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  1. #1

    Default n00b boxer with jamba-target issues

    I dove head-first into multiboxing today with a second account. I found Jamba and for the most part I love it.

    The one sticky issue I'm having is that I can't seem to get jamba-target to work. My slave toon won't target anything. I see the macro scroll by on his screen, but nothing other than that happens. I've read over the doc for jamba-target several times, but I cannot figure out what I'm missing. Maybe I'm just dense.

    At first I was running it on two PC's. Tried both sessions on my main PC, but that didn't work either.

    Could someone please enlighten this n00b?

  2. #2


    I have had Jamba- Target Working although the targeting can be flakey if there are multiple mobs of the same name.

    The process as far as I know is to target a monster with the lead character, Press the click to taget button (preset in keybinds) so that a set of target icons pop up around your cursor, and then select an icon with a mouse click.

    On the crowd control character, you need to have a keybind set for for interacting with a particular target icon. eg: for me the interact keys arre the numpad 1-6. with triangle set to number 4

    On the crowd control character you need to edit the macro assigned within jamba to the particuar target icon. for my mage the macro is

    /target ???? <default lineset by jamba>

    /cast [target=target] Polymorph

    /g Sheeping %t

    In game, if leder hits Numpad 4, the mage will run the jamba target macro. s I said it is flakey when you have more than one monster in range withthe same name.

  3. #3


    As Noah says...

    Once the macro is set (you see it scroll by on the alts screen), you need to press the keybinding associated with the raid icon to make the macro fire. Have a look in your keybindings for a heading called Jamba Target.

    • Target 1 (Star)
    • Target 2 (Circle)
    • Target 3 (Diamond)
    • Target 4 (Triangle)
    • Target 5 (Moon)
    • Target 6 (Square)
    • Target 7 (Cross)
    • Target 8 (Skull)

    So if you mark a skull; you need to press the key your bound to Target 8 (Skull) for your toons to target that mob.

    You can change the macros so that they do other things as well as target, like sheeping for instance.

    Hope that helps, please post a reply if it doesn't.

    Also, if there are multiple mobs with the same name, your toon will target the closest one (not necessarily the one that is marked). This is (unfortunately for us) a part of the game that cannot be changed.
    Jamba - Jafula's Awesome Multi Boxer Assistant. An addon for YOU.

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