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  1. #1

    Default Anyone still 5 manning Classic Era?

    Hi all.

    I have the itch to get back into 5 boxing and was wondering if anyone is currently (as of 10/24) still enjoying our favorite pastime with manual inputs?

    I am hoping that some of you good people have been carrying the torch and that nobody has been incorrectly banned. Absolutely loved the 10 shaman run. That brings back memories!

    If you are still running 5 mans, how's it going? Just hoping to start a little conversation around the subject that was so much fun but has sadly dwindled in availability/popularity.


  2. #2


    I fired up 4 old accounts and started leveling Pally/4 Shamans about 2 weeks ago......currently level 46 by doing RDF. Shaman do have full BOA gear where as the pally doesn't have anything.

    Doing the manual thing took a little to get used to. but so far it has been super easy to complete every dungeon at level.
    Mainly doing a basic castsequence on the pally and shaman for dps. Totems give the brainless healing and in tough spots ill have 1 shaman concentrate on heals.

    I know Cata dungeons will be hell, but so far it is super fun to get back to boxing. If nothing else, im planning on using the additional accounts to do dailys at max level. Or unsub and wait for MOP to mess with them again.

  3. #3



    currently lvling a 5 man team in wow hc ! Hope to see you there

  4. #4


    Probably gonna do PvE but HC sounds like a blast! Great to see some activity on this part of the forum. Really miss the old days.

  5. #5


    Team is currently 83. Changing one Shaman from Ele to heals was the tickets to easy Cata dungeon runs so far. Very surprised it has been this easy.

  6. #6


    I lvl 2 characters at a time thru quests, alternating duos every day so the rest of them get rested. Do dungeons together once they're all ready. Will definitely be jumping on the PvE server next week to do the same. Anybody have any experience with running a 5 shaman team in Classic to be ready for tbc when it drops? Lol

  7. #7


    Is there a place where we could all communicate while we’re doing this? I know there’s not a lot of activity on this board right now, but I’m sure there are more of us. Would love to have a spot to bounce ideas, share experiences/advice etc. Since we have found a legal (albeit harder) way of doing this, I would love to see the population grow—even if we have to stay in the shadows a lot of the time ingame.

  8. #8


    tonight, started back up. struggling to get my team recognized in dbox wth. lol

  9. #9


    I'm enjoying SoD... not sure I have the will to start over in the new fresh servers... including not getting all the SoD faster leveling, Runes etc...

    Re comms there are various discord - like the DB one (there is also isboxer's that has more activity, unfortunately can't participate there... there is my discord if you use my software/addons)
    2,3,5 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Was streaming on

  10. #10


    I am 5-man multiboxing classic era. I'm in a guild that doesn't care that I multibox. Having lots of fun.

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