Quote Originally Posted by ebony View Post
And all this for the big price off £0.000000000
The only software I'm aware of that does everything on Svper's list is InnerSpace/ISBoxer.
That is not a free software.

I cannot really see myself switching from IS Boxer to another product...
Unless it offered something amazing, which I could not get from ISBoxer.

That said...

I would consider this to the basic level:
- Key replication, between windows.
- Ability to white list or black list given keys.
- Toggle-able mouse broadcasting, between windows.
- Ability to display each window, picture in picture.
- Ability to swap a slave window, with the main window, so the newly focused window is large and the previous window is a small picture-in-picture window.
- Round-robin support, the ability to have Window A then Window B, then Window C do an action, one after the other.
- Networking between computers, so someone with three systems instead of one powerful system can box across their network.
Keyclone (www.solidice.com/keyclone) offers these features, and was (to my knowledge) the first widely used boxing program.
Rob gives excellent support, via email on his site, or via phone (listed on his site); he used to be more active on dual-boxing, but still lurks about.

Game Commander Pro, was a software (that is still around www.gamecommanderpro.com) developed by a boxer for personal use.
And then offered to the community as a boxing option.

It offered extensive documention, far exceeding that of any other software.

I remember it has groups.
Where you could have a toon act one way, while in the healer group.
And differently while within the DPS group.
Presumably, by setting a castsequence for each group.
You could toggle/move a character from one group to another, as part of your play.

I haven't used GCP, so don't really know what it can and cannot do.
But do remember that, as a feature that was mentioned.

Beyond the initial offering, the authors have not been on this site, or at least don't post as a software developer.

Hot Key Net (www.hotkeynet.com) is a free boxing software, which is script based.

Again, I don't really know too much of this software, but Freddie gives good support for it.
I'd rather have an interface, than write my own scripts...
And it seems to be the next strongest software to IS Boxer, offering more than other options.

Pwnboxer is likely the most advertised boxing option (www.pwnboxer.com); when someone is referred, the referring party makes cash.
Tim gives a decent level of support for his program on his site (www.multiboxing.com).

This, like IS Boxer and Game Commander Pro, is a subscription based product.
He advertises a year of support/updates, rather than calling it a subscription model.

IS Boxer is probably the top software option on the market.
So, if you were to look for features offered, this would be a great place to start with.

IS Boxer is a subscription based model, with extended subscription time when you refer someone.

Lax's level of support is phenomenal.
He is active here, on his site (www.isboxer.com), and on the IRC on the isboxer site.

I switched to IS Boxer (from Keyclone) for:
a) Instant swap from one window to another
b) Automatic (wizard generated, via an addon) FTL assist.
c) Real time mouse broadcasting.

Having played with the software, I personally consider several features essential and would not even consider something that did not include:
- Repeater Regions (an area of the screen, where mouse broadcasting to the desired target(s) is enabled while the mouse is in the area).
- Action Target Groups (so I can assign targets based on whatever criteria I desire).
- Virtualization of the Configuration File (so I can have variable settings from one client to another).
- A mapped key system for Keybinds (can send a keybind to Current Window, Other Windows, an Action Target Group), Macros (stored within the software, for easy editing or assigning to characters/teams), Pop Up Text Notifications, Adding/Removing toons from ATG's, activating/deactivating/toggling one mapped key on and another off (toggle how something works in real time), Steps (where something happens on Input 1, something else on input 2, etc).
- Probably others, but that's what stands out off of the top of my head.

I don't really take advantage of Click Bars that much...
They are graphical objects which when clicked in game, are the equivalent of activating a mapped key.
You can configure the graphic to change, so it can act like a toggle with a graphical representation of the option you have selected.

I'm using a Picture-in-picture layout, but if you use a "Stacked" window layout.
You can use Video Feeds, to view what the other windows see...
To track combo points or whatever you via a visual reference of your other toon...