Quote Originally Posted by 'Hor',index.php?page=Thread&postID=181545#post1815 45
It's an AddOn. It can't do anything that isn't allowed by Blizzard code. If it was a piece of 3rd party software, ie if Keyclone did it instead of the AddOn, then I'd be curious. However, since it's something that works as an AddOn, I don't see how it could possibly be against the TOS.
I've certainly seen that language used in reference to Macros, where such things as if/then statements and time delays are not possible. But you're right, Blizzard also has full control of the API used for AddOns, and can change any of those features at any time. My concern is in the apparent crossover use of lua to program some Macro functionality that isn't permitted in a standalone Macro.

I've just gone back and researched some blue warcraft forum posts. The language is pretty clear that if it's an AddOn, not a separate executable, then Blizzard explicitly permits its use. I can shut up now.