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  1. Useful multi-boxing macros
  2. Automaton - UI Mod
  3. WoW Addon for Saving Character Setup?
  4. Healbot - great mod for multibox priests
  5. Heal macro
  6. UI addons
  7. showing /focus of party memebers
  8. Assist trouble
  9. How do i asign x targets to y alts using focus?
  10. Spreading out?
  11. Out of focus
  12. AddOn to follow your variable MainChar
  13. Macro Question
  14. Macro help
  15. Mage and Lock castsequences
  16. Shammie Heal Macro Help
  17. Looking for an X-Keys Pro .xkp file
  18. Need a tip for a cc macro involving focus
  19. 3 questions: mouse buttons/stop follow/channeling
  20. Macro Question
  21. melee macro's
  22. Soulstone macro for a 4xlock 1x priest team.
  23. The Macro Codex
  24. [WoW]Problem with macros and genarally making things work.
  25. Single CPU - Multi boxing accomplished.
  26. The Addon Codex
  27. Generic Healing Macro
  28. Macro Question - using CTRL to target different people?
  29. Several Macro Questions
  30. pally buff macro
  31. [WoW] Soulstone reminder
  32. [WoW] Follow Spacing setting/addon?
  33. Q: Frames, Xzin uses - whats this?
  34. Actionbar question
  35. pet attack
  36. Macro Question [2]
  37. Pitbull Updated!
  38. Moving action buttons
  39. [WoW] Clique bug with unitframes addons
  40. do I need to do something special to get mouseover to work
  41. Looking for addon to select specific Battle Ground
  42. Hunter supporting various others.... (level 70 "safety&
  43. Omen threat meter
  44. help please: looting quest items?
  45. are there plug ins to alert you when someone whispers?
  46. WoW: Targeting macro - idea and questions for making it work
  47. Spread Out Macros / Formations
  48. anyway to make alt skin targeted corpse?
  49. i need some macro help.
  50. Got some good Multiboxing Macros? Post them here...
  51. Do you keep a smaller set of addons for your alts?
  52. Raid Symbols
  53. Is there a /stopfollow command?
  54. Neat Macro I finally got working
  55. Quest automation
  56. Running with a backup healer
  57. Smart Buff
  58. 1-button macro's for Pally tanking
  59. Better alternative to healing than /focus or /target?
  60. Help: Multiple targets - any idea?
  61. Script Question
  62. Healing Script?
  63. Hellfire broke?
  64. Melee Macro
  65. Help - Keyclone is not passing SHIFT/CTRL
  66. XKeys won't pass SHIFT+ or CTRL+ - Help plz?
  67. Turn In addon
  68. macro help
  69. /assist
  70. The leading char dies and the toons get unmovable
  71. Castsequence macro question
  72. Conditional assist macro?
  73. all in one macro.
  74. multiboxing sct?
  75. Help with a general macro.
  76. Mage Polymorph
  77. What is "Focus"
  78. Tracking Addon
  79. Macro help
  80. target=focusfocus?
  81. Targeting through the party
  82. if then else
  83. AcceptResurrection no longer working
  84. Using Itemids For Food and Drink
  85. Group Looting Mod???
  86. Warrior main in 5 box, how to heal?
  87. Skinning macro
  88. Looting...
  89. Can someone help with a macro for my locks?
  90. Facing target macro?
  91. Question About Fundamental Approach Trade-offs
  92. Turn off Follow?
  93. Formation Macros?
  94. Whats wrong? /cast [modifier:alt] Drain soul; shoot
  95. "Am I feared" in macro?
  96. FOCUS and TARGET
  97. Fireball w/ Polymorph Macro
  98. Chatting, Tells, Replies & Dual Boxing
  99. very small group accept annoyance
  100. Stop following command?
  101. Question about this Macro for remove Disease/Poison/Curse
  102. Any working Macro-extending addons out there?
  103. Cast Sequence Implied Targeting
  104. Warlock Pet Healing
  105. Macro for Trading?
  106. About castsequence macro command
  107. Queueing AV
  108. Priest Macro's/addon question
  109. Plz need HELP with Loot Macro
  110. 2Box Toolkit - TOS Question
  111. Castsequence reset times
  112. Setting a New Leader Upon Death
  113. Tells = Heals?
  114. More macros or buttons? Trinity Bars 2 to the rescue.
  115. Keyclone white list thingy/problem with shift states
  116. creatte food / water on a mage auto give it out / blizzard?
  117. Action Bar Question
  118. Macro to buff myself with AI, then secondary
  119. About Morganti's sticky
  120. MAIN priest TOON Pally
  121. Scrolling Battle Text for Party Damage?
  122. Flyng mount /following
  123. using cooldown buffs with spells
  124. Character selector
  125. Looking for suggestions for compilations for alt box's
  126. Count Items
  127. Mouseovers?
  128. Need Serious Macro help
  129. Blizzard, Pet freeze on a drone
  130. Noob macro questions
  131. Warlock Macro
  132. autoloot ?
