View Full Version : Multiboxing Guild Discussions

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  1. Zerglings
  2. Ventrilo Information
  3. Member forums of and meeting
  4. Private Zerg Forums
  5. Since its here for us now
  6. Going Legit
  7. Account on the Zerg website
  9. Magtheridon EU?
  10. When we raid cities..... it will be like THIS.
  11. Questions about Zerg
  12. Rofl...
  13. Guild Chat?
  14. The zerg - European style
  15. guild forums
  16. Not dead, just upgrading :)
  17. Need Forum Access?
  18. Help needed
  19. Notes and Officer's Notes?
  20. The zerg - Al'Akir
  21. PVE Content
  22. Horde boxers
  23. Gooood Morning Al'Akir
  24. Helooo, Newbie
  25. LFM MC
  26. The insanity of outlands
  27. Access to the Zerg forums
  28. Empieeee
  29. FAO Empi
  30. Taking a break from Multiboxing
  31. Zerg member count
  32. KOS List
  33. Zerg(mag-us), need a tank?
  34. Tying to gain access to Zerg(US) forums...
  35. Application Link Down?
  36. pc crash
  37. starting out on mag us
  38. Wanting to get permission first
  39. Dwarven riflemen
  40. The Zerg?
  41. afk for some time
  42. Back Hopefully
  43. Not so squishee....
  44. Deadmines - First attempt
  45. Away for a week
  46. Blizzard Worldwide - Paris 28/29 June
  47. [Question] where do i dual box
  48. Need access to US Zerg forum
  49. Av is fun
  50. Small break from Multiboxing. =(
  51. Too quiet
  52. Hmm...that's strange
  53. Ellay, Non-Mag/Al'Akir Zerglings need a forum, please
  54. Dingy 70 again
  55. Can someone clean up the Zerg roster?
  56. Looking for Guild Tabard Designs
  57. What's the status of Mag(US)?
  58. Starting on Magtheridon(US)
  59. EU Horde?
  60. Starting Alliance on Thrall(US)
  61. Soooo karazhan this sunday?
  62. Zerg news - 11th June
  63. How to join EU
  64. kara
  65. Anyone still here?
  66. Alliance 5 boxing mages
  67. Should i?
  68. EU- Aggramar
  69. EU-Silvermoon [Mirror Image] [Alliance]
  70. Reroll on Mag(US)
  71. IdsKOS - KoS Addon for Mag users
  72. Just rerolled on Mag
  73. Can anyone make shield spikes?
  74. Another Mag Reroll.
  75. Reroll reroll reroll... Wanna? Have to anyway.
  76. Rerolled last night
  77. lol reroll US
  78. TGIF! (have you ganked an alliance today?)
  79. In the zerg
  80. Thinking of....
  81. New Multiboxer, rolled Magtheridon US
  82. The Zerg Magtheridon US KoS List
  83. 5 Shamans, 4 Mages
  84. Looking for a new home Horde eu pvp
  85. Two Box - PVE Alliance *or* Horde Looking for new home. - US
  86. Propose strategic placement of idle groups for anti-ganking
  87. Considering Rolling 4x on Magtheridon...
  88. I need Horde Gold in any US PvE realm
  89. Invite for my new Warlock Main
  90. The Dons x10! RUN!
  91. The newlings
  92. Looking to roll a dual boxing team on a EU server with lots of you on it.
  93. Caelestraz - Oceanic Multiboxing
  94. ZA tonight!
  95. So many Zerglings
  96. Jaedenar [EU] (Horde) Is recruting boxers
  97. Taking a break for a bit
  98. Haomarush (H) MB Guild
  99. Guild invite HordE
  100. raf to 30
  101. Moving servers, looking for advice
  102. I'm Sad :(
  103. Magtheridon Forum section
  104. [EU] Definitely transferring due to PvE, but where?
  105. 30+ Boxer visited Mag
  106. Magtheridon access
  107. 2009 - The year of The Zerg!
  108. Zerg Professions Roster
  109. Ventrilo server is up
  110. The Zerg website ideas
  111. Never Log Out!!!
  112. Computer crash
  113. Tempting server move
  114. Raiding naxx
  115. Trollbane (H) US server guild
  116. Warlocks will be lvl 74 today - Need lowbies summoned to Dalaran?
  117. Starting 3x Mage's on Magtheridon (US) Alliance
  118. Raiding Naxx / VoA / OS - weekend starting March 7th, need your availability!
  119. Mercurio Want a dedicated healer?
  120. access to guild part of the site
  121. Rolled some pallies
  122. Seeking help with finding a guild with multiboxers.
  123. Looking for other M-boxer on Shatterhand US (H)
  124. Hacked
  125. LF multiboxer on Draenor-EU (H) for long walks on the beach and killing raid bosses
  126. Ally Boxers on Malorne?
  127. Burned out
  128. Is it always like this?
  129. [H] = Scarlet Crusade - recruiting.
