View Full Version : Macros and Addons
Pages :
- Useful multi-boxing macros
- Automaton - UI Mod
- WoW Addon for Saving Character Setup?
- Healbot - great mod for multibox priests
- Heal macro
- UI addons
- showing /focus of party memebers
- Assist trouble
- How do i asign x targets to y alts using focus?
- Spreading out?
- Out of focus
- AddOn to follow your variable MainChar
- Macro Question
- Macro help
- Mage and Lock castsequences
- Shammie Heal Macro Help
- Looking for an X-Keys Pro .xkp file
- Need a tip for a cc macro involving focus
- 3 questions: mouse buttons/stop follow/channeling
- Macro Question
- melee macro's
- Soulstone macro for a 4xlock 1x priest team.
- The Macro Codex
- [WoW]Problem with macros and genarally making things work.
- Single CPU - Multi boxing accomplished.
- The Addon Codex
- Generic Healing Macro
- Macro Question - using CTRL to target different people?
- Several Macro Questions
- pally buff macro
- [WoW] Soulstone reminder
- [WoW] Follow Spacing setting/addon?
- Q: Frames, Xzin uses - whats this?
- Actionbar question
- pet attack
- Macro Question [2]
- Pitbull Updated!
- Moving action buttons
- [WoW] Clique bug with unitframes addons
- do I need to do something special to get mouseover to work
- Looking for addon to select specific Battle Ground
- Hunter supporting various others.... (level 70 "safety&
- Omen threat meter
- help please: looting quest items?
- are there plug ins to alert you when someone whispers?
- WoW: Targeting macro - idea and questions for making it work
- Spread Out Macros / Formations
- anyway to make alt skin targeted corpse?
- i need some macro help.
- Got some good Multiboxing Macros? Post them here...
- Do you keep a smaller set of addons for your alts?
- Raid Symbols
- Is there a /stopfollow command?
- Neat Macro I finally got working
- Quest automation
- Running with a backup healer
- Smart Buff
- 1-button macro's for Pally tanking
- Better alternative to healing than /focus or /target?
- Help: Multiple targets - any idea?
- Script Question
- Healing Script?
- Hellfire broke?
- Melee Macro
- Help - Keyclone is not passing SHIFT/CTRL
- XKeys won't pass SHIFT+ or CTRL+ - Help plz?
- Turn In addon
- macro help
- /assist
- The leading char dies and the toons get unmovable
- Castsequence macro question
- Conditional assist macro?
- all in one macro.
- multiboxing sct?
- Help with a general macro.
- Mage Polymorph
- What is "Focus"
- Tracking Addon
- Macro help
- target=focusfocus?
- Targeting through the party
- if then else
- AcceptResurrection no longer working
- Using Itemids For Food and Drink
- Group Looting Mod???
- Warrior main in 5 box, how to heal?
- Skinning macro
- Looting...
- Can someone help with a macro for my locks?
- Facing target macro?
- Question About Fundamental Approach Trade-offs
- Turn off Follow?
- Formation Macros?
- Whats wrong? /cast [modifier:alt] Drain soul; shoot
- "Am I feared" in macro?
- Fireball w/ Polymorph Macro
- Chatting, Tells, Replies & Dual Boxing
- very small group accept annoyance
- Stop following command?
- Question about this Macro for remove Disease/Poison/Curse
- Any working Macro-extending addons out there?
- Cast Sequence Implied Targeting
- Warlock Pet Healing
- Macro for Trading?
- About castsequence macro command
- Queueing AV
- Priest Macro's/addon question
- Plz need HELP with Loot Macro
- 2Box Toolkit - TOS Question
- Castsequence reset times
- Setting a New Leader Upon Death
- Tells = Heals?
- More macros or buttons? Trinity Bars 2 to the rescue.
- Keyclone white list thingy/problem with shift states
- creatte food / water on a mage auto give it out / blizzard?
- Action Bar Question
- Macro to buff myself with AI, then secondary
- About Morganti's sticky
- MAIN priest TOON Pally
- Scrolling Battle Text for Party Damage?
- Flyng mount /following
- using cooldown buffs with spells
- Character selector
- Looking for suggestions for compilations for alt box's
- Count Items
- Mouseovers?
