Quote Originally Posted by Chorizotarian',index.php?page=Thread&postID=181969 #post181969][quote='Vyndree
While researching a bit on /click, I did find someone posting a way to insert a delay into the normal /macro interface (which we all know is a big no-no). So the argument that "it's in the in-game macro interface, it's ok" can be nullified:
[spoiler]http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=14697300474&postId=14695898097 1&sid=1
/cast MySpell
/script ...
/cast MySpell2
I thought /script and /run were disabled in combat. (I could check of course, but I'm too lazy.)[/quote]

I have no idea, though from the followings in the thread it looks like it does work.

That don't work ;-) Which is good, since it's an attempt at circumventing the anti-botting procedures in place.

This freezes the game world for X seconds, and then casts the last spell.
If it casts the first spell, freezes for X seconds then casts the next spell...doesn't it do what it intended to? (Albeit making your game play completely unenjoyable?)
I wouldn't try it, but I trust that the folks who frequent the macros/UI forum know what they're talking about. :)