
I recently started dualboxing again after having a break pretty much since TBC. I have been running a Dual DK team for a while and I have lots of fun with it and now I'd like to start a more challenging team.
I decided to go with a warlock/priest combo but I'm having a hard time to figure out how to set things up. (I use keyclone and a 1pc 1monitor setup)
I'm not sure wich toon would be best to have as the master. on one hand I'm thinking warlock to ease the pet control and top make better use of the cc abilities. (i like stuff like shadowfury but I am not as found about mouse broadcasting with keyclone). I also feel like having the priest as master to be able to use healing addons like clique or healbot.

I would like to hear some input from anyone with experience from the comp, or any similair comp. Do's and dont's would be much apriceated.
