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- World of Warcraft Classic Discussion Megathread
- [Classic] 2-Boxing Rogue + X(Tank?) Feasible ?
- [Classic] Good farming team?
- [Classic] Professions comp
- [Classic] How do you manage different races at startup?
- [Classic] Hard Personal Goals?
- [Classic] Profession choice
- [Classic] End-game boxing?
- [Classic] PVP like retail (ie no follow?)
- [Classic] Boxing guild?
- Items/ Objects that you can Interact with
- Alterac Valley in Classic (Blue Post)
- Came to boxing in BC with Pally and 4x Shaman...
- How would we multibox Vanilla if follow is removed?
- Group comps and leveling
- Vanilla group farming spots
- Duo Leveling Class Comps
- Boxing at launch
- What do you want to know from Beta?
- Paladin + 4 priests
- Classic PvP Content Breakdown
- Fun teams for WPVP during phase 2?
- Classic/vanilla comp for leveling, grinding, dungeon
- 4 pallys 1 druid
- Powerlevelling / boosting at level 60 in Classic
- Leveling Speed Multiboxing
- Classic thought on follow/pvp realm
- How to practice boxing in classic for classic
- 5 Enhancement Shamans
- "Only one faction per realm on PvP realms" and other just announced limits
- Classic Launches August 26th/27th!
- Rogue/Druid Two-Boxing
- Reputation Gains when Leveling in Dungeons
- Group xp bonus
- 5 Team
- [ISBoxer] isboxer/innerspace game profile and other settings for classic beta ?
- Wow Classic - beta stress test report - follow in pvp / iwt work!
- EMA: Ebony's MultiBoxing Assistant Classic Edition
- 4 mages, all fire, all frost, or a mix?
- torn between 2 group comp ideas help!!
- [ISBoxer] Wow Classic Concerns (Beta Stress Test)
- Silly 5-mans for dungeons/grinding
- 1 druid tank, 1 druid heal and 3 rogue ? Viable for dungeon and wpvp ?
- Quests : It's gonna be a living hell, can we work that out ?
- 2-5 Priests
- My current (speculated / test) team for when classic wow comes out.
- Tips and tricks for multi-boxer leveling
- Totem Stacking - Can anyone confirm in beta?
- Can resto shammies take a hit?
- Rank healer options for Healer+4 Warlock team for PVE & PVP
- An issue with multi-classing in classic
- Pally, Warlock, Mage 3man leveling comp suggestions
- Torn between 2 teams
- interact with target question!
- [ISBoxer] Realistic timeframe for 1-60 for a 5 man team?
- Viable 5 man melee setups for PvP
- boxing and classic and avoir to lose the progress (ban)
- What's a good combo with Warrior for dual boxing?
- Recommended progression 1-60 via Instances for 5 boxing?
- Heal/Tank Paladin for 4 Caster Groups
- Classic Stress Test - June 19-21 - NA/Oceania Only
- Warrior or Druid tank for my 5 man instance team
- Shadow priest over other caster
- 5 man multibox team team vs 2 separate smaller teams
- Number of regular servers vs pvp
- List of Classic WoW Multibox Teams
- @Mirai
- Boxing with hunters
- Stealth detection
- Stress test findings so far
- Looking at Duo or Tripleboxing. Comp ideas and logic. Anyone with exp care to help?
- Questions concerning shamans etc
- Easiest Follower Class (Keyclone)
- IWT in Classic ?
- Classic mixed team: Three questions.
- Nasty Dungeon Mechanics
- Comparison of squads for 5 man dungeons
- 2x pallies vs 2x shammies in 3x warrior team
- 40 man team... for the giggles
- Any tips to play mixed casters effectively?
- [WOW Classic] How can I display both herbs and ore at the same time?
- Name reservations in August before launch
- 5 man dungeon leveling: Are professions viable?
- Transitioning casual multibox characters for classic solo play and playing with friends
- [ISBoxer] MultiBoxing on next stress test
- Classic quest chains
- Best 5man combo to farm gold at level 60
- [Horde] Army of level 35 alts for mass afk cashola
- Tips on dps setup for my team
- How many keybinds do you have?
