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  1. #1

    Default Garrison - Any Tips?

    A title says.
    I currently have 4 teams at 100 and doing Garrison stuff (only follower quests!) already takes forever...
    Using Garrison Mission Manager and Master Plan.

    Having all classes (x5) at 100 will be very bad
    Last edited by Pazgaz : 01-17-2016 at 04:30 AM

  2. #2


    I only do them on 2 of my main toons now.. I dont see much point in starting new garry tables now with the expac not too far away.. yeah there is gold but still I value my sanity more!

  3. #3
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    I have... a lot of Garrisons. Even before I started boxing again I had 22. It's a problem.

    For me, the trick is that you don't get sucked into doing tons of tedious crap everyday. So, prioritize.

    First, get a Gem Boutique to level 2 with a follower in each Garrison. Additionally, you may want to add a Scribe's Quarters at 2 with a follower as well, depending on how much you're using your profession buildings (at this point I'm assuming not much). I use my own guild and bank to coordinate materials between all of my guys, so I just drop Mobile Banking between the two profession buildings, do the daily. Check the trader to see if there's mats worth getting and move my characters one by one to the mission table.

    Once they're all there and I collect my mission rewards for the day, I broadcast mouse clicks and start accepting new missions, then log out. Doesn't take too much time actually and gets a fair amount of gold with all those easy dailies. But, with all of the Garrissons I have I DO go through the mats, hence checking the trader everyday at the Trading Post.
    My Blog: SRS Business

  4. #4
    Member luxlunae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andreauk View Post
    I only do them on 2 of my main toons now.. I dont see much point in starting new garry tables now with the expac not too far away.. yeah there is gold but still I value my sanity more!
    Amen. Setting limits on garrisons was one of the smartest things I did this xpac. 2 active professions, 2 garrisons, and that's it for what I let myself do.

    Otherwise you can get buried in busywork and tedium.

    Decide what your goal is (gold? achievements?) and then focus on just a couple of toons.

  5. #5
    Member JohnGabriel's Avatar
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    If its your first garrison you'll probably go all out doing everything, I had a lot of fun my first time through.

    Now, its just log the team in at the mission tables and broadcasting to do missions. I put the inn at level 3 and recruit followers with the treasure finding trait, all of my active followers have it now.

    Anymore takes too long and I end up not doing anything else.

  6. #6


    I am also running all classes x5 so with 55 toons only 6 toons hold the professions i am capping, the others have JC and mining plus the treasure items for mining and herb and this speeds up mining a lot, but i also don't worry about the mine or garden to much, i focus on the barn and missions, getting Harrison Jones on everyone plus inn level 3 and war mill then just do missions and upgrade followers once a week or so. you want to focus on what will carry over to legion, so capping professions and gold capping is my goal. and i make most if not 95% of my gold from tagging kazz on all toons then holding the felblight until Friday and dump it on the AH plus FL and BoT. Point is there is no way to maintain a ton of Garrison so just focus on whats important to you. If its not fun its not worth doing.

  7. #7


    i got burnt out in beta. so when live came and i changed my group a few times i just gave up now i do very little one a week if that

    as for ship yards i did not even start them only what i had to do to get in the new zone.

    so far seems like the same sort of thing is going to happen in legion with class halls

  8. #8


    Currently in my team of 5 at level 3 townhall, everyone have the inn (not wise, but will change once I got everything I need), Dwarven Bunker (for crate increase), trading post (till I got enough resources and then will probably change it to barn), 6 profession, and scrapyard on every character. And one of them has a storage.

    I will keep one of my trading post due to convenience sake (AH). So far I do mining and herbing on all my characters and put workorder on professions. It does get really tedious to say the truth but those crafting items takes a lot of materials to craft and helps to have those ores. However since these ores are so cheap and once you got the recepie to produce materials without cooldown makes things better.

  9. #9


    I have had the same thoughts recently about optimizing my time and focusing on different professions/garrison buildings/etc., as I added 3 new accounts during the recent WoW sale during the holidays, for a total of 5. It's interesting to see others that are thinking along the same lines as to maximizing profitability and pruning out the activities that are really just not worth our time, so I'd like to share what I've learned lately.

