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  1. [WoW] Ellay's Movies - Dual and Tripleboxing
  2. [WoW] 3boxing Scholomance
  3. [WoW] 5-boxing SM Cathedral Boss
  4. [WoW] Affliction vs Demonology
  5. [WoW] 5-boxing Blackrock Depths
  6. [WoW] Shaman team demolishing SH (heroic)
  7. [WoW] Team Doublemint - Blackhand
  8. [WoW] Boss's 5box- RFC
  9. [Lineage II] My First Dual-Box
  10. [WoW] Heroic Mechanar
  11. [WOW] 5 Boxing BFD
  12. [WOW] 5 boxing RFK
  13. [WoW] WTS Dreadsteed boost!
  14. [WoW] 10 Box Movement Tests - Eyecandy :)
  15. [WoW]LOL - Its the Moonkin parade
  16. Video on IP addresses
  17. [WoW] Shadowpriest duo demonstration, mostly SM Cath
  18. [WoW] 4-box Shadow Priests (PvE; no instances)
  19. [WoW] Hunter duo demonstration, mostly a lv19 WSG game
  20. [WoW] Ignorance demonstration
  21. [WOW - 5 Box PVP] By Bradster/Toxicmoon. First one!
  22. [WoW] Multiboxing 4 shamans (PvE,PvP)
  23. Taksi - Free, Open Source Windows Based Fraps Tool
  24. [WoW] 5-boxing RFK (+Stitches) 1x Warrior 4x Shammy
  25. [WoW] 5 Boxing Archaedas @ Uldaman
  26. [WoW] priest+locks auto-seducing in SM
  27. [WOW - 5 Boxing PVE] Zul'Farrak -Bradster
  28. [Mac] / [WoW] - CloneKeys Demo Movie
  29. [WoW] - 5 Shaman
  30. [WoW] 5-boxing SM Cath - Mograine/Whitemane 1x war/4x shammy
  31. [WOW] My first trial run 5.2 on Macs
  32. [WoW] Testing Clone Keys for Mac
  33. [WOW - 5 Box PVP] PART 2 by Toxicmoon. Outland time!
  34. Video Capturing and Rendering questions
  35. [WoW] Archaedas at 44 - locks+priest (nothing special)
  36. Music for Movies
  37. [WoW] Nolife 4-man army
  38. Uldaman (4 mages, 1 priest)
  39. [WoW] Aelli - 4 Elemental Shaman in high end PvP Arena's
  40. [WOW] Slats - 1x Pally 4x Priests - SFK
  41. Priest + 4 Mages in Hellfire Ramparts
  42. multi-boxing in mainstream consciousness... sprint centro ad
  43. [WoW] 5 Shaman - lvl 60 - Stratholme
  44. [WoW] Shadow Labs bosses
  45. [WoW] Pally and some hunters, err I mean shammies!
  46. [WoW] 5-boxing RFD (1 pally / 4 shammy)
  47. [WoW] 5-boxing Zul'Farrak (ZF) Pyramid (1 pally / 5 shammy)
  48. [WoW] Heroic Slave Pens
  49. [WoW] Heroic Sethekk Halls
  50. [WoW] Heroic Ramparts & Blood Furnace
  51. Odo The Blindseer
  52. [WoW] Into the arena...
  53. 5 boxing? kid stuff!
  54. Is it possible to record a tribox session 3 in 1 screen?
  55. [WoW] Wörrior and his friends
  56. [WoW] Aelli - Quad Boxing Eye of the Storm BG
  57. Area52 world PvP - 4x 67 shammies, 1x 67 paladin
  58. just a funny wow vid
  59. [WoW] Testing my 5druid setup
  60. Quick System Stress Test
  61. [WoW] Aelli- Quad Boxing Karazhan
  62. New recording software :)
  63. 5-boxing Underbog - 4x Shaman 1x Paladin
  64. 5-boxing Blood Furnace - 4x Shaman 1x Paladin
  65. 5-boxing CoT: Durnholde - 4x shaman 1x paladin
  66. RFC run
  67. Owned by Quad Box Shaman
  68. [WoW]Team Doublemint
  69. what software are you guys using to edit your vids?
