- Talent Specs for the Multi-Boxer
- mutli-boxing and rouges
- Shaman elemental (pets), any tips?
- DOGS OF WAR: A Melee Multi-boxing experiement
- 3 Pally + 1 Shaman + X 4/5
- Brainsotrming Combos and Techniques
- 3-4-5 Shaman Talents
- Viability of locks
- Elemental Shaman Stats
- 4 shaman+mage viability in heroics?
- Boosting A Rogue = Easy Mode
- Help my Pally
- Theorycrafting: 10 boxing 10 man raids SOLO?
- Viability New Deathfrost enchant
- Heals: Druid or Priest?
- 3/2 set up...
- Heroics: possible with non-traditional setups?
- 4 locks and a priest
- 3-boxing shamies - quests or instances?
- Which is harder to gear out for a Paladin? Holy or Prot?
- Warlock 4-5 boxers
- For the healz....Shammy or Priest (all 5 mans)?
- desto lock lvl 47 and shadow priest lvl 47, ppl say they cant do dps
- 5 hunters pets
- 5 shaman, or 4 shaman + pally
- 3boxer and dual boxer
- Stealth running heroics with 5 druids?
- 5 Ele Shammys
- WotLK imp scorch
- Instanced Leveling with a Mixed Group
- Shammy Hex new CC! Dont need no mage no more!
- 5th spot... paladin or another shaman?
- Theorycrafting: The best pve 5box group
- Shamans x 4 +.... My new favorite...
- My Pally/Priest/Lock Experience
- Instancing questions for warlocks.
- Dual Boxing Pally/Priest
- 4 x 4 Shammys doing heroic!
- PVE 4 lock specs?
- Multiboxing melee classes
- pally + 4 SP for pve?
- Dual boxing heroics?
- Going back to my mixed classes
- 5th Shaman or a PROT pally
- Best instance to run at 65 with 5 shamans?
- IF you roll druids
- Multiclass - PVE - Non-boosting, RAF leveling - My brain dump about my current leveling experience
- Multiclass PVE group - really seem to be bulldozing the instances.
- Brainstorming on 25 man content - How many boxers would it take.
- 3.0 patch Shaman Talents
- 3.0 Lock Spec and Rotation for PvE
- Best Tri Boxing Combination - PvE
- anyone tried tanking with ret paladin (3.0)?
- totems in 3.0
- 4 shaman at 60, what for a 5th?
- 1 Pally/4 Shaman help
- Think I'll be able to run DM (for warlock mount quest) with 1x shadow priest 4x afflic lock?
- 1x Paladin 1x Disc\Holy Priest 3x Warlocks ? Your thoughts on this please.
- Need help for 5th in Tank/healer and 3x dps team
- Finally I'm level 60... But could use some help.
- WotLK group setup - need your opinion - Thanks
- The 1 Pally 4 Shamen Set up?
- 3.0.2 Prot Paladin Boosting is so much easier!
- Death Knight 5x, Worth it?
- tankadin and 4 ele shamms whats easiest instance for your level?
- [Healer+4xHunters] Pet/Spec Options with WotLK incoming (slightly long)
- RAF duo almost 60 Hellfire quests or instances?
- 3xHunters + Druid ding, 6days 6hours /played
- Should I spec the Druid Resto or a Shammy?
- Coming back for WotLK - What Shammy Build?
- Any Shammy multiboxers notice a DPS decrease after 3.0.x?
- Frostfire unorthodoxy - elementalism and how to spam it
- Pally level 61 and 4 Elemental Shammies level 71
- Spec 1 Shammy resto for WoTLK? Also Totem of the void still needed?
- Could 5 boxing shaman heroics be over?
- So im 75 now heres my big question?
- Tri-box warlocks
- Two 5 man teams all separate classes...
- 5 Box - Mixed Group - Did I gimp myself?
- Multibox 3 shamans, will this hurt our over all raid dps?
