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  1. #11


    Nice! I'm waiting for WoD or I would join you with my accounts if you wanted to. I only single box now and mainly pvp.

  2. #12


    Updated the 10 Boxer Video Compendium page with a few more videos.

    I've now downed the first two wings (8 bosses) in Flex SoO and 2 bosses in Normal SoO solo. No videos = didn't happen?

    Proof in this thread:
    10-boxing Alliance Sargeras and Kil'jaeden

  3. #13

    Default (mercurio) 10 man boxing SoO

    Hey all watched a couple of vids on youtube where Mercurio 10 boxed SoO 10 man normals, was just wondering what ilvl the toons were and any special setups you had to do for it.

    tried it last night on flex and wiped quite a few times, just was not getting the dps to move through the first phase. Awsome to watch btw.

    here is the link in-case anyone has not seen them.



  4. #14
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Winter Is Coming


    Quote Originally Posted by dougie700 View Post
    Hey all watched a couple of vids on youtube where Mercurio 10 boxed SoO 10 man normals, was just wondering what ilvl the toons were and any special setups you had to do for it.

    tried it last night on flex and wiped quite a few times, just was not getting the dps to move through the first phase. Awsome to watch btw.
    I've merged your thread into Mercurio's main video thread where he's already been answering questions. It helps if the information is all in one place and others may be interested in this iLVL as well.
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
    Ask your questions on the forum where others can also benefit from the information.

    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  5. #15

  6. #16
    Member luxlunae's Avatar
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    Not sure when he'll see this but when I grouped with him a couple of weeks ago his ilevels were between 560 and 575. I think that really is the minimum for boxing content, I know some people expressed an interest in doing flex at 500 ish ilevel and I don't think that is going to work out at all.

  7. #17


    Thanks Luxlunae,

    I think that it could be possible in flex, just think it would take a couple more players and smaller boxes, personnally I am not in a manned guild, its very rare that i can get in a flex group or a normal mode group, as i am below the asking ilvl or don't have the curve, think the highest ilvl i have is 535. So was taking these video's as a glimmer of hope that I could still do end game content, admittedly at the end of the expac.

    but thanks again

  8. #18
    Member luxlunae's Avatar
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    You can get up to flex worthy ilevel but you'll have to get all the lfr gear and upgrade about half of it, by my reckoning. Not sure how the patch is going to affect things but there will be no limit on coins and upgrades then so getting ungeared characters up will be easier.

  9. #19



    A couple of suggestions if you'd like to down some SoO content solo:

    As Lux noted, OQueue or some other raid finding software should be able to get you some flex groups pretty easily once you gear score is above 535. Upgrading drops you get from flex gets you 556 gear. Once above 550 ilvl, you should be able to find some regular SoO groups, and upgrading those drops results in 569 (or 575 warforged) gear. Legendary cloaks help hugely with hitting those ilvls. Grinding out some 550 ilvl PvP gear is pretty easy, and doing the celestials on Timeless Isle can help with 550 PvP drops or 569 PvE legs/hands. After 6.0, you can do Ordos weekly even without legendary cloaks which are 559 (575 upgraded) too. So in other words, there are tons of ways to drive up your ilvl significantly.

    As for my group's ilvl when I started soloing flex, it was around 547 or so for Fallen Protectors, which is by FAR the easiest SoO boss in flex or normal. I routinely kill Protectors and Norushen in regular SoO with a couple groups averaging 560 now. As Lux mentioned, I have one or two toons around 575, but about half the toons in the groups I bring into regular are about 553 or so. If you can get one toon into a flex group and get Immerseus down, drop out and bring your whole crew to Fallen Protectors using them as the leader when you queue for Flex.

    Tips for Protectors: With the tank who is on Rook, pull Rook forward slightly, then move past him and turn your tank around so Rook's back is to the rest of your team. Then ignore that tank entirely. The other tank should pull and tank He, turning around on Gouge and moving out of poison. The He tank needs to pick up Misery during Rook's aid phase. Target through another toon (I use a priest) for all your healers and DPS. Use a macro on that toon that automatically switches to the most dangerous mobs that are up, like this one (which just modifies my Divine Star macro):

    /tar Embodied Misery
    /tar Embodied Gloom
    /tar Embodied Sorrow
    /tar Embodied Anguish
    /script SetRaidTarget("target",8)
    /stopmacro [channeling][mod:shift]
    /cast [combat] Divine Star
    Hope that helps. Post a video of your success when you down them
    Last edited by Khatovar : 10-06-2014 at 09:44 AM
    10-boxing Alliance Sargeras and Kil'jaeden

  10. #20


    Thanks, i managed to 11 box the celestials today, but out of 11 toons getting getting a chest, all of them got gold, no loot (thanks rng), and saying 10 boxed, once i engaged then other dps'ers joined in, but it was a step forward :P

    Are your tanks both palladins? trying to work out how you were healing them, especally on the first boss as it looked like your healers where out of range or where you smite healing?

    thanks again as I said earlier having seen somone do it then It can only be a matter of time and gear before I should start seeing results myself.

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