View Full Version : New Multi-Boxers & Support

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  1. Multiboxing Wiki - My 5 (Now 10!) Boxing WoW Writeup
  2. Simple Dual Boxing FAQ / Wiki
  3. [WoW] Dual-Boxing Powerleveling Class Guide
  4. Macro's for New Multiboxers - A Quick Start Reference
  5. FIRST
  6. Keyclone - The basics
  8. How to Box 5 accounts (or 2 or 3 or 4) with ONE computer:
  9. Video Charts - Comparing Relative Power of Video Cards
  10. Video Card question
  11. New boxer
  12. All my guns at once
  13. Keyclone help Please - Multi Boxing
  14. Another Beginner Question
  15. HW multicaster question
  16. PAID up license key
  17. PvE 2 man team
  18. Dual boxing in instances
  19. New Boxer.. got a few questions
  20. What combo makes for good&fun pvp
  21. Boxing 3-6toons In Everquest2
  22. 5 accounts setup
  23. Hello new kid on the block.
  24. New to dual WoW accounts
  25. Need Boxing advice please
  26. How does this 5-man look for PVE - Instances
  28. How my Warrior/Shaman duo works at 61. (Very basic)
  29. 2 Accounts: Help, please!
  30. Question: Movement Keyclone and looting
  31. Will this work?
  32. Plans for a 5-Box WoW Arena Warlock PvP Setup
  33. Some help for a noob
  34. 5-Box setup on one PC
  35. How to Box 5 accounts (or 2 or 3 or 4) with ONE computer
  36. for deletion
  37. Effectiveness of adding a 3rd to war/shm or rog/shm? (PVP)
  38. Rate my Rig (proposed Rig for 4 boxing setup)
  39. Symetry 3-box or 2-box
  40. Just started 5 boxing trial have some basic questions
  41. Completely New Boxer
  42. Threats of Reporting
  43. pve team whats the best set up for main?
  44. Thinking of starting
  45. Beginner needs help, movement
  46. Alternative to KeyClone?
  47. Good Enough for 3+ Computers?
  48. The Sticky
  49. Which spec for my warlocks?
  50. Keyclone
  51. copy's of wow
  52. Help me on dual boxing please
  53. New here, advice needed
  54. Buying Copies of WOW
  55. New here and question on simply running an alt
  56. Beginner Buyer Guide
  57. Community Guidelines - Read Before Posting
  58. Buying Keyclone
  59. Dual maybe Tri-boxing Help
  60. mac specs for 5 box
  61. Keyclone (NEWB)
  62. DAoC+nostromo= need help dual logging
  63. Holy Nova Explosion - 2 mages 1 priest
  64. Deciding on how to level...
  65. Help me getting started with 2 accounts in WoW
  66. Keyclone freezes when i try to get a licence.
  67. Dualboxing 3acc same pc. I need help.
  68. Keyclone in Australia
  69. Linux <->windows synergy problem. Beginner needs help!
  70. I need some help!?!
  71. New to this. Will be using MacPro Dual 2.66 Xenon
  72. 2 char boxing?
  73. Loading WoW in weird resolution - how do I do it?
  74. Problems with Maximizer
  75. Suggestions on getting 2/3/4 accounts?
  76. Some help would be nice
  77. Nvidia + Vista Ultimate = Dual-view only? 'n how 2 script?
  78. Choosing betweenusing two or 5 machines
  79. Hello
  80. Going for three, some insight appreciated
  81. Totaly new: Autohotkey?
  82. whispers?
  83. 2 accts. on One monitor and PC
  84. 4 accts, one monitor in 1600x1200, how to setup maximizer?
  85. [NEW] Hello
  86. multi-box folow problems plz help :)
  87. Need help with WoW Maximizer
  88. 5-boxing setup
  89. 2box problems
  90. Question about maximizer
  91. 2-Boxing Beginner: Help me get started w/ Warrior/Healer
  92. 2-Boxing: Help me get setup (Tank/Healer)
  93. Levelling Question
  94. Maximized window?
  95. Questions about keycloning and EQ2 / DAOC
  96. Priest Healer (ubuntu linux) Druid tank (Windows XP)combo
  97. Just a quick hello
  98. Many Beginners question.
  99. keyclone 3-"box" problem (or crappy computer?)
  100. i bet it has been ask before and i did try to do a search
  101. Need some advices Im very new...
  102. Beginner questions: Synchronous/asynchronous char control
  103. Pondering makeup - New to multiboxing, but multiple chars
  104. new set up
  105. Simple Question
  106. Hmm Maximizer ?
  107. maximizer
  108. Proplem with maximizer
  109. 5-(Fe)male team for instances
  110. Two locks and Priest... seems to be going ok, spec questions
  111. Awesome!!!
  112. Whats the best 5v5 character setup for leveling?? and why!
  113. 4 WoW, 1 Comp, how do I get all to move as one?
  114. Dual Shaman question/problem
  115. 2v2 Dual boxed shaman team?
  116. Is there a way to run Muti wow windows min
  117. Minimalistic 2 boxing (With AHK)
  118. Two accounts one computer
  119. Question for WOW update!!
  120. [Question] do I need Keyclone if I run on one comp?
