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  1. #1

    Default Manual Multiboxing on Classic Era - Ten Lvl. 26 Shamans vs. BFD

    Hello everyone,

    I present to you a new series that I've started. I aim to clear all Classic Era dungeons by manually multiboxing a team of 5, or when possible, 10 shamans.

    In this video, my team of ten lvl 26 shamans is taking on BFD. Let me know what you think. Also, you can check the Youtube video description for more info, such as my computer specs or the server I'm playing on.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by dustofoblivion View Post

    Hello everyone,

    I present to you a new series that I've started. I aim to clear all Classic Era dungeons by manually multiboxing a team of 5, or when possible, 10 shamans.

    In this video, my team of ten lvl 26 shamans is taking on BFD. Let me know what you think. Also, you can check the Youtube video description for more info, such as my computer specs or the server I'm playing on.

    Nice series & gratz on hitting level 40+.

    What are your thoughts on, instead of having a 5th (or 10th) Shaman, swapping a single Shaman instead for a true Tank (Druid or Warrior since unfortunately Paladins can't group with Shamans in Classic)?
    Last edited by nodoze : 04-20-2023 at 10:14 AM

  3. #3


    Cool I figured I would give you a sub to encourage you & show support & got the 1st Founder on your Twitch channel:

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  4. #4


    What are your thoughts on, instead of having a 5th (or 10th) Shaman, swapping a single Shaman instead for a true Tank (Druid or Warrior since unfortunately Paladins can't group with Shamans in Classic)?

    I would think it would make some things easier at least until cap and well geared. If I recall correctly you can do most things at cap with all shaman & no true tank once well geared but until then some things may be more doable...

    I guess at cap I would want to eventually have a 5th Shaman (or all Shaman 10man) option so maybe best to just go all the way that way... Just not my initial inclination to have no tank so would need to reflect on it... If Paladin were an option that would be my hands down choice as Druid/Warrior are less optimal for me but my thoughts are to have at least one true tank option...

  5. #5


    Curious how often you're banned? You must get report spammed constantly.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Apatheist View Post
    Curious how often you're banned? You must get report spammed constantly.
    If you are just doing instances you can stay in the instances indefinitely and reset them without ever leaving. Moving to/from instances can be done 1-2 characters at a time. If you take such precautions reporting should be pretty minimal. Any bans should be overturn-able if you are not broadcasting...

  7. #7


    The moving 1-2 at a time is something I do too. The warlock is helpful in this regard.
    I pretend it's illegal to box at all and never run more than 2-3 at once and only manually; I do little or no autofollow because trust no one! I also give them totally unique names with varying levels of stupidity and even put each one in a different guild when possible.
    fantastic video, thank you for the inspiration.

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