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  1. #1

    Question Graphic Stuttering, but High FPS?

    I was 5-boxing about a month ago with no issue. Today, the game is stuttering constantly, but FPS is over 100. It does this with or without WoWOpenBox, which is the only thing I use for Multiboxing. Has anyone experienced this stuttering recently and if so did you find a solution?
    Last edited by ostill82 : 12-27-2024 at 11:00 PM

  2. #2


    it’s mentioned in the faq but basically you need to set a max foreground fps in game so one window doesn’t starve the other, and the max background fps should be high enough. and your graphic card should handle your setup (check in performance monitor that nothing hits 100%)
    2,3,5 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Was streaming on

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