Quote Originally Posted by Moorea View Post
I'm enjoying SoD... not sure I have the will to start over in the new fresh servers... including not getting all the SoD faster leveling, Runes etc...

Re comms there are various discord - like the DB one https://discord.gg/Vpc5eTGJKg (there is also isboxer's that has more activity, unfortunately can't participate there... there is my discord if you use my software/addons)

I agree on the SoD thing. I started way late and got a team to 40 and loved the way it played. But I did so with the assumption SoD would disappear after P7. By the time they announced they’d keep the SoD servers up indefinitely, I had already gotten wrapped up in the new fresh>TBC hype (I loved TBC). So I’m gonna level a team there, but may well come back and finish out my 40 group on SoD. It’s so much fun.

I am on your discord! I just don’t think to check disc as much as I should. Dude, Ty so much for putting the effort into WoB. I tried so many ways to find a legal solution to 5-boxing because I love it. Yours was the one that made it possible. I really, really appreciate all of the work you did to make something that keeps this possibility alive. You’re the man.