View Full Version : General WoW Discussion
- Welcome to!
- General Forum test
- [World of Wacrafft] The Burning Crusade expansion ~!
- How do you guys play ingame
- Interview with 5 boxer
- [WoW] What dual boxing combo do you enjoy the most?
- My 5-box Setup (with pictures)
- My Set up (5-box)
- MultiBox (software)
- Synergy With Broadcasting
- In Game Techniques
- Wanna try something different...(newby:P)
- Question about dual-accounting on one PC...
- Noob who could use a few tips ><
- Compiling the source
- n00bie, please help!
- [WoW] 3x lvl 70!! yay!
- Synergy4Wow
- i cant set up multibox
- My Dual Account Experience: 1 Computer - 1 Monitor
- Hiyas
- Multi-box Error
- Complimenting Classes
- Problem with Follow and directional casting
- Lets talk about keyboard broadcasting for different classes.
- I wish I had found this board 2 weeks ago!
- List your Multi-box setup...
- Macro Thread
- Need a new dual-box project...
- Hello there!
- OpenGL and WoW
- [WoW] Arena games are now live!
- PvP! Or in other words "Ow, mommy, it hurts!"
- Do you grind?
- multibox problem
- Team Snapshot
- Need some advise on new PC.
- 5 accounts, 1 comp/monitor
- quick question about a dual boxing pair
- hello new to MBing
- Using multibox and chatting.
- A big thanks to Micah for this multiboxing tool
- Hi ya'll
- eve online
- Powerleveling Advice
- Auto reply people who whisper toons that are not the main.
- a dumb question =)
- What server are you on?
- Dual boxing and your guild...
- Can not get Multibox to work.
- EQ2 People speak up!
- Looking for a certain program.
- Multibox and Vista
- Keystroke Broadcasting apps.
- multibox help
- Multi-Box on Linux?
- WoW: Vazruden the Herald
- WoW Vet, multi-boxing n00b - Thanks!
- Synergy Bug
- Oldtimer in 4-boxing
- Getting into full realms?
- My WoW Dual Boxing
- Preparing to buy hardware, need some advice
- Software Setups
- Key Broadcasting Against the EULA for WoW?
- How many using Synergy?
- Multi box help.
- Monitor Mounts?
- Has anyone tried movement key broadcasting?
- Using Multibox and Autohotkey simultaneously
- Dual-boxing with one computer, 2 monitors
- Vanguard
- I'm Buying In!
- Multibox client connect latency
- Has anyone been banned?
- WoW Group setup
- Multi boxing with 2 accounts on 1 pc for LOTRO
- Multibox question: Shift key not working.
- Multiboxing - Arena Competition
- PvP Groups - What about builds?
- Anyone help a n00b :)
- newbie question for 2 boxing
- LOLCoil x4 + Pets + DoTs + AoE Healing + 5x AoE Fears = Win?
- KVM Switches?
- Dual box with 2 clients on one PC?
- So...All I want...
- WoW Macros for power leveling characters (dual)
- WoW Macro - Quest Accepting (simulate right clicking)
- My Hardware...Can I dual or tri box? Please help.
- So I'm going to triple box...
- Triple Boxing on one PC Hardware/Software Help
- Not working with Vista?
- Best Healbot Class in WoW
- 5 boxing 5 classes
- WoW and Autofollow
- Synergy - Mouse Look Solution
- I cant stay logged in on both acct for than 1 min tops WoW
- Weird "Sticky Key" problem with Synergy
- First time Dual Boxer
- I am ready to begin
- Disconnect problem since patch
- MultiBox Modified Version
- 10 Boxing - Dual Boxing Two Zins Arrays - Ideas?
- Dual-Boxing How-to, please!
- Losing /Focus in WoW
- Disconnect problem?
- opposite of /petattack
- New to this --WOW accounts question
- Most Enjoyable 2 class setup?
- 1 Mouse - 2 Cursors? Possible?
- GM post confirming Multiboxing being legitimate
- 5 Shaman
- Main page needs an update - want on the cover?
- EQ Boxers? box some raid content on Nameless with me :)
- "Official" Multiboxing Wiki
- 5 boxing - Need some advice
- Battery Backup - Prevent Reboots / Crashes
- Dual-Logging WoW problem
- Ethics
- WoW 5box groups
- WoW 3box groups
- Alledged Synergy4wow Problem... FIXED!
- Possible to broadcast only CERTAIN keys?