  130. For Those About to Proc
  131. My return
  132. EU Horde Guilds ?
  133. Short break!
  134. Fun little experience in Arathi
  135. Who's who in the Zerg zoo - The Zerg Roster
  136. Some Ret pally macros...
  137. New guild invite rules
  138. Where is Nisch?
  139. Ding!
  140. Coming back
  141. Sorry Aerron
  142. First Heroic Boss down!!!
  143. Inviting Alts
  144. Pally cast sequence tank
  145. Heroic UK completed!
  146. Im still alive!
  147. Clearned Heroic Nexus
  148. 25 Main Raiding is HERE!
  149. Epic Flying on Pallies
  150. Warcraft Cataclysm
  151. Guild Talents & Achievements
  152. How is Kil'Jaeden?
  153. Boxers on Auchindoun!
  154. LF Westcoast Horde Guild
  155. Naxx 25 this Sat (October 3rd) 9:30 AM Server time...
  156. [H] Mug'Thol looking for Guild
  157. Naxx 25 this Saturday (Sept 12th) - 10 AM server time
  158. Funny Email
  159. It's official...
  160. Hola
  161. Canceled my accounts
  162. Aion Server
  163. Back for more wow
  164. We should do this - Get the war bear mounts
  165. Tomorrow 9am...
  166. Active euro boxer guild?
  167. (A) Gul'dan Guild open for MB'rs
  168. ruh roh
  169. Guild Roster Change - **IMPORTANT**
  170. [EU] Any alliance boxers ?
  171. Oceanic best boxing server/guild?
  172. I'm back to Mag
  173. PVEing on a PvP Server as a MB
  174. incoming carebear
  175. Legion of Boom - Kil'Jaden, US
  176. Multiboxing BT @ 80
  177. Where is Stealthy?
  178. My evil plan is now complete!
  179. A serious attempt at getting some raids started.
  180. Guild Roster - DB.com Members
  181. Just saw this subforum - a Hello
  182. Glory to the Alliance
  183. David & Svper VS Undercity
  184. Stalking the Stalker - /wave Yesh
  185. economy / what to bring in
  186. The Zerg ?
  187. How to get a ginvite
  188. Happy Holiday's
  189. swapping in a shaman
  190. RAID - Friday Nov27th ~7pm Server time - SIGNUP HERE
  191. RAID - Saturday Nov28th ~7pm Server time - SIGNUP HERE
  192. What raid times are people available?
  193. How do we get Dave out of AV?
  194. The big Grim-Batol [EU] thread
  195. The LF... GIMP Thread
  196. AV battleground queue times 60 -80
  197. Professions - Who can do what
  198. Recommended addon: VanasKOS
  199. Raiding Roles - Where do we all fit?
  200. help leveling
  201. RAID - Saturday Dec5 7:30pm - Sarth25 + Sarth10+1/2
  202. One big GB-EU Multiboxer screenshot?
  203. Premade AV's 3 December 2009
  204. Calling All EU Boxers
  205. in ur akount, shardin' ur macrows
  206. Tonight's raid?
  207. helloo
  208. Post 80s boxing experience
  209. Soldiers of Boom
  210. WTB Rogue
  211. Screenshots from 12/6
  212. Legion of Boom Drinking Game!
  213. Joining the Guild?
  214. Faction transfer...
  215. Here I come!
  216. here we come!
  217. signups for this weeks raid?
  218. Non LoB Boxer?
  219. Hey everybody it's applecrisp
  220. Naxx 25 :P
  221. MCWRATHY RAID - No raid this week for me.
  222. Hotpepper is back!
  223. full server frequently locked
  224. Bored may return
  225. Ummm.. who the F are all you people?
  226. Retaliation to Boredom.
  227. Ony Tonight?
  228. DiT invades LoB... LoB likes it - Seriously Casual Solo 10 man LFM
  229. All Druid Ony/Sarth ?
  230. 12/16 - DiT / LoB - Malygos (Weekly Raid Quest) 5:15 invites
  231. 12/17 - DiT / LoB - Ulduar 10 Possible Hard Modes 5:15 invites
  232. the zerg guild leader
  233. Anyone seen Stealthy?
  234. Late night raiding?
  235. 12 /23 DiT - Weekly Raid (Instructor Razuvious) + ToC10
  236. rofl's moving
  237. Happy Holidays LoB / DiT!
  238. 11 maned sylvanas
  239. 12 / 30 - DiT Weekly Raid (Anub'Rekhan) + ToC + ICC?
  240. DiT/LoB Down Lord Marrowgar & Lady Deathwhisper
  241. The beast is getting bigger...
  242. The 55" HDTV I won Came today
  243. Involuntary AFK for a few days :-)
  244. @ DiT & peeps that run with us
  245. Death is Temporary - The CasualCore Raid Team of Legion of Boom
  246. My 5 priests
  247. Single-box raiding?
  248. Bowing out until expansion hits
  249. 1 / 7 / 10 DiT ICC10
  250. 1/19 First night of Ulduar Hard Modes