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  1. #1

    Default The Black Stalker (UB)

    How on earth do you do this fight? He keeps levitating my tank. If I dispel the levitate, he kicks my tank all over the place. One time I got kicked at least 200 yards, way out of the boss area, and almost off a cliff. If I don't dispel it, he goes after my clothies. Is there something I'm missing? What am I supposed to do about this fight?
    Firetree, Alliance.

    Adiabat (Prot Pally), Isochor (Holy Priest), Isobar (Frostfire Mage) <Retired at 80 during WotLK>

    Corpsebréw, Corpsebrèw, Corpsebrêw (3x Death Knight) <Retired at 80 during WotLK>

    Femtotank (Prot Warrior), Femtoheals (Disc Priest), Femtosummons (Demo Lock) <Active, 105>

  2. #2


    Use that start and it's a cakewalk. hope that helps.
    The Kams - US Alleria Alliance

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