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    Default Jamba-Target Documentation


    • The What and Why of Jamba-Target.
      • What is Jamba-Target?
      • Why use Jamba-Target?

    • How to use Jamba-Target.
      • Bind keys to Jamba-Target functions.
      • Marking a target.
      • Targeting the target.
      • Target health.
      • Removing a target from the list.
      • Clearing characters existing targets.

    • Advanced Jamba-Target Usage
      • Holding a target.
      • Controlling which characters get target updates.
      • Changing the target macro. Sheep!

    The What and Why of Jamba-Target.

    What is Jamba-Target?

    Jamba-Target is a system that allows you build a pre-defined kill sequence for your slave characters. You can define up to 8 mobs to target. You mark individual mobs using the raid icon system. Pressing a key assigned to a raid icon causes all your slave characters to target the mob marked with the raid icon*. Now you can leave your slave characters to concentrate on that mob, while your tank is busy tanking other mobs.

    Jamba-Target targets mobs by using their names (the raid icons are for visual identification, not targeting).

    * Mobs with the same name cannot be uniquely targeted. When a mob has been marked and there are other mobs in the area with the same name, your slave characters will target the nearest mob with that name, not necessarily the mob that was marked.

    Why use Jamba-Target?


    Jamba-Target is useful in instances when you have pulls of multiple mobs. Marking each mob with a raid icon and then using the keys assigned to the raid icons to target these mobs means that your tank is free to tank, taunt and otherwise be useful rather than being a "brain" for the slave characters. You slave characters attack targets in the order you specify (you have to press the target key for each target in order for your slave characters to switch targets).

    Crowd Control

    Jamba-Target allows you to modify the macro assigned to each raid icon. You can modify the moon raid icon target to cast a polymorph on the target.

    How to use Jamba-Target.

    Bind keys to Jamba-Target functions.

    Bring up the World of Warcraft main menu. Choose Key Bindings. On the key binding form that appears, scroll down the form until you reach the section labelled Jamba Target.

    There are 10 keys that may be bound here. They are:
    • Mark Targets (Press & Hold)
    • Clear Target
    • Target 1 (Star)
    • Target 2 (Circle)
    • Target 3 (Diamond)
    • Target 4 (Triangle)
    • Target 5 (Moon)
    • Target 6 (Square)
    • Target 7 (Cross)
    • Target 8 (Skull)

    Choose 10 suitable keys and bind these keys to the above functions. In this document, Target 1 has been bound to Numpad 1, Target 2 to Numpad 2, etc. Clear Target has been bound to Numpad 0 and Mark Targets (Press & Hold) has been bound to the Period key (fullstop).

    Make sure you bind the exact same keys for these key bindings on ALL your characters.

    Please note that Mark Targets (Press & Hold) is a key that needs to be held down. Some key cloning / hot key programs require that this functionality be explictly setup. For instance in HotKeyNet, you must specify this key as a "movement key".

    Marking a target.

    Key: Mark Targets (Press & Hold)

    By default this key only works on the master character.

    Make sure you are controlling your master character.

    You must target a mob before pressing and holding this key down. When you press the key down, a circle of raid icons appear near the mouse cursor. Click (left mouse button) one of these raid icons and you assign that raid icon to your targeted mob. Jamba-Target pops up a small window that displays this the raid icon you selected, the mobs name and the mobs health.

    Now if you target a different mob, press and hold the Mark Targets (Press & Hold) key, choose a different raid icon from the circle of raid icons that popup, you will see that Jamba-Target has added your second target to the target list.

    Marking of targets cannot be done in combat.

    Targeting the target.

    Keys: Target 1 - 8

    To target a target in the Jamba-Target target list; press the key that is associated with the raid icon the target is marked with. All your slave characters will now target that target. Likewise press another key for a different raid icon and your slave characters will target the target assigned to that raid icon.
    You can change targets in combat by pressing the appropriate target keys.

    Target health.

    As your characters damage a marked target, the target's health is updated on the target list display. When the target dies, the target is removed from the target list.

    Removing a target from the list.

    If you mark a target and fail to kill the target or target the wrong mob, you can remove the target from the list, by selecting any target, pressing and holding the Mark Target (Press & Hold) key, and right-clicking on the raid icon already assigned to the wrong target.

    Clearing characters existing targets.

    Sometimes your slave characters will target a mob you did not want them to target. Pressing the Clear Target key will clear each slave characters target.

    Advanced Jamba-Target Usage

    Holding a target.

    By default Jamba-Target will monitor a mobs health and remove the mob from the list when the mob dies. There is an option to "hold" a particular target mob's name rather than the actual mob. When a target is held, Jamba-Target does not track the mobs health, but instead leaves the target name intact.

    This allows you to preset the name of a mob to target and have the ability to target that mob for the duration of your session. This is useful for crowd control where all through an instance you may have a particular mob that you wish to sheep. Rather than marking each individual mob, you can just mark the first mob you encounter.

    In the Jamba-Target options, under the List tab, there is a list of raid icons. Check the box for raid icon you wish to hold. For example, to hold the moon raid icon, you would check the box Hold 5 (moon).

    Controlling which characters get target updates.

    By default the target commands are sent to all characters that have the "all" tag. You can control which characters get send each target command (target 1-8) by changing the tag associated with each target.

    For instance, you may wish the moon raid icon (Target 5) to only be actioned by your mage. Assign your mage the tag "mage". In the Jamba-Target options, under the Tags tab, change the tag for Target 5 (Moon) from "all" to "mage". Now when pressing the key assigned to Target 5 (Moon), only the mage will get the command to target the mob.

    Changing the target macro. Sheep!

    Obviously having a mage just target the mob is all very well and good, but how about having the mage actually sheep the mob instead. You can modify the macro assigned to each target to do this.

    By default all the macros for each target are:

    /targetexact #MOB#

    This macro can be modified to sheep the target and then have the mage target its last target:

    /targetexact #MOB#
    /cast Polymorph

    To modify a macro for a target; navigate to the Macros tab in the Jamba-Target options. Select the target to edit the macro for from the drop down list. The macro text for this target appears in the edit box. Edit the macro as you wish.

    Please note that you use the #MOB# text in place of the mob name. Jamba-Target will replace #MOB# with the name of the actual mob when you target a mob.

    Make sure you click Accept when you have finished modifying the macro.

    Last edited by Jafula : 01-10-2012 at 04:14 AM
    Jamba - Jafula's Awesome Multi Boxer Assistant. An addon for YOU.

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