View Full Version : EverQuest
- EQ2 3Box- Where to start?
- EQ2-What server?
- EQ2: Main Tank (MT) Selection Guide
- EQ2 Macro Guide
- EQ2: Use exixting 80 Warlock to mentor or start afresh
- OK, so been boxing EQ2 for a few months now.. Looking to get more advanced with KC/IS
- EQ2: Rough guide to the amount of AAs to aim for (end game)
- EQ2: Rough guide to race selection
- EQ2 - 4 Box Viable for Kunark Instance?
- EQ2 - Class Comparison Reference
- EQ2: Updated Wiki
- EQ2 - New 6 boxer
- EQ2: Best way to use RAF to start 10 new accounts.
- EQ2 - Kunark Instances (Shadowknight as MT)
- Heading back to EQ2 to multi-box - could use some general advice
- Contemplating EQ2
- [EQ2] Khatovar, Frosty and others.... You really did it now! (plus some EQ2 tidbits)
- EQ2: Guardian AA's for boxing
- EQ2: Hotbars and bind keys
- EQ2: x2 Raid content
- EQ2 : some weird things
- EQ2 - Multiple Classes
- EQ2 - Server population
- EQ2: Game updates
- EQ2: Don't like the new follow changes? Make it heard on SoE
- EQ2: Class Selection charts and information
- EQ + EQ2 welcomed here!!
- How to: EQ2 and Innerspace
- Other threads:
- Logitech G15 and Everquest 1
- Your Group Setup and why
- Multi-boxing the Flu
- Welcome Scream
- RAF all jacked up for me
- Sooo Wow is dead to me... How is Eq2?
- Guild Halls
- EQ2 Trial questions
- Anyone getting some massive multiboxing hate in EQ2?
- Sure is quiet in here today...
- Ugh..Transmuting
- INC -----> New hardware for 6 boxing. (OC progress update)
- How hard is it to swap in a new character into the mix?
- Hotfix for Autofollow issues
- Epic x2 / x3 are super fun
- EQ2: Never Boxed EQ2. Checklist?
- Do you use a custom UI? Which one? and Why?
- Invite to Nektulos Guild?
- Guardian Vs ShadowKnight
- How many?
- 70-80 is slowwwww
- Just hit 80 and thinking about completely revamping my class layout
- shadowknight AA general build question
- Easier AA in GU52
- Just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and say thank you.
- Spell Icon's background color
- Betrayal quest!
- Splitpaw Instance
- [EQ2] All Melee Team
- [EQ2/IS] Virtual Files Issue
- Casting Rotations / Maximizing DPS as a multiboxer
- New to EQ2
- notes on Obelisk of Ahkzul
- notes on Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep
- Coming back to EQ2 - 3-box options
- New EQ2 boxer,can't copy waypoint innerspace/boxer
- [EQ2] RAF XP Bonus Duration?
- Oops, I'm leveling at normal speed!
- keyclone?... eq2
- multi-box friendly raids?
- RAF mount exp.
- A few things I noticed about leveling and gear.
- Stop Playing!!!
- Observations on life in Norath - part 1
- Observations on life in Norath - part 2
- Am I understanding round robin correctly?
- Change EQ2 Auto Follow Distance?
- Steam sale, EQ2 all-in-one pack (all expansions and packs) for $9.99 this weekend only (ending 6/14)
- [EQ2] New Multiboxer Questions
- Sooo. Do any of you guys actually like EQ 2's graphics and art style?
- 3-boxing to 6-boxing...need assistance
- Considering adding more...
- EQ2 performance
- Good dungeon spots 50 and onwards?
- What? Another group composition thread? Ridiculous.
- Do you guys mind sharing your Macros / methodology?
- Interface add-ons that help with Multi-boxing
- Sooo, Whats the skinny on questing??
- i am bored then...
- Anyone box on the PVP server?
- Greetings from a lurker!
- Considering coming back to EQ2 to multibox ............
- Which software to use? Dual boxing newbie.
- Picking tradeskills...
- EQ1 ui/plugin?
- Troubleshooting EQ2 - Help needed please
- 360 Controller Software?
- [Everquest] Advice needed on dual-boxing with a Dirge
- AA Strategy with Auto Mentor Inc
- I7 + full group?
- Keymaps in EQ2 have to be character specific?
- [Everquest] wanting to start to box
- EQ1 Question regards to KeyClone Setup
- Hello and thank you
- Tips for levelling in EQ2 2-boxing
- AAxp Slider did not make it into GU35
- Keyclone Q?
- [EQ2] Boxing with a DoT Class?
- Permafrost Server and why do you Box?
- Question about EQ Music
- anybody notice how
- Portrait-mode monitors
- [EQ2] DPS? Sustainability?
- Macro 3 spells or more
- Adding a 6th
- Recruit a friend ...
- Your Boxed Guild
- Team selection help
- Everquest 2 boxing
- Help with an epic mob in The Living Tombs
- Getting bored with WoW
- Petitioning and warnings
- Status of memory leaks and system requirements
- Charm Macro.
- [Everquest] EQ2.. Keyclone or ISboxer?
- [Everquest] Cross server PvP Battlegrounds
- [Everquest] The simultaneous sending of keystrokes is considered illegal in EQ2...
- EQ2 ISBoxer Help
- 3-boxing
- EQ2 Switch
- Software help for a newb!
- Didnt EQ2 say they were against Multiboxing?
- Hey all. New to EQ2 and Boxing.
- [EQ1] Character purge/server merge incomming
- [Everquest] EQII going Free-To-Play, sort of .........
