group makup?
  172. My final planned 10-man boxing group
  173. Battlegrounds : 3DK, 1 enhancement shammy + 1 Resto shammy
  174. 5 boxing mages leveling HELP!
  175. Formation of the Holy genitals + Shaman love
  176. Dualboxing.. which combo??
  177. what 3x man should i start
  178. 3 Warlocks, 1 Disc Priest, and what class for tank?
  179. 2 spriest and a dk / afflic warlock
  180. Another newbie two box thread.
  181. playing mutli classes
  182. 2 man team?
  183. 2-Boxed Hunter Specs
  184. Rolled 5 DKs
  185. Dual box classes?
  186. Warrior vs Paladin
  187. Boosting a Deathknight?
  188. druid + mage spec
  189. Want to level a DK Tank. (Should I just box 5 or solo him for faster results?)
  190. Heroic runs 1 DK tank 4 dps shammys or sub out a dps shammy for rest shammy?
  191. Healing Stream Totem Question
  192. 4x hunters + shaman
  193. Shamans go post your totem ideas for bliz!
  194. Playing Multiple Classes
  195. triple box rogue
  196. Guide to DK Tank Gear?
  197. Prot Pally Boxers - Whats your HP and Defense?
  198. Elemental Shaman Question - Crit/Hit/Sp
  199. Group thoughts
  200. WTB DK Tank Spec
  201. Shamans "to-do" or Things to get list. Need your input
  202. MBing DKs (4DKs, 1 druid healer)
  203. 3.0.8 Shaman choice - improved fire nova totem or +20% flametongue weapon
  204. 3.0.8 shaman talent build?
  205. Shaman dps with 3.0.8 - wow
  206. First impressions of new shaman dps / builds
  207. Post your DPS increases here!
  208. How do I calculate the damage output my shamans do at once?
  209. Tri-boxing Multi-Class Team Composition (Input wanted!)
  210. Tri Boxing. =D
  211. Best Boxing group for PvE
  212. Boxing Team -Sigh- Looking For Suggestions
  213. New team after Shaman..
  214. 5 shamans in WoTLK heroics?
  215. Group constellations
  216. Druids & Shamans
  217. Disc/Shadow in PvE
  218. how to pair these 6 toons
  219. 5 box paladin team, 1 as a healer, how long am I looking to get to 20ish and start mass AoEing?
  220. Priest + Warrior or Warlock?
  221. Pala + Mage?
  222. Does everyone have trouble deciding on teams for 5-boxing?
  223. DK Tank Major Glyphs?
  224. 4 BM hunters or 3 BM hunters and a druid?
  225. 10 boxing Everquest....no sex swing
  226. 5-man PVE team (pally, shaman x2, mage priest
  227. DK multi-boxing in instances?
  228. Update 4 box PvE group.
  229. Blood DKs, does aura stack still?
  230. Dk Unholy talent choice
  231. Priest Zethra and Rogue Rhodar - The Sinner and the Saint, A RAF Dual Boxing Story
  232. Best main in mage/lock dual box?
  233. Bear tanks
  234. To Druid multiboxers - represent here!
  235. Hell yes
  236. How beefy is your tank? (non-bear)
  237. Triboxing, pally+pally+mage?
  238. Best 5 mage spec?
  239. 3 moonkins vs 2 moonkin & mage vs 2 moonkin & ele shaman (pally tank, shaman healer)
  240. An old theme : warrior versus paladin and DN
  241. This has been asked before I'm sure...
  242. My mage needs your help
  243. 5xHunters, always so strong or do they flag at later levels?
  244. Will this combo be too complex?
  245. Frostfire Mage - DPS macro
  246. Need idea for my Shaman/Pally duo
  247. Lava Burst/Flame Shock/Flametongue or Lava Burst/Flame Shock/Lightning Bolt?
  248. First time multi boxing: Which combination will prove strongest?
  249. 5 Warriors and/or 5 Rogues?
  250. Warrior and Shaman (and a hello)