I just came across a new addon that will be great for multiboxing if you don't have anything set up yet. And I've just started my 7 day trial with ISBoxer, so this is coming from someone who has only used hotkey. The addon is called DynamicCam. It's very new, so it has some bugs to work out on a couple things, but for multiboxing I like it alot.

Basically, it saves camera views for a bunch of scenarios, and lets you change them for each one. Example - When you mount up, it can zoom out and hide your UI, and when you land it can zoom in. Then you walk indoors, it can change so you look over your shoulder and see the npc easier. Then (here's the best feature for raiders!) when you enter combat, your toon is lowered down on your screen so that the boss takes up most the screen as opposed to you seeing only the lower half of him, which the patch has caused with having less zoom out available. The thing I like about it for boxing is that my cameras all get reset every time i change a scenario, which there are many of. In the past I could have one toon get wonky and my camera would be looking at him and not from behind, which is a pain (I'm sure there are easy ways around this in the past, but I'm a nub). There you go, hope it helps someone else. First time poster here, but have read the forums over the years. You all rock!