Alright, so I'm doing my first 5 box team with the classic combination of 5 ele shammies. My problem is this-I hadn't done too many instances leveling up, as I figured RaF questing was faster. I'm now at 63 doing ramparts, which is easy for the most part, but I can't beat the dragon at the end. I also tried it at 60 and I wiped even on the trash mobs. here is my spec and gear, it's more or less the same for all 5(I know I shouldn't have done totem of wrath on them all, but I was reading an old guide from when it stacked. I'll respec it later, didn't think it was worth it for just one point.)

is there anything blatantly obvious that I did wrong? I understand it could just be my own ignorance that is causing me to do badly, I just thought I would check in with some more experienced players to see what I was doing wrong.

My fight sequence for a boss goes like this-

spread out macro-fairly simplistic, 2 strafing, 1 forward, 1 back

Drop my totems-first 1 earthbind and 4 stoneclaw totems(do you think it would be helpful to use one totem that boosts armor instead?) , 2nd 1 ToW and 4 searing, 3rd is 5 healing streams, and 4th is grounding totems(though I have this on a seperate hotkey as well for caster mobs)

after that, I pull with chain(or with elemental oath+spell damage trinket+chain on hard boss fights), then spam lightnings and shocks(1 frost 4 earth) as they come available.

Any ideas on how i can improve my instance performance, either with different focus in equipment, different fight sequences, or different builds maybe?? it seems to me I shouldn't have that much of a problem doing an instance at the correct level, much less wiping on one I'm 3 levels above.

I know this has been long and I appreciate you all taking the time to help me, this forum has been absolutely amazing for me as a new multiboxer.

PS- I know it would probably be easier with a pally tank, but I really, really don't like playing melee, and thought it would be easier as I got used to boxing to just have 5 casters. I'll probably sub one in once I get to 80 on my shammy team, but I was under the impression that it wasn't really necessary until you started in on heroics