- Looking for advice on 6 box team (EQ2)
- Everquest 1 6 boxing Question
- EQ2E and ISboxer?
- 3 or 4 boxing eq2X
- Multiboxing Guilds
- controlling team problem
- [Everquest] Fippy Darkpaw
- [Everquest] 2nd Window Hanging/Freezing
- Anyone help me get keyclone working with eq
- [Everquest] Any Everquest 2 Players use Innerspace?
- Can't figure out how to get going
- Any Splitpaw Boxers Active on Here?
- EverQuest group makeup suggestion
- My Quest to EQ2 dual boxing
- [Everquest] Boxing 6 on Freeport
- EQ2 & Innerspace - Mouse Clicking
- Thinking of going back to EQ need help
- EQ Guild on Time Lock
- [Everquest] Back to EQ1 - 2 New Teams - Feedback Sought
- [Everquest] EQ Team
- [Everquest] Crude Defiant
- Tank Weapons
- EQ2 Boxing
- [Everquest] What version do I buy?
- [Everquest] Looking for a friend? Three box?
- [Everquest] Can I get someone to set me up with a RAF?
- [Everquest] What to add to my current 3?
- Re: Setup - EQ1
- Starting to MB EQ2
- Looking for Folks on EQ2 Nagafen Pvp
- EQ2 3-boxing and class choices
- Dungeon Finder
- [Everquest] I found all my old EQ passwords today.....
- Isboxer in EQ2 issue.
- Starting 3box teams on EQ and EQ2!
- [EQ2] Starting to 3box - Class suggestions and general questions
- Returning to 6-boxing, curious about classes
- [Everquest] Keyclone EQ1 Setup
- EQ2 Dungeon Finder group queue broken?
- EQ2 Server? Team?
- [Everquest] ultra newb question about EQ2
- [Everquest] how to setup the target slot x and inner space for EQ2
- [Everquest] 4 box conposition
- EQ2 optimal class setup
- Dungeons are massive - enjoy the crawl
- [Other] EQ2: Tri-Box BLs
- 3 box composition suggestion
- They really need to put a sale on the expansions... Bit of a road block
- Was a little concerned EQ1 had a higher pop than EQ2..
- [Everquest] EQ2 they actually fixed stuff I complained about
- New element to PvE fights in EQ2
- Anyone boxing EQ1?
- EQ2 Healer
- [Everquest] Double Cash Weekend
- [Everquest] Heroic bosses.. kinda tough
- EQ2 tips and tricks { MUST READ }
- (EQ2) Some advice needed for boxing w/ISBoxer
- [Everquest] EQ2 - How far will 2 boxing get you?
- [EQ2] Healing Strategies questions
- EQ2 .. Get to 20 the lazy way
- EQ2 macro question
- [EQ2] Broadcast Delay Issue - ISBoxer
- [Everquest] Blue Dragon Magi?
- [Everquest] EQ2 - Double XP Weekend
- Is this good for 6 boxing?
- EQ1/EQ2 LON loot cards tip
- Starting up a 3 box + mercenaries
- [Everquest] EQ2 FPS issues with multiple clients running
- EQ2 - A Few New Tips
- [Everquest] Brad McQuaid returns to EQ1
- [Everquest] Perks of playing EQ1 Test Server
- [EQ2] EU MB friendly Guild?
- Questions from EQ2 Noob
- [EQ2] Fun content recommendations
- EQ2 Guild/Housing interface changes
- [Everquest] EQ1 - Want to start playing on Live (been playing on Progression)
- [Everquest] EQ1, 3 months, no harassment
- [EQMac] New multiboxing tool for PC (eqw)
- [EQ2] Purchase High Level Characters!
- 6 Boxing in EQ2 and effectiveness of class setup
- Newly Released EverQuest Expansion: Call of the Forsaken
- [Everquest] [EQ1] 6 Box question: Shaman/Bard, or Cleric/Enchanter, or....?
- Effectiveness of mercs vs box classes
- [Everquest] LAG with macros and Inner Space
- EQ1: Levelling up DPS
- [Everquest] Eq2 question about dungeon difficulty
- All services half price this weekend
- EQ2: Tears of Veeshan Expansion - November 12th
- EQ1 Producer's letter
- EQ1 Group Exp potions half price
- [Everquest] [EQ I] Anyone on the Test Realm?
- I'll Trade Station Cards for WoW game time.
- [Everquest] EQ1, Keeping a character in a certain slot.
- EQ2 - gear for 90-95
- [EQ2] SK + Warlock + (Dirge or Fury)?
- EverQuest: Hate Rising - January 22!
- [Everquest] Saving UIs for each account
- [Everquest] EQ1 Test Patch "AA Granting to 85"
- EQ2 Team Setup and Potential
- [EQ2] Came across this post
- [Everquest] [EQ2] can't win up
- [Everquest] Eq1 free level 85 per account on Test
- [Everquest] Everquest Landmark beta keys
- [EQ1] Question on J5 merc mission, old way
- [EQ2] Question on boxing latest/recent content in EQ2
- [EQ2] ToV or not ToV
- EverQuest: The Darkened Sea - Nov. 11, 2014
- [eq1] Nostalgia hard
- [EQ2] Altar of Malice
- [Other] EQ2 3 box w/ Mercs question
- [EQ2] Anyone farm Skyshrine or HKC
- [Everquest] 2-box Necro - Rogue
- Is EQII Blocking Dual Boxing Now?
- [Everquest] Boxing help
- [EQ2] New Progression Server
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