- Wow - either shamans do extremely poor DPS or DKs do way too much
- This group works pretty well
- DK Tank, for multiboxers.
- Need healer advice
- Just playing with an idea with Death Knights and transfers ... Possible ? Playable ?
- Elemental shaman dps tests.
- New ele Shammy Changes 3.1
- 4 Mages, 4 hunters, 4 shamans or other?
- 2-box locks-felguard or affliction?
- Pally Tanking Stats?
- my affliction warlock sucks
- Pally vs. DK vs. Warrior or 5th Shaman?
- [WoW] 1 Paladin 4 Shamans or 5 Shamans?
- Stealthy's Gear Guide for Elemental Shamans Lvl 68-80 (Horde)
- What Gear should a Pally and 4 X Elemental Shammies look to get at 80 in order to gear myself to start Heroics?
- Class Makeup Suggestions for Two Multiboxers
- Spare toon team brainstorming
- Lets talk about Death Knights.
- Death Knight 5 boxing
- Does the DK unholy talent to become a ghoul permanently break focus?
- DeathKnight spec from 60-70 with healer
- efficient group composition Q's
- 4shamans or 1moonkin,3 shamans for pvp arena?
- Elemental shaman stat priority
- What kind of stats should elemental shammies and protadin have before entering heroics?
- 3-box pve class makeup, hunter vs warlock for dps slot.
- Shaman vs Pally for Healer?
- Death Knight 3 Elemental Shammys and 1 Resto OR DK and 4 elemental shammys?
- Group Composition?
- Any 5x hunter teams?
- The new 5 box setup that owns
- Mana spring totem has inverse scaling, what's with that?
- Defense for tanks
- Ranged DPS Class Guide
- Update: How the 5x Boomkins are doing
- WoTLK PVE Group Composition
- Caster synergy group
- 1xPally 1xDruid 1xShammy - Help? lol
- Pre heroic tanking checklist/guide
- 2 box ideas
- The New DK changes... Good or Bad?
- A Spec Question.....Leveling and 5-manning in Northrend
- Pally and Druid, Lock, or Mage
- x4 Elemental Shaman + Prot Paladin Tank
- DK - super useless tank
- Is this a good team?
- Resto Druid & Mage Builds for PVE
- 5-Huntard group and level 80 instances?
- What would you say about this team!? :D (4 Boxing)
- What to do with my mistake
- Out of Druid, Warlock, and Pally
- 1pally 4druids
- 3 Mages lvl 70 - Trying to find best spec for dps castsequence
- Rate my Spec/10 ( Shaman Team )
- Problems with picking combo for a 3 +1 setup.
- Debation on a Tri-box composition.
- Paladin vs DK tank, my experience.
- so a lock, a mage, and a priest...
- 2 Hunters which Pets & Questions
- Blood dk
- Asking for help on what class to go with my paladin
- What are good spell/skill combinations for pally + mage?
- So, 5x Elemental Shamans Instancing...
- Ideas for a noob 2 boxer
- [Healer + 4xHunter] WotLK Experiences
- To 2 box 2 70's or 2 box a 70 and an 80 (who is out of group)
- Rogue DPS, Mutilate daggers.
- Need 2 Boxing Help (with RAF)
- how to make paladin - shaman working in pvp? what speccs?
- lock epic mount
- Making the jump to 5x, healer question
- Best WotlK Heroics class choices for 5 box
- 3x or 4x Shamans? Help!
- 3box
- Choosing classes to 2x RAF: Need an advice
- shadow priests groups 4x with a main (warlock, or dk, or something better)
- Hunter levelling - yummy
- BM Hunter Pet Abuse
- Some advice about 5 boxing Druids
- anyone tried 5 druids since wotlk?
- New to boxing WoW
- Your thoughts 5x paladin
- Need advice please!
- Reasto shaman or Holy pally
- Need help with a 2man team, for PvP(will probably get more accounts but 2 is a good start!)