- Need Serious Macro help
- Blizzard, Pet freeze on a drone
- Noob macro questions
- Warlock Macro
- autoloot ?
- how to macro targeted spells (like Blizz or Rein of Fire)
- any addon that shows party members GCD
- Target Rotation Macro
- Mage Flamestrike
- Wand Shooting and target=focustarget problem
- problem with skinning macro for alt
- Key Binding
- Mage/Hunter combo question
- Looking for a pretty specific type of addon
- castsequence for modifier laden macro
- nochannel and target in macro?
- Suggest a better castsequence?
- Distance conditional?
- Explain please :)
- LF auto-assist macro!
- Auto accept BG starts?
- Need help with a few macros:
- Way to Align Camera angles in WoW?
- Frostbolt+Trinket Macro?
- XP Printed out to party chat for your alts
- Macros when not partying
- Help with druid macro
- Hunter Macro? (Macro + Keyclone)
- bongos and druids
- Anyone know of an addon that can ...
- Conditional Macros
- Stop moving to cast spell..
- Blink->Follow macro.
- Need some help with a macro =/
- Help, my guy just keeps walking...
- healing macro
- What is wrong with this hunters mark macro?
- Click Cast possible?
- Core set of macros for 5 boxing Pally and Shammy?
- Is there a /stopfollow macro?
- Complete list of conditonals?
- Mass emergency sheeping
- Focus macro problem
- blizzard spell targeting macro thing
- Switch Focus Macro?
- Keybind extension
- Can't find macro, help please.
- Addon that can broadcast cooldowns.
- Looking for Mod to deal with Gankers
- Skin Macro??
- Changing loot options?
- Base/Root Macro editor for multiple accounts?
- Castsequence question
- Group equipment monitor?
- Second character not turning around to attack target.
- Shaman Healing Rotation
- Transferring Addon Settings Between Accounts
- Blood elf Racial ability
- Sigh...why did I bother?
- Macro Woes: Single-Target Healing Uses a Lot of Space
- Quest Tracking, Navigation, Etc
- Question about targeting
- Frostnova macro's
- Multi-character inventory?
- Script for Talking to NPC
- How to get macro/key bindings to 'stick'
- How hard would it be to...
- how to merge firelock/firemage
- Need complex macro assistance
- Something that can heal tank if he sends whispers?
- can you mind non-standard asci characters to macros...
- Casting Macro -help me! :(
- Trinity2 and infinite macros
- [target=focustarget] issues / healing setup
- Macro noobie needing some pointers
- Raid Icons
- Couple of addons/macros im searching for..
- BuyEmAll mod
- cast sequence macro with different targets?
- Macro Problems
- Macro help please new come'er
- Macro Sequencing Mod - Amazing for multiboxing
- Bongo bars and Pitbull
- attack macro
- twoboxtoolkit error?
- Basic Shaman macro set-up and help.
- Basic/Advanced Shaman macro set-up and help.
- Anyone whos using a 5 different class setup
- Cast Sequence Help
- think I did something wrong
- .. /follow (groupleader)
- Focus Macro Not Working as Expected
- Party Casting Bars Under each name
- Condensing My Macro's
- Debuff and blast macro
- is this right
- Party frame mod that shows players xp
- Mod to show entire parties damage in the SCT?
- Not enough macros!
- Simple emote macro...
- Emergency movement with AutoHotkey
- Any Vendor Value shower macro?
- How to set focus
- Can't quite give up Discord...
- Synced group layout add on?
- Command to disable errors in a macro?
- Looking for a task .. if unit death..
- Very Very basic add-on .. when a spell fails, says why in party chat...
- The Best Addon for WoW you can get.
- Lifebar addon used by Allay and such to make less gfx on screen?
- When main gets polymorphed my macro's screw up.. any suggestions?
- when your main dies
- Tri mage Casting Frost Nova in Macro Codex
- Assist Macro...
- Conditional assist?
- Comprehensive List of all possible keybindings for WoW
- stressful pvp-situations: heal und dps at the same time
- A warning if follow breaks
- Warlock autoseduce macro
- Macro expert???....try and figure this one out!
- Mage Blink Macro?
- Focus-free assist
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