So I'll admit, I haven't finished reading all of the stickies yet. But I've noticed a few things in reading other threads that have led to some questions:

Many people seem to multibox 3-5 characters. Is this for the added challenge, additional effectiveness, or is multiboxing just 2 characters not worthwhile? I initially became interested in multiboxing as a way to RaF myself and level 2 characters very quickly. At the time, I didn't realize there was a whole community devoted to playing the game this way. Initially, I had intended on multiboxing only to level them with the 300% xp gain, and then playing each character individually. But after reading this forum, I'm intrigued at the possibilities beyond just leveling them.

Are people paying for 5 subscriptions when doing this? I'm interested in learning more, and putting together my own complete 5-man team at some point down the road is very appealing. But I don't want to pay $75/month in subscriptions to do this. I've seen some threads on daisy chaining RaF's, I imagine to get the benefit of free game time with paid subscriptions on 4 of the 5 accounts, but what about once those end? I realize having 5 subscriptions might be worth it to some, and I completely understand that. I'm asking the question, hoping there's a way to do this that would bring the price down to a point that's financially reasonable for me. And along these lines, you have to buy 4 additional copies of the base game and 4 additional copies of WoD, right?

It seems that caster/ranged classes are the easiest to learn on. For that reason, I was thinking of going with 2 mages, 2 shamans, or 2 hunters. And from what I've read in stickies, it seems like playing 2 of the same class is the easiest way to learn. I have some experience with macros, and am comfortable enough making them that I'm not discouraged at the thought of binding 2 different actions for 2 different classes to 1 key. Eventually, I'd love to run something like a healer and tank, or tank and DPS, but I certainly understand starting with the basics. Is there a particular class that's frequently recommended as the easiest for a beginner to dual-box? One for which there are plenty of tutorials and basic set up guides so that you can get up and running as quickly and easily as possible?

Thanks in advance for any responses. I'm looking forward to learning a lot about multiboxing from you guys.