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  1. #1

    Default Levelbuddy is still viable!

    Several Levelbuddy users keep using it now. After a year from input software ban, they are still not banned!

    So using Levelbuddy executable is not a reason for ban. You can use it with caution. The same is true for Wow Switcher.

    Surely, the risk of ban still exists due to reports. But careful multiboxing is possible.

    The site is still - you are welcome!
    Last edited by sharpMouse : 08-19-2024 at 02:04 PM

  2. #2


    Wait, what? Sorry, I am not that computer literate.

    So, to be clear, running 5 toons on one computer using level-buddy, in instances only where no one is around will still get you banned by being "detected" by Blizzard? Like it will be detected and then banned. Or are all bans for people running around in open world doing stupid things? Like I want to run Mythic plus by myself with tank, healer and 3 BM Hunters (or whatever) - Just running these and a few older raids in instances where I am the only person. Obviously need a broadcaster to do it correctly (like click A on Main and A goes to the other 4) and to have any chance at clearing. Doing this with Level-buddy still detectable and bannable with WoW? because as I read it, your post would insinuate I wont get banned. Again, I am pretty dumb IRL so bare with me.
    Last edited by DGiraldo : 06-06-2022 at 03:35 PM

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by DGiraldo View Post
    Doing this with Level-buddy still detectable and bannable with WoW? because as I read it, your post would insinuate I wont get banned. Again, I am pretty dumb IRL so bare with me.
    Some people still using Levelbuddy and not get banned. That means, that running Levelbuddy's executable during WoW play doesn't mean automatical ban. However, you can be banned by other reasons or reports, so there is no 100% ban-free guarantee and you should be careful when playing.

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