Quote Originally Posted by Andreauk View Post
Nah it's 250g per run.. and for someone on a new realm with a new team I think it's still good.

So what other ways are easier?
On a new realm sure its a good means of getting some things for yourself to get started. But even then a single character farming shra'ves makes more gold "per hour" especially if you have tailoring to make the cloak so you are not relying on the AH to sell cloth. Before that it was krasarang wilds at the fishing village.

5k+ per hour is pretty easily obtainable especially if you have a boxing team with AOE like mages/boomkin or something. At this point in the expansion it isn't quite the 10-20k per hour I use to get due to them nerfing the gold trinkets as well as adding the reduced loot after X time from grinding mobs.

Don't get me wrong the gold with no AH is great but its still not time efficient if you are capable of other things.