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  1. #1

    Default TIps for a new boxer

    So im gonna run 1 druid and 4 paladin.

    So i want my druid to heal, and my main(wich im gonna control the tank) and the other gonna dps.

    Whats the easiest way to do this?

    When it comes to wich button to use and what keybinds to use? (Isboxer) and wow

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkShadow31 View Post
    So im gonna run 1 druid and 4 paladin.

    So i want my druid to heal, and my main(wich im gonna control the tank) and the other gonna dps.

    Whats the easiest way to do this?

    When it comes to wich button to use and what keybinds to use? (Isboxer) and wow
    Input Broadcasting is bannable so it is safest to avoid any hardware/software tools like IsBoxer which supports input broadcasting & you can read more about this here:

    I think you are on the right track going with a Tank & 4 of the same class if at all possible for at least your first/primary team. Alternatively going Tank+3DPS+Healer where the 3DPS are the same class yields much of the same benefits as Tank+4DPS (where the DPSes are Hybrids which can also heal). With these comments in mind I respectfully recommend you consider the following groups:

    - Paladin Tank + 4 Shaman;
    - Paladin Tank + 3 Shaman + Druid Healer;

    Recommend the Shaman be deep Elemental with the rest Resto so they can be effective "oh shit" Chain Heal off-healers... If you go the 4 Shaman route I like to make the 4th Shaman deep Resto & the rest Elemental and make him the primary healer (& off-DPS)... The reasons Shaman are recommended as a core of any first team include the following benefits:

    - Only the Tank would have to be in harms way due to ranged DPS;
    - All 5 characters are Hybrids who can both DPS & at least off-heal;
    - All 5 characters are at least in Scalemail with a shield if desired;
    - Built-in Artificial Intelligence (AI) of Chain Healing;
    - AI of Chain Lightning;
    - AI of Totems (Tremor, etc);
    - 3-4 powerful pets for boss fights with their own AI;
    - 3-4 self-rez-Ahnks for wipe-protection;

    The above teams are really hard to beat (especially for your first group(s))...

    After that you can do a melee team if you want but it will be less forgiving...

    You can do the above teams with just manual window placements and mouse-over boxing (no tools or minimal tools) but if you want a tool to make things easier I would try first the FREE & Open Source WoW Open Box:

    Button-wise should be pretty much lighting for single target DPS & Chain-lighting for multi-target DPS & I would have "oh-shit" Chain-Heal bound also... If you want any advanced rotations I would use WoW addons (named something like GSE for "Gnome Sequencer E..." or something like that (I can't remember off the top if my head right now and regardless there are multiple addons which help with rotations))...

    Good luck and report back what you decide(d)!
    Last edited by nodoze : 05-25-2023 at 02:41 AM

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