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  1. #1

    Default Pantheon early access coming soon

    A game for oldschool style MMO enjoyers in the spirit of Everquest.

    Still in a pretty early state so the early access is very early. Don't expect a polished product.

    The lowest "pledge" level is $50 and gets you access to the next test phase in November 8, early access from December and a digital game key for launch.

    Whether or not boxing will be viable needs to be tested.
    Last edited by Apatheist : 10-25-2024 at 12:32 AM

  2. #2


    Sadly, after some reading through their forums it seems the developers have specifically decided to deter multiboxing by not having any /follow command.

    You would think a niche indie PvE game where boxing would have no detrimental effect would be happy for the extra subscriptions.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Apatheist View Post
    Sadly, after some reading through their forums it seems the developers have specifically decided to deter multiboxing by not having any /follow command.

    You would think a niche indie PvE game where boxing would have no detrimental effect would be happy for the extra subscriptions.
    I believe I read, YEARS AGO, that they were looking at tackling the multiboxer situation with specific multibox server(s). So, if it happens, I wouldn't expect to see it emerge until a full release with multiple servers.

    This was also before Jason Booth died and the entire game changed direction/art etc. So who knows.

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