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  1. #1

    Default Classic Anniversary, Warrior Partner for boxing

    Runing a 60 war, debating spinning up another account (just 1, used to 5 box but dont want to deal with it without key broadcasts) - What class would you recommend for a good, easy to manage duop that can accomplish more than warrior solo?

    Also any videos on how to use isboxer with wow these days?
    5 boxing on Chamber of Aspects, EU (Horde) and Soon on Classic.

    Retired blog:

  2. #2


    Any healing class - and on horde side a Shaman for wind buff
    2,3,5 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Was streaming on

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Moorea View Post
    Any healing class - and on horde side a Shaman for wind buff
    thanks Horde indeed and was thinking shaman - i guess my question also was: will adding just 1 char enable me to do anything useful
    5 boxing on Chamber of Aspects, EU (Horde) and Soon on Classic.

    Retired blog:

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Perrigrin View Post
    thanks Horde indeed and was thinking shaman - i guess my question also was: will adding just 1 char enable me to do anything useful
    Rep farm faster for instance (Timbermaw etc) - You should basically have little to no downtime vs some having a pocket healer + totem buffs

    But would have been better duo leveling obviously

    Now whether you can do some dungeons duo, not sure, probably lower ones for sure
    2,3,5 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Was streaming on

  5. #5


    I have a 36 warrior\paladin I'm leveling. You should be able to do some dungeons slightly below level or possibly at depending how geared you are.

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