I have been playing World of Warcraft for more than five years and I've been using addons since the second day of that. It seems that I am constantly in the flux of adding new addons and updating old addons and tweaking the settings of old addons. I'm afraid my historical method of managing which addons were enabled was a very haphazard "enable anything that doesn't throw a lua error or otherwise annoy me on this toon" and I thought this method was working well enough until I finally ...
Updated 01-24-2013 at 03:10 AM by luxlunae
Before you can start multiboxing you are going to be faced with the character creation screens (x2,3,4,5) and the most daunting of multiboxing questions: What do I name my team? Below are a few strategies (let me know in the comments if you have another) that I've seen and used, and my ratings for each one. I've rated each strategy based on: Stealthiness - your ability to slip into BGs, LFR, LFD, and world/pug raids without being noticed and called out as a boxer. Some people aren't ...
Updated 02-21-2013 at 08:04 PM by luxlunae
I've been multiboxing 2-6 boxes across 3 games since the summer of 2008, so I suppose that is six years of experience, on and off. Most of that time has been spent in World of Warcraft, a few weeks in Lord of the Rings and a few weeks in Rift (last summer and right now). So I've been practicing for years but I'm not sure if that means I'm actively getting better. When I play (raid on) a solo character (almost always a healing priest in wow) I have very definite ways in which to improve. Not only ...
Updated 10-10-2014 at 09:02 AM by luxlunae
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+G to see all of the video feeds in console view For todays post I've decided to show you my (relatively simple) current video feed setup. For world of warcraft right now my setup has only 9 feeds. Four are dynamic "slave window" feeds in a Dxnothing window on my second monitor. Four are dynamic cast ...
Updated 10-07-2014 at 03:12 PM by luxlunae
Once upon a time, I lived in a land where I could do an instance or raid on account 1 while milling or prospecting on account 2. This was a simple time, when I used autohotkey to broadcast "1, 1, 1, 1, 1," to all boxes and then had dps macros in that slot (or prospecting/milling macros, for crafting alts). Alas for quite some time I've been LIKE-A-PRO, and along with the sexy complexity and flexibility of that system, I've long sacrificed my lazy person way to get ...
Updated 10-08-2014 at 02:54 PM by luxlunae
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