    On my 3 new accounts, I boosted Druids (starfall from multiboxed boomkins with glyph of untamed stars is the apex of insanity, I LOVE IT!) -- I feel like tailoring is probably the most profitable profession, 1 barn can get you the fur you need for almost 3 days worth of production, or 3 toons @ 1 day production, so on each tailor you can average crafting about 1 bag every 1.5 days with rush work orders, if you can swing 280 extra fur + 28 primal spirits you can make 1 a day... SO, if you can put in enough time to get 15+ followers casually leveled to epic & 675 (LOL) and get some primal spirit missions, you can really churn out the bags. They sell for 850-1000g+ on my server.

    Also, my UI's and action bars are pretty much uniform across all toons, so I broadcast and click the profession, and craft the daily materials and what-not in triplicate. If you take the time to think just a little bit ahead (but as someone said in another reply, "I value my sanity" -- same here) and keep your toons stocked with extra mats, you can avoid headaches and save some time. One option is to have engineering, either leveled high enough to use the MOLL-E portable mailbox, or you can purchase the one from the engineering building but the problem is you'd have to go and purchase a new one after the charges run out, seems like it would be useless for what i'm thinking, but if you had very little to do on some days, you could logout at the desired building or area and the next time you login, craft your stuff, open mailbox, mail stuff off (see below about how TSM can help you with that) and roll your next team or whatever... I've found that trying to get multiboxed toons running around their separate garrisons at the same time is difficult at best, sometimes I will get one of them moving by using click-to-move, go to the next window, repeat, etc. and then try to broadcast and click to pick up work orders, etc. but it seems to get a little crazy.

    The JC and scribe dailies are good too, but that means you'd have to farm or buy/trade for more ore/herbs. If you use Jamba and TSM, you can click the guy once to auto-accept the quest, open your profession, and a new feature of the latest TSM is a "smart-craft" for the JC daily, which can show up when you have the quest, allow you to 1-click craft what you need, click him again to turn-in the quest automatically, open your bag of between 100-299g and be done. I've found that using Jamba on all my toons for this purpose has saved me a lot of time every day. A nice idea might be a target/interact macro for the quest giver that could easily be broadcast.

    Barns! 42 large crates = 1 week of production, and I was curious how long it actually takes me to get that many, I was running a warlock and mage and managed to get 42 wolves in 15 minutes. 15 minutes per week per team!!!!!!!! So, 1 hour of work = 1 month of barn work orders, and then you could consider only collecting materials from them every 3 days (you could go 5 if you had a level 3 storehouse) to save time. TSM (TradeSkillMaster) has become my best friend lately, and has saved me at least 30 minutes a day or more in tedious repetitive nonsense. It takes a little bit of tinkering with but the latest release seems to have made groups and operations (auction posting/mailing/etc) a lot easier. I found that I'm repeatedly mailing crafts to my main to be auctioned, herbs to my scribe, frostweed to my alchemists, etc. so I set up groups to do that, so I effectively am able to just walk to the mailbox, click a button, and all my stuff gets mailed to the right person without having to wring my hands and think about it. I have auctioning groups set up the same way. I was reluctant to set up so many automatic processes in fear that I would just mindlessly start selling stuff for too cheap, but after you run a post scan of the stuff you've configured to sell, you can quickly review the post prices at a glance and confirm or skip, or configure parameters for your high/low prices. It took a few hours to configure, and it's sort of an ongoing thing for a while, but I was so happy when I realized it was saving me a lot of time since I didn't have to personally iterate through every item I wanted to sell, scan, post (in multiples usually), so that's like 10+ clicks or whatever for each item(s), so inevitably hundreds of clicks condensed down to like, 1....

    I hope some of this information is useful. I am fairly noobish to multiboxing (at least, multiboxing more than 2 accounts) so if I've reinvented the wheel here on some of my ideas, I apologize. I would love to discuss this topic more... lol!

    Another note, I had a though about the garrison mine... I usually only mine 3 of my toons garrisons per day, that seems to be enough ore for me lately. However, I had the thought that, since they usually have tons of extra draenic stone for the mine work orders, I could alternate out another set of 3, and both sets of 3 would have 100% work order production each day, thereby giving you the production of 6 mines each day (work orders), but still only having to mine on 3 toons each day... !!! Also, on the toons I mine with, I always do it last and place work orders first from the previous day's draenic stone, then run through and mine everything, then use the garrison hearthstone at the end to save the 30-45s run back. (Hell, it's probably only like 20 seconds, but it's so tedious)... just a time-saving tip I thought I'd share, seems fairly obvious, though.

