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Thread: Two part macros

  1. #1

    Default Two part macros

    i used to be able to do something like below...Then under the last line in quotations do that but now it does not seem to work did they change the macro or is there a different way

    /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
    /castsequence reset=5 Breath of Fire,Keg Smash,Spinning Crane Kick,Blackout kick, Spinning Crane Kick,Rushing Jade Wind,Rising Sun Kick,Blackout Kick,Spinning Crane Kick
    "/castsequence reset=1 random spell with cd"
    They say spiders have 8 legs well i guess im a rare and unimaginable specimen. Ive got 9 legs and my web comes from that 9th leg. HaHa.

  2. #2


    you can use:

    /castsequence reset=target Random spell, null
    /castsequence reset=5 Breath of Fire,Keg Smash,Spinning Crane Kick,Blackout kick, Spinning Crane Kick,Rushing Jade Wind,Rising Sun Kick,Blackout Kick,Spinning Crane Kick

    once the first cast sequence gets to null... it will go to the second one
    Last edited by MiRai : 05-01-2024 at 07:35 PM Reason: Removed Color Formatting

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