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  1. #1

    Default switch wow-window with one button

    Good morning!

    I need a method/proggie were i can set a key to switch wow-windows. I want to press a key and get to the next wow-window. I press the SAME key again and get the next window, and so on.

    I tried to modify windows 10 by changing the alt-tab command to something else, but it didnt work. Any ideas ?

  2. #2


    That's one of the basic feature of wowopenbox - point 6 in
    2,3,5 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Was streaming on

  3. #3


    Thx for ur answer, i knew that. But im not that sure if wowopenbox is tolerated. It just handles windows, right ?
    Its absolutely not against the rules of the game ? Has anyone been banned using this ?
    Last edited by Gunny : 01-08-2023 at 07:31 PM

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
    Thx for ur answer, i knew that. But im not that sure if wowopenbox is tolerated. It just handles windows, right ?
    Its absolutely not against the rules of the game ? Has anyone been banned using this ?
    If you use the non RR version it’s basically just window layout and basic windows functions.
    Nobody has been banned with that that I know.

    Note that some people have been banned with no software at all but just for being in game / based on what they do in game. (or blizzard thinking they have been hacked)
    2,3,5 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Was streaming on

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