Hi All-

Recent return to WoW here, have been running two accounts (druid/paladin) for fun while leveling, questing, etc. Nothing too extreme, but working well. I would like to add a third account to do some auction house work on a second screen while I play normally on the first two accounts.

Now, this third auction house character - when it is running, I would like it to have different video and sound settings than the first two accounts. Would like the third character to have a smaller window, much lower video settings, and different audio settings.

I remember back in the day you could just make a second copy of your WoW install directory if you wanted to do this and launch directly from wow.exe. Tried this, but I can't get WoW to run from the second directory - getting big errors when trying to open the game. I'm thinking maybe they changed it so you have to launch from the Battle.net app?

Also, the game doesn't seem to remember video/audio settings by character - if I change any settings on one character, those settings are remembered the next time I log in on any other character.

Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated - thanks!