  133. how to macro targeted spells (like Blizz or Rein of Fire)
  134. any addon that shows party members GCD
  135. Target Rotation Macro
  136. Mage Flamestrike
  137. Wand Shooting and target=focustarget problem
  138. problem with skinning macro for alt
  139. Key Binding
  140. Mage/Hunter combo question
  141. Looking for a pretty specific type of addon
  142. castsequence for modifier laden macro
  143. nochannel and target in macro?
  144. Suggest a better castsequence?
  145. Distance conditional?
  146. Explain please :)
  147. LF auto-assist macro!
  148. Auto accept BG starts?
  149. Need help with a few macros:
  150. Way to Align Camera angles in WoW?
  151. Frostbolt+Trinket Macro?
  152. XP Printed out to party chat for your alts
  153. Macros when not partying
  154. Help with druid macro
  155. Hunter Macro? (Macro + Keyclone)
  156. bongos and druids
  157. Anyone know of an addon that can ...
  158. Conditional Macros
  159. Stop moving to cast spell..
  160. Blink->Follow macro.
  161. Need some help with a macro =/
  162. Help, my guy just keeps walking...
  163. healing macro
  164. What is wrong with this hunters mark macro?
  165. Click Cast possible?
  166. Core set of macros for 5 boxing Pally and Shammy?
  167. Is there a /stopfollow macro?
  168. Complete list of conditonals?
  169. Mass emergency sheeping
  170. Focus macro problem
  171. blizzard spell targeting macro thing
  172. Switch Focus Macro?
  173. Keybind extension
  174. Can't find macro, help please.
  175. Addon that can broadcast cooldowns.
  176. Looking for Mod to deal with Gankers
  177. Skin Macro??
  178. Changing loot options?
  179. Base/Root Macro editor for multiple accounts?
  180. Castsequence question
  181. Group equipment monitor?
  182. Second character not turning around to attack target.
  183. Shaman Healing Rotation
  184. Transferring Addon Settings Between Accounts
  185. Blood elf Racial ability
  186. Sigh...why did I bother?
  187. Macro Woes: Single-Target Healing Uses a Lot of Space
  188. Quest Tracking, Navigation, Etc
  189. Question about targeting
  190. Frostnova macro's
  191. Multi-character inventory?
  192. Script for Talking to NPC
  193. How to get macro/key bindings to 'stick'
  194. How hard would it be to...
  195. how to merge firelock/firemage
  196. Need complex macro assistance
  197. Something that can heal tank if he sends whispers?
  198. can you mind non-standard asci characters to macros...
  199. Casting Macro -help me! :(
  200. Trinity2 and infinite macros
  201. [target=focustarget] issues / healing setup
  202. Macro noobie needing some pointers
  203. Raid Icons
  204. Couple of addons/macros im searching for..
  205. BuyEmAll mod
  206. cast sequence macro with different targets?
  207. Macro Problems
  208. Macro help please new come'er
  209. Macro Sequencing Mod - Amazing for multiboxing
  210. Bongo bars and Pitbull
  211. attack macro
  212. twoboxtoolkit error?
  213. Basic Shaman macro set-up and help.
  214. Basic/Advanced Shaman macro set-up and help.
  215. Anyone whos using a 5 different class setup
  216. Cast Sequence Help
  217. think I did something wrong
  218. .. /follow (groupleader)
  219. Focus Macro Not Working as Expected
  221. Party Casting Bars Under each name
  222. Condensing My Macro's
  223. Debuff and blast macro
  224. is this right
  225. Party frame mod that shows players xp
  226. Mod to show entire parties damage in the SCT?
  227. Not enough macros!
  228. Simple emote macro...
  229. Emergency movement with AutoHotkey
  230. Any Vendor Value shower macro?
  231. How to set focus
  232. Can't quite give up Discord...
  233. Synced group layout add on?
  234. Command to disable errors in a macro?
  235. Looking for a task .. if unit death..
  236. Very Very basic add-on .. when a spell fails, says why in party chat...
  237. The Best Addon for WoW you can get.
  238. Lifebar addon used by Allay and such to make less gfx on screen?
  239. When main gets polymorphed my macro's screw up.. any suggestions?
  240. when your main dies
  241. Tri mage Casting Frost Nova in Macro Codex
  242. Assist Macro...
  243. Conditional assist?
  244. Comprehensive List of all possible keybindings for WoW
  245. stressful pvp-situations: heal und dps at the same time
  246. A warning if follow breaks
  247. Warlock autoseduce macro
  248. Macro expert???....try and figure this one out!
  249. Mage Blink Macro?
  250. Focus-free assist