  70. Bored in School so :P
  71. [WoW] Ragefire Chasm
  72. The Zerg is coming for you!
  73. Special Request - Fireworks
  74. smashed by elly
  75. [WoW] Nublets Beware - Crossroads Fire Elemental PvP
  76. Quick Mana Tombs Run
  77. Short clip: 5 Shaman in Alterac
  78. lil vid of my 3boxing shamans
  79. Hi Res version of Ellay's Arena Video?
  80. Shadowmoon Valley Crossteaming fun
  81. 2*5 Boxing Karazhan Teaser
  82. 2x 5-boxing Kara: Moroes
  83. 2x 5-boxing Kara: Maiden
  84. [FlyFF] 3-boxing test
  85. 2x 5-boxing Kara: Opera - Wizard of Oz
  86. The Hokages (Jumping on the shammywagon)
  87. Aelli - Vashj (last boss of SSC)
  88. small quick test video
  89. errors loading divx / stage6 videos in firefox
  90. How to Render for Stage6 (Sony Vegas)
  91. Heroic Shattered Halls
  92. 5xShaman 70/44/44/44/44
  93. Has anybody here 5boxed Sethekk Halls Talon King Ikiss??
  94. Requsting More PvP Videos
  95. Help Using fraps.
  96. PVP: cleaning Eye of the Storm
  97. How to video?
  98. 5boxing Slavepens Heroic with shaman
  99. Stage6 to Shut Down on February 28
  100. [Original] Laser Shows For Tips
  101. Some new 5 boxing Videos by Elunaria
  103. [Original] Why Matt Likes World of Warcraft
  104. How do you Compress YOUR videos
  105. boss fight : 1x Pally 4x Shaman vs Ghaz'an
  106. Veoh.com (Alternative for stage 6)
  107. Pandemonius in 45 seconds
  108. The Xevs @ 29
  109. Heroic Pandemonius 16 Seconds
  110. Owned by you-know-who
  111. Prot Pally Powerleveling - SM Cath
  112. Beavis goes Berserk
  113. what to use to edit videos?
  114. Boxing SFK
  115. My First 5 boxing video
  116. The Fembots run Heroic Botanica
  117. 5xShaman Mana Tombs Boss fight and The Maker From Blood Furnace
  118. The Xevs do Uldaman
  119. Failed Attempt (The Maker)
  120. PLing with a not so well geared mage ( SM )
  121. an aelli 5v5 from other teams POV
  122. Dr. TRAAAAN!!!
  123. Ding lvl 70
  124. Multiboxing AV - Premade (Suvega & Vyndree)
  125. I got under Outlands and BT
  126. Aelli - Eagle Boss (ZA)
  127. Mage boosting in SM (graveyard & library)
  128. youtube and HD vids
  129. Content for the Wiki
  130. Leprechaun??
  131. World of Warcrack
  132. mage AoE movies?
  133. 5 Box Movie I put together of BRD Emp, 2 Pallies, 3 Mages
  134. Pretty Pussies in Gruul's Lair (tri-boxing)
  135. 70 PvP Teaser
  136. [WTB] Video of the Month Nominations (April)
  137. Twink MB Movies
  138. [VOTE] Video of the Month (April)
  139. Heroic Magister's Terrace & Heroic Steamvault by Veroniká 5-Box Shaman
  140. [WTB] Video of the Month Nominations (May)
  141. 5 Hunter Deadmines
  142. My first video of my 5xsham
  143. XO made someone else's video...
  144. First video! [70x56x56x56x56 shaman in Ramparts]
  145. Zevrim Thornhoof's odd fetish
  146. Dual boxing 25-man raid Kael'Thas
  147. My first multibox video
  148. Speech recognition demo
  149. 70 Warlock SM (Armory) Run Through.
  150. Tauren moonkin duo - From start to finish
  151. 4 hunters, random stuff
  152. 5 elemental shamans doing bosses in level 70 non-heroics
  153. Mount farming
  154. Arena Training Video (unfinished)
  155. My first heroic boss kills /w the shammies
  156. Skuggos first video..
  157. My first video -- some arena
  158. [How To:] Looting without switching windows
  159. Achmed the dead terrorist (wow machinima)
  160. Movie requests?
  161. 5 clients at once?
  162. My first video, Razorfen Kraul
  163. Vazruden the herald, messy run.
  164. quadboxing 4x 67 shaman in mana tombs.
