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  1. #1

    Default Professions Help

    I have 4-5 teams almost at 100 but I need to start thinking of professions.

    I WAS going to run engineering for the loot a rang but, not sure its worth it now since it would be 25 engineers to 125.

    Starting from scratch, what would you do over again if you could heading into Legion?

  2. #2
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    In your situation, I would suggest gathering professions on everyone initially. Set yourself a time to switch to crafting professions, then do so with all of the Blood of Sargeras and other materials you need to craft full sets of gear for your main team(s). I've decided to focus on two teams, one for my main team and the other to farm materials.

    When it comes to professions, my main team will be tranisitioning to BS/Enc on my DK, Mining/Engineering on my Hunter, Tailoring/JC on my Mage, Tailoring/Inscriptions on my Warlock, and Leatherworking/Alchemy on my Shaman.

    Second group will be Enc/Skinning on my DH, and Mining/Herb on the rest.
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  3. #3


    I consider the Loot-a-rang a large enough quality of life improvement that I don't want to have to do without it. As such, I've turned 170+ characters into engineers. I can only tell you that for me, it's worth it. Whether it's worth it for you, is up to you entirely. Personally, I'm quite happy that post-7.0 I still don't have to bother with targeting corpses and using IWT to loot them, and instead can loot wherever I stand at the press of a button. So the time, effort and materials I poured into getting that sorted, was completely worth it for me.

    As for other professions, I've obviously had to make some changes there to accommodate for all those engineers. I run 8 accounts, and tend to play them either in groups of 8 or groups of 4, depending on content - given I almost always play together with other people. To figure out what to do, I made some choices about how many of each profession I wanted, and then established some rules for distributing them among my characters.

    I'm someone who likes having characters available to be able to go "Hey, let's throw class/spec x into the mix, see how that goes!" As such, I have very nearly one of each class on each account for each faction (only missing a handful of Hordies). With so many characters available to me, I decided that for each account, I wanted one of every profession. The only exceptions are tailoring and enchanting, for which I wanted two of each per account. This allows me to have profession based teams in ISBoxer, with the aim of making it more manageable and efficient to tackle profession-specific content such as world quests in groups.

    Other than that, I made sure that they were distributed in such a way that almost every group of 4 would have an enchanter and a tailor (for looting extra cloth) available. I also made sure all the skinners were of a different class, so if I'd like to go farm with a class team rather than a mixed team, I have a wide range of choice.

    Now, I'm not saying I think you should take this as far as I have, but hopefully this gives you some ideas for how you'd like to set things up yourself. Good luck figuring things out and happy boxing!

  4. #4
    Member luxlunae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MultiBear View Post
    established some rules for distributing them among my characters.

    I'm someone who likes having characters available to be able to go "Hey, let's throw class/spec x into the mix, see how that goes!" As such, I have very nearly one of each class on each account for each faction (only missing a handful of Hordies). With so many characters available to me, I decided that for each account, I wanted one of every profession. The only exceptions are tailoring and enchanting, for which I wanted two of each per account. This allows me to have profession based teams in ISBoxer, with the aim of making it more manageable and efficient to tackle profession-specific content such as world quests in groups.

    Other than that, I made sure that they were distributed in such a way that almost every group of 4 would have an enchanter and a tailor (for looting extra cloth) available. I also made sure all the skinners were of a different class, so if I'd like to go farm with a class team rather than a mixed team, I have a wide range of choice.
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by MultiBear View Post
    I consider the Loot-a-rang a large enough quality of life improvement that I don't want to have to do without it. As such, I've turned 170+ characters into engineers. I can only tell you that for me, it's worth it. Whether it's worth it for you, is up to you entirely. Personally, I'm quite happy that post-7.0 I still don't have to bother with targeting corpses and using IWT to loot them, and instead can loot wherever I stand at the press of a button. So the time, effort and materials I poured into getting that sorted, was completely worth it for me.
    I also run 10 accounts with countless toons spread over three servers; I would have to agree fully with you on turning every toon into an engineer. Living without loot-a-rang is not an option. With about 150 toons there is more than enough coverage for all the other professions.

  6. #6


    With the BoP Bloods, aren't you afraid of getting short on bloods for your crafting toons?

    I am thinking something like a skinner and tailor on every team at least, trying to work out the other professions. The Bloods have me concerned....

  7. #7
    Member JohnGabriel's Avatar
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    It does not take much to get engineering to 125. Very cheap actually.

    You get Draenor Engineering scroll, it is a reward from a quest or if you dont have a garrison it costs 100 gold.

    Then you make the mecha-blast rocket which levels you up 3 at a time:
    126 level / 3 = 42 mecha-blast rockets * 6 blackrock ore = 252 blackrock ore

    Thats it, all you need. 252 Blackrock ore per toon and everyone is 126 in engineering.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGabriel View Post
    It does not take much to get engineering to 125. Very cheap actually.

    You get Draenor Engineering scroll, it is a reward from a quest or if you dont have a garrison it costs 100 gold.

    Then you make the mecha-blast rocket which levels you up 3 at a time:
    126 level / 3 = 42 mecha-blast rockets * 6 blackrock ore = 252 blackrock ore

    Thats it, all you need. 252 Blackrock ore per toon and everyone is 126 in engineering.
    I did, 4 skill ups per sytnh, takes 31 synths to get you to exactly 125, 62 Blackrock Ores, 62 True Iron Ores and 62 Nagrand Arrowbloom. Check AH for prices/availablilty.

  9. #9


    I switched my main team back to gathering / crafting dual builds. Reason being that the 125 loot-a-rang has a tiny range. Enough to say screw it. Just loot melee range. We're talking 2-3 yd difference.

    I couldn't justify in the end having five Jeeves, five mailboxes, etc. I found I was only ever using 2 at most out of the 5.

    I would reconsider if I were running a pure PvP team for the extra snap damage and gliders but right now it seems pretty unimportant for dungeon dwellers.

  10. #10


    The Bloods are still a concern right, they still BoP? Aren't they going to be needed for all crafting though and the most obvious way to get them is through gathering.

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