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    Default BG follow MKIII using Brew-pup (isboxer setup)

    So with this setup and going to guide you how to have a nice follow in bg's this can be used with the mount i posted a few months ago (

    But this is more for casters or when your stuck in combat or a room of some kind where you can not mount. Anyway lets Start.

    1st You need to buy the Alterac Brew-Pup its pet from the pet store. Ingame or out of game. The soul-trader would work the same (if they keep it in ashran)

    2nd Your Chars will need a full Bags for this to work if not they pick up the item and it be nolonger lootable. Till you A: Drink them Or B: Remove them form your bags* You could use a marcio but i find it took to long for the game to catch up and it made the follow very laggy. (soul-trader would not need this)

    Ok lets start: we can not be using a focus as we need the pet to be focus as the no-combat pets do not have a targetID.
    Other Things to note is when you main dies they lose the focus and you need to resetup focus.

    So we need to go into wow and set to Keymaps in your key bildings menu.

    You need to set interact with target (ill be using ITW form now on) I am taking you already have this setup to a keymap.

    You can set them to whatever you have spare or not using. Just note down and change what you change them to.

    This is what i have mine set to

    Focus Target F7
    Target Focus Alt+S
    ITW Mum Pad 0

    So the next set we need a New Mapped Key. This will be used to set the focus of YOUR TARGET (so target the pup before u press this). i have mine set to Sift+1 you need to do this after ever time you zone into a bg or die! or change master and resummon a new pet.

    and the last part is the simple part just add the two keys from wow into a new keymap.

    Alt+S and mumpad0 make sure Click to move is on and they all should work.

    I don't really think this is killing any rule if blizzard does not like it am sure they just Hotfix the pet. as always stay safe and don't do anything silly like taking loads of chars and kill the game for others.
    Last edited by ebony : 10-03-2014 at 06:54 AM Reason: added old post

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