    EDIT: Fixed formatting as per request.
    Last edited by Phrygean : 02-01-2016 at 01:03 PM

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Phrygean View Post
    I have had the same thoughts recently about optimizing my time and focusing on different professions/garrison buildings/etc., as I added 3 new accounts during the recent WoW sale during the holidays, for a total of 5. It's interesting to see others that are thinking along the same lines as to maximizing profitability and pruning out the activities that are really just not worth our time, so I'd like to share what I've learned lately. On my 3 new accounts, I boosted Druids (starfall from multiboxed boomkins with glyph of untamed stars is the apex of insanity, I LOVE IT!) -- I feel like tailoring is probably the most profitable profession, 1 barn can get you the fur you need for almost 3 days worth of production, or 3 toons @ 1 day production, so on each tailor you can average crafting about 1 bag every 1.5 days with rush work orders, if you can swing 280 extra fur + 28 primal spirits you can make 1 a day... SO, if you can put in enough time to get 15+ followers casually leveled to epic & 675 (LOL) and get some primal spirit missions, you can really churn out the bags. They sell for 850-1000g+ on my server. Also, my UI's and action bars are pretty much uniform across all toons, so I broadcast and click the profession, and craft the daily materials and what-not in triplicate. If you take the time to think just a little bit ahead (but as someone said in another reply, "I value my sanity" -- same here) and keep your toons stocked with extra mats, you can avoid headaches and save some time. One option is to have engineering, either leveled high enough to use the MOLL-E portable mailbox, or you can purchase the one from the engineering building but the problem is you'd have to go and purchase a new one after the charges run out, seems like it would be useless for what i'm thinking, but if you had very little to do on some days, you could logout at the desired building or area and the next time you login, craft your stuff, open mailbox, mail stuff off (see below about how TSM can help you with that) and roll your next team or whatever... I've found that trying to get multiboxed toons running around their separate garrisons at the same time is difficult at best, sometimes I will get one of them moving by using click-to-move, go to the next window, repeat, etc. and then try to broadcast and click to pick up work orders, etc. but it seems to get a little crazy. The JC and scribe dailies are good too, but that means you'd have to farm or buy/trade for more ore/herbs. If you use Jamba and TSM, you can click the guy once to auto-accept the quest, open your profession, and a new feature of the latest TSM is a "smart-craft" for the JC daily, which can show up when you have the quest, allow you to 1-click craft what you need, click him again to turn-in the quest automatically, open your bag of between 100-299g and be done. I've found that using Jamba on all my toons for this purpose has saved me a lot of time every day. A nice idea might be a target/interact macro for the quest giver that could easily be broadcast. Barns! 42 large crates = 1 week of production, and I was curious how long it actually takes me to get that many, I was running a warlock and mage and managed to get 42 wolves in 15 minutes. 15 minutes per week per team!!!!!!!! So, 1 hour of work = 1 month of barn work orders, and then you could consider only collecting materials from them every 3 days (you could go 5 if you had a level 3 storehouse) to save time. TSM (TradeSkillMaster) has become my best friend lately, and has saved me at least 30 minutes a day or more in tedious repetitive nonsense. It takes a little bit of tinkering with but the latest release seems to have made groups and operations (auction posting/mailing/etc) a lot easier. I found that I'm repeatedly mailing crafts to my main to be auctioned, herbs to my scribe, frostweed to my alchemists, etc. so I set up groups to do that, so I effectively am able to just walk to the mailbox, click a button, and all my stuff gets mailed to the right person without having to wring my hands and think about it. I have auctioning groups set up the same way. I was reluctant to set up so many automatic processes in fear that I would just mindlessly start selling stuff for too cheap, but after you run a post scan of the stuff you've configured to sell, you can quickly review the post prices at a glance and confirm or skip, or configure parameters for your high/low prices. It took a few hours to configure, and it's sort of an ongoing thing for a while, but I was so happy when I realized it was saving me a lot of time since I didn't have to personally iterate through every item I wanted to sell, scan, post (in multiples usually), so that's like 10+ clicks or whatever for each item(s), so inevitably hundreds of clicks condensed down to like, 1.... I hope some of this information is useful. I am fairly noobish to multiboxing (at least, multiboxing more than 2 accounts) so if I've reinvented the wheel here on some of my ideas, I apologize. I would love to discuss this topic more... lol!
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