Hello all

Tried looking on the old official forums for an answer but couldnt see it anywhere.

Until i recently re installed windows and lost my original hotkey script the functionality i would have was as follows

I had two wow accounts open with hotkey.net running
Holding the Alt key and rolling the mouse wheel backward would cause both WoW clients to press one of the action bar buttons
this was done so that when using the mouse wheel without holding alt regular zoom in and out function remained.
from my understanding Alt is the modifier key.

i have tried recreating my script and i get the desired output on whichever client is top most but the second client doesnt respond the same
if i switch to the second client as my main window then the first client does not respond to the input

Currently i have a keybinding setup so that on the action bar "action button 12" has inputs key 1 as = and key 2 as Alt-wheel backward.

Anyone with a suggestion of how to get this to work again help would be much appreciated