- Looking for class input
- 5 Chars Dungeon Powerleveling Multibox
- Gearing after preraid bis?
- Farming raid trash
- Discussion: 3 mage+tank+healer teams
- Looking for a little advice - 10x Boxxing Classic - wPvP End Game
- Need advise on best spec
- Newbie here, some questions about functions and usability.
- PSA: Low Effort Posts & Private Servers
- Best 5 man comps with a hunter?
- How to deal with Hunter dead zone in a mixed group?
- Getting Classic Multibox Ready?
- [ISBoxer] IWT mixed groups are fun
- Best pure "gold farming" comp/content?
- Looking for a beginner friendly basic comp.
- Readycheck for all Horde EU Multiboxers!
- [Horde] NA PvP server - Multiboxing guild
- EU Alliance - I think we should coordinate server choice
- Pre-Launch Stress Test & Minimum Specs Announced
- Multiboxing advices
- What rig would you build to handle this many accounts?
- Best 3-Man Group for Farming/Dungeon/Group Quests?
- 5 man comp for classic
- 2Boxing - Warrior + (Enhc Shaman -OR- Priest) Discussion
- Rogues in mixed group
- 1 paladin + 4 priest team
- How do you deal with all the hatred towards multiboxers?
- [Multibox] 2 Paladins 3 Mages
- US servers list for classic is out!
- Spellcleave or melee cleave? for levelling and gearing mains
- [Alliance] Americas Alliance Server - PVP
- 3 mages or 2 mages 1 priest for dps team
- Alliance Warrior Race choice with dedicated Paladin Healer(s)
- WoW Classic Stress Testing Highlights package
- All stealth 5 man team
- WoW Voice Proxy Problems
- Vuhdo / order of character in healing addon
- EU - Anyone going Zandalar Tribe RP-PVP server
- [Alliance] looking for written guide on Party buffs
- How will you level 1 to 14 or so before dungeons
- [ISBoxer] Newish Boxer, My Plan and Questions, Looking for Opinions/Explanations
- Warrior + Shaman
- [Multibox] WoW Classic stress test Ragefire Chasm (RFC) Full run part 1
- 5 accounts vs 6
- FedEx leveling 1-14
- 5 shaman leveling in instances
- Triple Boxing
- Blizzard list of things in Classic that are Not A Bug(tm)
- Whitemane US PVP PST - Alliance: server/faction thread (guilds, etc...)
- Fairbanks US PVP PST - Horde: server faction thread (guilds etc)
- Tank, healer team
- New to Multiboxing - Mage vs. Warlock Trio
- Who's joining a PVE server?
- WoW Classic RFC Full run part 2 with Q&A from various sources
- slave healer player targeting
- WoW Classic Clique Healing Tutorial Video
- Question for 5 boxers about round robin casting
- Raiding up to end game raiding
- WoW Interact with Target and VideoFX quick guide videos
- Level Difference Impact
- Grouping a 5 man team with different races
- 4x Engineering
- Comp and driver
- Player Caps for Classic WoW Dungeons
- [ISBoxer] Can't set up Classic through ISboxer
- 1 Warrior + 4 Elem/Resto Shaman
- Question about mage AOE specs for dungeon farming
- [Horde] Horde Multiboxer friendly Guide, 1-15, Orc/Troll start
- Level individually or as a group before first dungeon?
- How to loot skin efficiently?
- Sheep / Crowd Control In Classic
- WOW classic dual/multiboxing
- [Alliance] alliance leveling guide 1-60
- Multi-tapping ore nodes
- 4 Tank Pets
- Best 5 man comp for endgame BiS gearing
- Addons when Multiboxing discussion
- New MiRai video go watch it !!
- World of Warcraft: Classic - NA/EU/OC Server Demographics
- [Alliance] Blaumeux US PVP PST - Alliance: server/faction thread (guilds, etc...)