- Warlock spec
- What are shaman groups seeing for DPS in heroics?
- 5x Death Knight Group, any suggested races? Blood Aura stacking == bug?
- 4 deathknights and which healer for pvp and pve?
- 3.0.8 Shaman love (patch today?)
- Is this a crazy group makup?
- My final planned 10-man boxing group
- Battlegrounds : 3DK, 1 enhancement shammy + 1 Resto shammy
- 5 boxing mages leveling HELP!
- Formation of the Holy genitals + Shaman love
- Dualboxing.. which combo??
- what 3x man should i start
- 3 Warlocks, 1 Disc Priest, and what class for tank?
- 2 spriest and a dk / afflic warlock
- Another newbie two box thread.
- playing mutli classes
- 2 man team?
- 2-Boxed Hunter Specs
- Rolled 5 DKs
- Dual box classes?
- Warrior vs Paladin
- Boosting a Deathknight?
- druid + mage spec
- Want to level a DK Tank. (Should I just box 5 or solo him for faster results?)
- Heroic runs 1 DK tank 4 dps shammys or sub out a dps shammy for rest shammy?
- Healing Stream Totem Question
- 4x hunters + shaman
- Shamans go post your totem ideas for bliz!
- Playing Multiple Classes
- triple box rogue
- Guide to DK Tank Gear?
- Prot Pally Boxers - Whats your HP and Defense?
- Elemental Shaman Question - Crit/Hit/Sp
- Group thoughts
- WTB DK Tank Spec
- Shamans "to-do" or Things to get list. Need your input
- MBing DKs (4DKs, 1 druid healer)
- 3.0.8 Shaman choice - improved fire nova totem or +20% flametongue weapon
- 3.0.8 shaman talent build?
- Shaman dps with 3.0.8 - wow
- First impressions of new shaman dps / builds
- Post your DPS increases here!
- How do I calculate the damage output my shamans do at once?
- Tri-boxing Multi-Class Team Composition (Input wanted!)
- Tri Boxing. =D
- Best Boxing group for PvE
- Boxing Team -Sigh- Looking For Suggestions
- New team after Shaman..
- 5 shamans in WoTLK heroics?
- Group constellations
- Druids & Shamans
- Disc/Shadow in PvE
- how to pair these 6 toons
- 5 box paladin team, 1 as a healer, how long am I looking to get to 20ish and start mass AoEing?
- Priest + Warrior or Warlock?
- Pala + Mage?
- Does everyone have trouble deciding on teams for 5-boxing?
- DK Tank Major Glyphs?
- 4 BM hunters or 3 BM hunters and a druid?
- 10 boxing Everquest....no sex swing
- 5-man PVE team (pally, shaman x2, mage priest
- DK multi-boxing in instances?
- Update 4 box PvE group.
- Blood DKs, does aura stack still?
- Dk Unholy talent choice
- Priest Zethra and Rogue Rhodar - The Sinner and the Saint, A RAF Dual Boxing Story
- Best main in mage/lock dual box?
- Bear tanks
- To Druid multiboxers - represent here!
- Hell yes
- How beefy is your tank? (non-bear)
- Triboxing, pally+pally+mage?
- Best 5 mage spec?
- 3 moonkins vs 2 moonkin & mage vs 2 moonkin & ele shaman (pally tank, shaman healer)
- An old theme : warrior versus paladin and DN
- This has been asked before I'm sure...
- My mage needs your help
- 5xHunters, always so strong or do they flag at later levels?
- Will this combo be too complex?
- Frostfire Mage - DPS macro
- Need idea for my Shaman/Pally duo
- Lava Burst/Flame Shock/Flametongue or Lava Burst/Flame Shock/Lightning Bolt?
- First time multi boxing: Which combination will prove strongest?
- 5 Warriors and/or 5 Rogues?
- Warrior and Shaman (and a hello)