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  1. #1

    Default Wod heroics - getting to 610

    Im interested to see how you guys are getting on with progressing to heroics?

    ive pretty much done all the quests i can find.
    ive got the 640 ring.
    ive only got a few rarespawn 620's, not even 1 per char. They are heavily camped and i havent got the patience to wait for spawn.
    so my team is at 601-605.
    quite a way to go to 610. Gonna need lots of normal dungeon 615's. Plus Hopefully have a crystal peice in a few days which i think is 620?

    i only just replaced my barracks with a bunker as i didnt know about the increase in upgrade chance it gives until today! So i dont think ive done very well with rare quest rewards which is a shame. Mostly greens.

  2. #2


    Tier 1 Apexis Crystal gear is 630, and is similar to the dropped versions of similar naming from Heroic Dungeons. I was fortunately lucky enough to get most of my quest geared epic upgraded or are upgraded so i was near 610 when i got done with nagrand. However 1 of my guys was all green on his gear and was around 590.

  3. #3


    ive got my team to 610 now.
    Still finding normals tough! ive yet to get past everbloom second boss and burialgrounds last boss, UBRS is the only one i can comfortably run.

    I do wonder why no one else on these forums is talking about boxing the new instances? i thought you guys would be all over it?
    Im interested to compare notes and find out what team compositions work and where etc..

  4. #4


    I am not done with Nagrand and have a few guys 610+. I made some gear ( one each ). One thing i just noticed last night, the lvl3 salvage yard drops 610 greens randomly, that has helped. But i am all over the mission cooldowns... i have several 615 items so far from those. I go out and do a few quests and return to do more follower missions about every hour.
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  5. #5


    I recommend having the Warmill in your large plot while doing Nagrand so you can luck out on quest rewards/rare spawn loot.

    If you're already done with Nagrand, I'd set your garrison up to do follow missions: Warmill, Salvage Yard, Inn.
    "Tact is for those that lack the wit for sarcasm."

  6. #6
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    Quote Originally Posted by Mosg2 View Post
    I recommend having the Warmill in your large plot while doing Nagrand so you can luck out on quest rewards/rare spawn loot.

    If you're already done with Nagrand, I'd set your garrison up to do follow missions: Warmill, Salvage Yard, Inn.
    For those of us who play the master faction (Alliance), the War Mill is the Dwarven Bunker.
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
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    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  7. #7


    I have the lvl2 Bunker and lvl3 salvage yards on all my team
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  8. #8


    Just finished my first heroic.
    Iron docks.
    i616-i618 team of prot paladins.
    I reckon i should be able to start working through the rest of them now as i get to i620, thats the sweet spot for my paladins it seems.
    Itching to start a new team now, see if i can do the instances with lower ilevels.

    Quite a few wipes!
    You can see a pile of bones from a previous failed attempt.
    Name:  idhc.jpg
Views: 153
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by fightcow View Post
    You can see a pile of bones from a previous failed attempt.
    Name:  idhc.jpg
Views: 153
Size:  520.8 KB
    Good fighter that mark hunt

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by fightcow View Post
    Just finished my first heroic.
    Iron docks.
    i616-i618 team of prot paladins.
    Congrats! That's great to hear. I'm sure I will be getting into heroics soon. As you mentioned before, it is different in this expansion with all the different ways to gear up.

    My first team of ten is between ilvl 619 and 627. I've yet to set foot in a heroic or even a regular level 100 dungeon. I'm not raiding Highmaul yet, but my followers are starting to. They get a mission called "Highmaul Raid" once you get a group of them to (follower ilvl) 645. They give your toon a piece of ilvl 655 gear when successful.

    Don't get me wrong, it isn't like the follower game leads to instant free 655 ilvl gear. It has taken me a good amount of time to get my followers leveled up to that level and it could be that spending my time in heroics instead would have yielded quicker results. Heroics definitely require more skill to accomplish. However, I've been enjoying managing each toon's little army from the comfort of my garrison.
    10-boxing Alliance Sargeras and Kil'jaeden

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