  121. 3 Boxing
  122. Latency
  123. sorry to be a newbie :p
  124. Weird Maximizer Problem with 2 screens
  125. Problem running 2 wow copys
  126. Maximizer resize help
  127. Anyone have any luck getting keyclone to work with DAOC?
  128. Dual Boxing, and how I do it (a work in progress)
  129. Odd problem need some advice
  130. lag when running 2x wow higher than...
  131. Shaman: Need to know/make sure, which buffing totems stack.
  132. can anyone help me setting up Octopus?
  133. Synergy vs Multibox
  134. Professions for 5-box party? Matters?
  135. 3 boxing 1 computer
  136. Setting up 5 WoW's on one Screen?
  137. Just finished 5x19 vs VC!
  138. Looking for a solution, I dont think keyclone is it though..
  139. First-time Dual boxer needs info
  140. Warrior + Shadow priest
  141. Hey, Need Help!
  142. First Set Up?
  143. Problems with Keyclone and Maximizer
  144. What Spells to use?
  145. Rearange your party order?
  146. Need help with loot
  147. Newbie
  148. Guide to getting Keyclone to work with EQ2
  149. Leveling Question?
  150. What do you do when your "main" dies?
  151. Priest Stacking.....
  152. How do you pick up quest items?
  153. Can I Dual box with my current setup?
  154. no cursor with maximizer enabled
  155. Brand new "Boxer"
  156. Using Ventrilo PTT key with KeyClone or Octopus
  157. New team of three Shaman, got some related questions
  158. With three sessions a triangle of windows is so convienent
  159. What Combo to go for?
  160. Can this be done?
  161. How do you dungeon?
  162. First time Dual Boxer!
  163. I need help making codes for Dual-Box WoW
  164. Just wondering...
  165. Finally! Key config Question
  166. Maximizer not working properly?
  167. maximizer
  168. Ready ,Set,....
  169. Looking for Assistance
  170. Idea For Looting Quest Items
  171. Horizontal Span vs Dual View on nvidia
  172. Vista showing RAM at 3GB but have 4GB
  173. Levelling with main hunter
  174. Is there a way to put one box in attack mode without
  175. Poor performance in windowed mode
  176. Keyclone Question
  177. Keyclone, Maximizer, and buffer space
  178. New System - Multiboxing Limits(single system setup)
  179. Vista and F3
  180. Full screen ?
  181. Setting Wow Affinity for processors ?
  182. Brand new, need help
  183. After 7 or 8 hours of going through these forums i got nada
  184. [KC] Idiots guide to affinity?
  185. Turning in completed Quests - Question
  186. Specs for my laptop kinda choppy
  187. Keyclones maximizer feature
  188. Presets/Profiles?
  189. A word of thanks
  190. Taskbar
  191. Creating a keyclone command.
  192. Better resolution in main and clone screens
  193. New Dual Boxer upgrade
  194. is my keyclone bugged?
  195. Christmas Present.
  196. Duel - boxing?
  197. Keyclone and WTF am I doing wrong
  198. Keyclone/Maximizer Ponderings (NOT A NEED-HELP POST)
  199. Need help!
  200. New Guy with all the same issues
  201. need help - wow maximizer
  202. keyclone issues (+ various questions)
  203. Keyclone dual-monitor
  204. Help: Trying to 3 Maximizer with Connecting 3 WoW Commands
  205. Wow Maximizer batfile issues.
  206. Dual boxing 1 computer 2 monitors
  207. Command to stop following and begin casting?
  208. Suggestion We need One
  209. Looking for help Dual-Boxing a different game.
  210. 1 Computer + 2Accounts/2 Monitors=2 boxing?
  211. Keyclone maximizer working but have some questions
  212. Help with monitor Setup
  213. New to Dual-boxing.com, ideas and advice!
  214. A Question About 3rd Party Programs And WoW's EULA
  215. Beggining Questions
  216. Tri-box? or 5-box
  217. A new challange?
  218. 2 Questions (Keyclone+2box formation)
  219. Wanted: Duel/Triple boxer EU.
  220. A Question to Bradster
  221. Questions about Dual Boxing on 1 PC
  222. Hi, new guy starting out
  223. WoW copies, single, multi, HDDs, raid
  224. Starting My 5-boxing-Team NEED Suggestions!
  225. Leveling with a duo..
  226. New To DBing need some quick tips Please
  227. Just started
  228. Question - Dual Boxing Different classes
  229. Stupid Newb Question
  230. Attempting to 2-box on one computer
  231. new to this
  232. Using different classes
  233. Movement
  234. [EQ2] Classes?
  235. Mage AoE 2 box question.
  236. Keyclone purchase of 2 or 1
  237. New Boxer
  238. Druid / Warlock
  239. Is it possible to remove the chatbox default interface?
  240. Mulitboxing Class Selection FAQ
  241. Opening Two windows on Mac??
  242. Quick Question about Keyclone
  243. Maximiser / UI question
  244. Which version of Windows Vista ?
  245. Drain life, Drain Soul
  246. Keyclone question
  247. Setup Keyclone 2 Computers 2 Accounts
  248. Possible to Box 2 warriors & a pally?
  249. Prot Pally +4 Priests (Shadow or Holy Nuke?)
  250. thinking of going 3-4 box, need thoughts.