- Trinket Redesign
- Common Interests / Backgrounds / etc? Why do YOU multibox?
- Looking for an addon
- AutoHotkey: need help
- Warhammer: Age of Reckoning
- Joysticks
- 5-boxing Instance Mechanics
- Somethings money can't buy...
- WoW - where to multi-box by level ?
- WoW 5 Boxing - which is best class to use 5 of
- Disconnect / Autofollow Woes? Report em here.
- Your host OS?
- Best PvP 5 Box Combo? Poll!
- Character Lag
- Duo names :)
- Vista (Server crashes)
- Need help: Dual Boxing on one PC
- New, looking for advice.
- Suggestions on triple-boxing WOW
- Warhammer
- My PvE 5 Box Blog
- Stopping Autofollow
- New to the scene help needed
- G15 - Sending only 'G' keys
- Shameless self promotion - Digg this site.
- Dual boxing wow
- Advice on 3+ boxing
- 5 boxing in Kara
- Blizz Con
- Dual Boxing as built in feature
- Mouse "Cage" - How to keep a mouse on one half of
- WoW at 3479 x 2647 Resolution
- 10 Boxing Operational - Mostly!
- Account banned ?
- Everquest : Advice needed for 4-Boxing ;)
- Newb with a Question
- 5 boxing - Instance leveling - need class advice
- Need leveling suggestion
- Software dual-boxing WoW issues. Ideas?
- Post Your Multibox UI
- Triple boxing using wireless keyboards.
- What do you guys do about the attention.
- new dual box setup advice appreciated
- Key Clone - A non free AutoHotKey/Multibox style program?
- Key Clone - An AutoHotKey AND Multibox style program
- Best class to pair with a warlock for dual boxing?
- Powerlevelling + 2 boxing?
- MultiBoxing - controls
- /Follow UI Mod
- More than 120 buttons... is possible!
- Voice activation for 2 boxing?
- Well I did it!
- Creating a 5 box setup. Need advice
- NEW - 8 Port Vetra Keyboard Multicaster
- Best 2box pvp combo? (WoW)
- Hardware Requirements
- Dual shaman blog
- Again: looking for an addon
- Which would be faster leveling wise.
- yet another post in wow forums
- autohotkey help
- Main page finally updated
- 2 boxing questions
- Dual boxing: Double or Big
- Auto Hotkey Dual Box Code
- How fast do you level dual boxing? WoW
- Need a little bit of help with Synergy
- Multiboxing Question
- Keyclone.
- Keypress stuck
- Whats the best program for sending limited keystrokes?
- Running three instances of wow on one PC.
- Issues with Vista
- Dual Boxing noob
- Pro / Con of 2 computers vs 2 windows in 1 screen
- Question about using the mouse w/ Vetra while 3+ boxing.
- Duel Boxing Questions/Survey
- [Video] - Skydiving from 100,000 feet.
- New to dual-boxing
- Priest / Warlock Best Method?
- Boxing WoW Account Question
- Question about running 2 WoW accounts on the same PC
- 3 multicore cpus doing something different
- Boxing 2 Accounts on 1 PC
- Need suggestions on PC arrangement
- question about wow multiboxing team
- Vetra question about sening every keystroke.
- Just starting
- Having trouble with autohot key
- Auto Hotkey Script?
- low framerate with two monitors
- Disconnects on alts...
- G15 AND Nostromo send to multi windows like AHK?
- 2 Monitors, 1 graphics card
- Wow won't let me Move
- wow
- Think I understand my setup, please critique
- EQ2 and using AHK
- 5-box for PvP and PvE: Possible with warlock/priest?
- Best class to pair with a 70 Mage for first time dual-box?
- some advice on 2boxing
- Virtual machines for multiboxing?
- Newb questions
- Hey all
- There a way/command line to trigger talk on NPC?
- In my opinion, AHK is illegal.
- Magtheridon - US - The Multiboxer Server
- Dual Box DPS positioning help
- Mail change in WoW
- Caster DPS Positioning
- Voice Commander
- 5 Boxing Shamans - Quests or Instances?
- WoW chat issue
- AHK help
- Any tips for tweaking load times?
- New to the scene
- Class combo
- AHK - Multi-Boxing Script
- Some questions
- 10boxing (PVE only)
- Paladin + Shaman WoW DualBox Blog (PVE)
- A humble request on the keyboard-esque device reviews....
- a problem
- In depth how-to for Synergy?
- Synergy VS Multibox
- My first day of Dualboxing
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