View Full Version : CATA - Blackrock Caverns
09-16-2010, 11:37 PM
I wanted to post something for future use when Cataclysm hits based on my time in the instances.
Boss #1: Rom'ogg Bonecrusher
Clear the trash up to the pull of the patrolling boss. Tank and spank, with two real spells. Quake, ranged will have to move out of dust clouds. Chains of Woe, pulls all party member close to boss and chains them. Kill the chains and move out of the range of the incoming AoE attack from the boss. All in all nothing too difficult.
Boss #2: Corla
Three adds that transform into drakinoids, then hit very hard. You can interrupt the beams that transform, but you can't stand in the beam too long. Boss has a fear with DOT called Dark Command. This might be a bit tougher, but I think a a early burst on the adds might work well.
Boss#3 Karsh Steelbender
Pull the fire elementals out individually and dps them down with out pulling the boss. Pull them back down the hall out of range of the globs. Boss has armor you must melt, kite him in and out of the lava in the center, while he is in the lava in the center he emits an AoE. Again nothing too tough.
Boss #4 Beauty
Core hound fight, nothing really new. AoE fire, direct fire spell, fear, random charge on party member.
Boss #5 Lord Obsidius
Two adds that have an aura that reduces healing. Have to keep them away from the tank. Dispel corruption. Watch for the Boss - add swap. This might be a tougher fight for teams. Ideas - Earth Elemental totems or early hero and burn boss. - Changed in normal, adds still in Hero though.
The nice thing is you should be able to outgear the normal version of this instance quickly. Heroic will be entertaining to say the least.
nice, can't wait to try them out
09-23-2010, 10:58 AM
Heroic BRC is a bit crazy at the moment, so much damage inbound...
09-23-2010, 12:16 PM
Heroic BRC is a bit crazy at the moment, so much damage inbound...
Hey Bro! Theres a new X FIVE on Runtetotem now 8( My raiding guild moved there so I went with.
Are you just testing your real toons or using premades? Have you tanked any heroics yet? I have my prot paly, bear, and a dk. leveling a warrior on live. Not sure which one will be ideal for boxing now, with all the changes.
09-23-2010, 12:30 PM
All I have to say.
Oh, and <3 Blizzard for making heroics hard again :D
09-23-2010, 02:32 PM
All I have to say.
Oh, and <3 Blizzard for making heroics hard again :D
yea...might not be a lot of boxers completing any heroics until T12 content comes out and they can out gear it a tad. I look forward to trying. I'm sure it will take the best crafted gear/rep gear you can get. Also, remember you can get PvE gear via PvP, you can exchange the PvP point type for PvE and vice versa( at a loss.). /click ,,,, macros would have made it easier due to being able to do more dps with them, and as you can see in this video, you will need to maximize gear/dps/threat/healing efficiency to be able to do heroics again.
I might just have to solo raid/group with my team toons individually to gear them up better, we will see. On a good note.I have not seen many normal mode videos that look too complicated to box. A few bosses have mechanics that make someone have to go flip a switch, that could be a pain, but still doable I'm sure. And as Totals videos show.. you have plenty of room for error, due to the lack of incoming damage on almost any normal mode fights. ( if they dont overtune normals by release anyway )
09-23-2010, 06:53 PM
I'm ready... So ready that I even started playing City of Heroes/Going Rogue the past month, lol. Great MMO though. So bored of WOW right now I haven't been playing it at all except the 5 minute Brewfest kill every day.
10-07-2010, 01:56 AM
Hey Bro! Theres a new X FIVE on Runtetotem now 8( My raiding guild moved there so I went with.
Are you just testing your real toons or using premades? Have you tanked any heroics yet? I have my prot paly, bear, and a dk. leveling a warrior on live. Not sure which one will be ideal for boxing now, with all the changes.
Testing some of my real toons, leveled a couple to 85. The lack of gear in the final zones hurt until I could start crafting items. Pyric is still on Hyjal and this spring we ran some of the weekly quests for badges. I kinda put the game down until I got the beta invite. I have not tanked any heros yet. Right now most people I hear seem to agree that DKs seem to be the easiest tanking class currently, but all of it could change in the next two months. Matter of fact they just boosted threat on all tanks to 200% for each prot "stance".
I think most people will be able to box the normal versions with no issues in blues and greens. Stack your justice points up (4k soft cap I think)! Level your BS for the craftables... and you should be ok until you can get some gear on your tanks. I think the shammy is still a good class to box. I think a team of pallys will be tough in some of the instances, but maybe tweaking some of the specs will help.
10-07-2010, 05:16 AM
Boos #5 Lord Obsidius
Two adds that have an aura that reduces healing. Have to keep them away from the tank. Dispel corruption. Watch for the Boss - add swap. This might be a tougher fight for teams. Ideas - Earth Elemental totems or early hero and burn boss.
Are there as much CCs and adds that Blizz say they want to implement? My test app wont connect to beta. I have been seriously thinking of going with pet classes because of this. I love wlocks and DKs.
10-11-2010, 06:45 AM
[QUOTE=Lyonheart;296452]yea...might not be a lot of boxers completing any heroics until T12 content comes out and they can out gear it a tad.QUOTE]
Most boss fights are not outgearable since it`s the tactics that make it hard, not just the incomming dps or healing. Then again there will allways outgearable bosses around otherwise there is not much use to gear rofl.
10-11-2010, 09:11 PM
Hex and bind elemental are good CC for shamans. The locks have a new glyph which keeps feared mobs stationary. Repentance for ret pallies. Lots of CC out there - trap launcher, sheeps, etc.
Expect the end dungeons to be a bit harder this expansion until you can gear up.
10-13-2010, 03:21 PM
looking at that video i can clearly see the healer is spamming heals like crazy, this is truly going to be challenging for everyone and extremely fustrating for us.
a matter of time until its nerfed, too many bimbos out there who will cry and want to quit because they cant kill a normal boss, not alone a heroic.
its like they took the heroic difficulty from BC HC's and chuck in ulduar strategy like bosses and roided up the 5 mans giving us an adomination. if blizzard kept this stance, it feel bit more classic. but how long can they keep it... tbh there are going to be many changes to damage. boss and adds are far too hard hitting, especially on a tank, for a moment i thought the tank was in mail
i cant argue, at least we will be working together again as a community to solve these problems. We truly got challenges awaiting. this should be fun and not fun at the same time :) cant wait
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