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  1. #1

    Default DPS rotation for 4 priest discipline + tank

    Hi All!

    Let me start by saying that I just reached 100 thanks to invasions and RaF (and of course all the tips on this forum), and I'm having so much fun. Anyhow, I had time to do some low level dungeons along the way and was not convinced that I'm doing that right. That being said, I have few questions:

    • I would like my 4 priests to start the DPS rotation at different step, is it easily possible or should I create 4 rotations for each character with a different order? The reasoning is that I tend to over heal the tank when all the priests cast Shadow Mend. On the other hand, I sometimes end up with a low life tank if Atonement doesn't heal it enough in between two Shadow Mend casts.
    • In your DPS rotation, do you add a time constraint (based on the spell casting time) to wait before to switch to the next step? That way you can spam the key without having to worry about respecting the order?

    • How do you guys handle dots? Is it part of your DPS rotation or do you use a separate key that you manually press every ~10 seconds?

    Thanks for your help!


    Non-edit: arf made a typo in the title

  2. #2


    On my Disc I have the dps aspect in one simple macro.. the rest I handle myself as I lead from the healer. Here is the macro:

    /castsequence [nochanneling]reset=target/15 Shadow Word: Pain,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite
    /castsequence reset=9 Penance

    Does the atonement stack directly from cast heal spells? I ask because when I ran x2 disc it didn't seem to as far as the atonement tooltip.. I cast plea on myself and via the alt.. but not sure it worked? I could be wrong though.
    Last edited by Andreauk : 08-29-2016 at 01:31 PM

  3. #3
    Member luxlunae's Avatar
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    With four priests you should not be casting shadow mend on the tank.

    They should each try to bubble the tank (to put their atonement on the tank) and then atone. You could also add a step where each priest "pleas" themself once every 10 seconds if they are feeling squishy.

    I spent a lot of time yesterday with a disc priest prot pally dualbox through invasions and this was all I did on the priest (should work even better with four!).

    Priorities, three macros
    Cast bubble @focus (applies atonement instantly)
    Cast penance
    cast smite

    I then manually "plea'd" myself if the priest dipped low or if I was really concerned I cast power word radiance on the priest or the tank.

    4 power word radiances would be awesome on a tank and the rest of the raid around you that picked up all that cleaved atonement would be thrilled as well.

  4. #4


    @Andreauk: Thanks for sharing your macro. I like the idea of applying the dot then do something during X seconds then apply the dot again. To answer your question, cast heal spells do seem to apply Atonement as I currently don't use Plea in the DPS rotation and keep seeing 4 Atonement at any time on the tank.

    @luxlunae: I like the approach Bubble -> DPS to heal over time. Currently I'm doing differently with Shadow Mend -> DPS. Then in case of problem I cast 4 bubbles with another key. As I said, 4 x Shadow Mend over heal the tank and you don't recommend it either so I'm going to give a try at your strategy. Then keep another key to cast 4 power word radiance in case of team emergency (each priest will cast on itself as if they cast on the same character, it might not heal some characters being too far). FYI, I use two click bars to cast Plea, Bubble, PW Radiance or Shadow Mend on a specific character so that's covered.

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