- FTL in Classic / Setting up now and use when it goes live
- Is my 5-man Comp Crazy?
- most efficient leveling
- [ISBoxer] Direct copy of ISBoxer settings from a private server to official Classic Wow
- LFG addon being banned and blizzard restricting what the API's can do will this effect EMA
- Will /follow focus work in Classic?
- Classic Macros\Rotations
- Least valuable Gathering profession INSIDE Dungeons?
- 3-Boxing: Priest/Warrior/Mage or Priest/Mage/Warlock?
- [Alliance] warri - 3 ret - holy pala vs warri - 3 rogues - holy pala
- Warlock Summon/Hearth Question
- Problems with Multibox leveling 1-60 in dungeons(reputation)
- How many mages
- "Interact with target" question
- Any legit ways to stay logged in if you have to go AFK for a bit?
- Slot Swap Macro Question for Classic
- fastest Leveling Multibox 5man teams
- now can create 10 characters per realm per account (& new realms added)
- Maybe in a week
- [Horde] Looking for multiboxing community on Stalagg [Horde]
- Lf Horde Multiboxers(Stonespine)
- Put 2nd+ Team(s) in Inns now to start accruing bonus rested XP
- Wondering If multiboxing is even worth it at this point.
- Assist not working for anyone else on classic?
- Addon recommendation for Classic?
- [Horde] Don't want to deal with the queues? Roll on Sulfuras!
- How's Everyone Progressing so Far and What's Your Group Comp?
- What are you 5+ boxers doing to level-up?
- Pet Classes
- [ISBoxer] Unable right click items in bag (can't disencahnt or quick sell)
- Ask people to que for named mobs!
- Total dual-boxing newb. Advice to set up needed please :)
- How to heal with spell ranking using vuhdo or other addon
- XP data for sizes 1-8
- Hyperspawns in classic!?! Potential gold/xp farm (video included)
- Pally + Mage or Pally + Warlock
- Melee cleave teams - how are you doing?
- Starting a 10-box team. How to level?
- [Alliance] Has anyone started a guild on Pyrewood?
- Managing a Healer in 5man group
- Deadmines full run video with commentary
- Entire SM Graveyard crypt in 1 pull
- Boosting An Alt In Classic
- [ISBoxer] 5 Priest Team
- [Alliance] Wpvp 5men team
- What an emotional rollercoaster
- Tank and Heal
- Examples of Classic Wow Macros
- Instance reset method.
- Named mob tagging
- Looting help please
- [Alliance] 5 Man Caster Comp
- Server Transfers
- 5 man team question
- New guy here need help
- [ISBoxer] 5-Box leveling speed
- Shooting Myself in the Foot if I Don't Make a Tank?
- Casting Channeled spells?
- 5 man teams: How long in each dungeon?
- Looking for a 4th
- RFK Circle - 4 minute clear (2.5k XP) - Warrior,Priest, 2x Mage, Warlock
- Dual boxing partner for warrior for easy leveling?
- RFK - Eye of Killrog Big Pull - Warrior, Priest, 2x mage, Warlock
- [ISBoxer] How difficult would it be to setup a warrior/paladin combo?
- 5 ORC Shamans or 1 Priest 4 Warlocks
- Question for setup!
- How do i boost two new toons?
- SM Graveyard - First Room - Full pull with Boss - Eye of Killrog
- Team Awesome Multiboxing - Ragefire Chasm
- Is boxing with a friend feasible?
- NA Whitemane Horde - Hellfire Regiment
- Need leveling help! how to make it efficient with my set up
- Horde guild [Overkill] is recruiting on the Zandalar Tribe server
- SM Library - Warrior, Priest, 2x Mage, Warlock - 45k XP/Hour
- Need tips on actual in instance mechanics/pulling strategies
- SWWWW vs PWWWW vs PPWWW for Strath Live farming?
- Layering is causing major issues...
- Sheeping in Dungeons with Multiple Mages
- SM Armory - Warrior, Priest, 2x Mage, Warlock - 55k XP/Hour - Eye Pulls
- 3 n00b questions
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