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  1. #1

    Default Current Season and Questions

    I ressurected my 3 D3 accounts to try a hand at boxing again as the 4 player meta seems quite boxing friendly - And I can really recommend it - 2x Impale DH 1x Supp DH and 1x WW Supp BB (minus charge) is fairly easy to run.
    I topped out at 130 with fairly mediocre gear and can run 110-115 with no deaths reasonably fast.

    Anyone else running and want to share experiences?

    Does multiple iceblink stack?
    I find the speed boost from shadows set to cause some problems, but it's manageble - Anyone doing other builds to be able to run same move speed?
    Supp barb setup - I run without charge and with the 2x swords, which causes him to lag behind a bit - I tried the bul kathos swords but then he runs too far ahead - any experience to share?
    5 boxing on Chamber of Aspects, EU (Horde) and Soon on Classic.

    Retired blog:

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Perrigrin View Post
    I ressurected my 3 D3 accounts to try a hand at boxing again as the 4 player meta seems quite boxing friendly - And I can really recommend it - 2x Impale DH 1x Supp DH and 1x WW Supp BB (minus charge) is fairly easy to run.
    I topped out at 130 with fairly mediocre gear and can run 110-115 with no deaths reasonably fast.

    Anyone else running and want to share experiences?

    Does multiple iceblink stack?
    I find the speed boost from shadows set to cause some problems, but it's manageble - Anyone doing other builds to be able to run same move speed?
    Supp barb setup - I run without charge and with the 2x swords, which causes him to lag behind a bit - I tried the bul kathos swords but then he runs too far ahead - any experience to share?
    No, iceblink does not stack, not much does at all.

    There is no speed boost on the Shadow set, maybe you're getting speed from an ability-rune, or legendary gem or somewhere else? GoD set has speed boosts, so it's terrible for boxing, but Shadow Impale with the strafe power doesnt.

    You want to make sure all character share the same speed, and dont pick abilities that add speed or any procs that add speed. Keep everyone's speed at the 25% you get from paragon.

    If you do want more speed, then the support barb has the legendary belt Chilanik's Chain that boosts the group speed by 40% every shout, and all your characters will remain the same speed as each other at all times.

    InGeom and Stormshield are good alternatives to the sets.

    Your comp is really good this season. Others are 4 WW barbs, and crusader Bombardment and Condemn.
    Last edited by Purpleflavor : 09-09-2022 at 10:28 PM

  3. #3


    Impale strafe DH with Support DH is running the show now.

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