  165. New site for video streaming!
  166. Wuut! Platinum and 100 000+ Downloads :D Emo Army Multiboxing PvP Teaser 2! [Updated]
  167. [Guide] How-To Record Fullscreen Multiboxing
  168. how to: fight the princess in maradon
  169. I see this in youtube! 4xhunters+1 priest/paladin soemthing
  170. My AV PvP Video. (WIP)
  171. [How To] x5 Shaman vs. Arcanist Doan (SMLib)
  172. Another Vid, SM Cathedral
  173. [Movie] The Art Of Brawling
  174. Ni Hao (a gold farmers story) - funny
  175. [Movie] 5 box Shaman Mech (Totem of the void) Farming
  176. Movie of the Month - May (nominate!)
  177. QQ More: Vyndree's video just for forum trolls
  178. Tutorial: How to record fullscreen multiboxing videos
  179. [Movie] Zul'Farrak Pyramid Event
  180. Nine shaman EotS.
  181. Fii,Fye,Fo,Fum Quad-boxing shaman pvp vid
  182. Need help with video encoding / rendering
  183. Thinking outside the box : the 45yard stunlock.
  184. [WoW] Melee(Enhancement) shammies (various instances)
  185. Tutorial: Level 70 Stratholme Farm 300-400g p
  186. The Shokks do Deadmines
  187. Stonehoof Sisters arena 1450-1600 rating.
  188. Project SPAM - PvP Trailer
  189. Ding level 70 [The Movie]
  190. The commencing journey of The Daltons
  191. Plox Brothers vs SFK
  192. Something i found Floating on Youtube
  193. The Shokks do Stocks
  194. 50 minute hroic UB run frapsed. (Stonehoofs + add!)
  195. == 5x Shaman Heroic Video Guide ==
  196. Aellis arena movie, song name?
  197. Aelli - Unstoppable! 2200+ video
  198. Aelli's Video
  199. 3 Mages Multibox on Normal Black Morass
  200. 3-boxing warrior, rogue, warlock in nagrand
  201. The Power of Five !
  202. Quicky - Blood Furnace Bosses w/ 5 shammies.
  203. dual boxing 5 chars Zul Farrak Cave Boss lvl 46
  204. I hereby rename SM: Shokklet Monastery.
  205. Ramparts at 61
  206. Just a old guild intro.
  207. I just got youtubed :)
  208. A small trailer for you boys and girls
  209. My pve team does Blackfathom Deeps
  210. My first video! [Updated on Vimeo]
  211. My video 4druids 1warlock
  212. 2 vids from me
  213. [HFP Gargolmar] Quad Locks at Lvl 62
  214. Quick Test Video - 5 Shaman on fire.
  215. First instance run Multiboxing ever:) 4 shaman, 1 paladin - level 12
  216. [Hellfire Ramparts] 5 Warlocks
  217. Mana Tombs run
  218. Disaster 3 Mages Multiboxing pvp
  219. Pve team does RFK (lvl 27-28)
  220. [Slave Pens] 5 Warlocks
  221. Trash Videos
  222. Paladin AoE pull in Stratholme - this is how it's done
  223. [Blood Furnace] 5 Warlocks
  224. Sethekk Halls
  225. SP HC boxed
  226. So we ran MC last night...
  227. SM GY at level 31 [Pally + 4x Priest]
  228. Shokks vs Ramparts...
  229. Honor Hold world PvP with friends
  230. Team Eli in Mara, and encoding help?
  231. Zaz's AoE Stocks 25-30
  232. Nightcrow QuadBoxing Chaman Elem Movie
  233. :(
  234. Project SPAM - PvP
  235. 5 Boxing Blood Furnace. 4 Locks, 1 Priest
  236. 5 Boxing Mana Tombs - 4 locks, 1 Priest
  237. Stumbled Across This
  238. HOGGER RAID VIDEO [Ready]
  239. My first trip to Scarlet Monastery - The Library
  240. THUNDERTSORM! ( video)
  241. Aelli owning some dudes :-)
  242. MY first Alterac Video
  243. Req: Heroic Black Morass 5x Shaman video
  244. Black Morass with 5 elemental shamans
  245. 30-39 AB quad shamans
  246. Heroic Botanica
  247. polly and 4 shommys
  248. PvE Team vs. Arcanist Doan
  249. does Graveyard.
  250. Team Eli Misc Dungeons =D