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  1. #1
    Member sethlan's Avatar
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    Default I'm shrinking to Duo Boxing. Which class would youpick?

    I'm playing horde, Also thinking to do 2v2 arenas which I know it's not possible but I'm going to try my best!
    as we know we need 10 games win or lose to get weekly arena points. I'm looking for a duo that does fast burst dmg.

    Which class do you guys think would be ok?

    Duo Mages?

    Warlock / Priest?

    Duo hunters?

    Let me know down below
    RiP 10 box team! - Failarena. US -
    Current Team - TBC - Duo-Boxing |Warlock/Priest
    2v2 arenas and battle grounds!

    multiboxing live @ youtube @

  2. #2


    Would 2 rogues possibly work in Arena? Sap and double ambush? Shadow Step to reposition? xD
    I like to think rogues would have a lot more control and flow of fights if you get the opener. But this could all be a meme in my head with the difficulties of pulling off a melee group
    The burst of two hunters could be nice, and kind of nice to only worry about doing DPS instead of trying to juggle a a hybrid and 1 dps.
    SoM Classic Multiboxing Youtube | Twitch

  3. #3
    Member sethlan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Curryman View Post
    Would 2 rogues possibly work in Arena? Sap and double ambush? Shadow Step to reposition? xD
    I like to think rogues would have a lot more control and flow of fights if you get the opener. But this could all be a meme in my head with the difficulties of pulling off a melee group
    The burst of two hunters could be nice, and kind of nice to only worry about doing DPS instead of trying to juggle a a hybrid and 1 dps.
    I'm playing 70 Aff lock and 70 shadow priest in 2v2s and BG's it's fun! double fear, bubble, and you don't have to stand to cast! I did level 3rd account mage to 70! not sure why!
    Last edited by sethlan : 02-10-2022 at 03:07 PM
    RiP 10 box team! - Failarena. US -
    Current Team - TBC - Duo-Boxing |Warlock/Priest
    2v2 arenas and battle grounds!

    multiboxing live @ youtube @

  4. #4


    Sethlan...used to go against you all the time back in classic. had MMMMP x3 Razamage was my main leader. Fun times in winterspring.

    As for the actual answer, Im doing dual pallies atm. I main prot and have a holy pal as well. You can do some larger/quicker pulls in places like strat/lbrs/scholo and i heal myself in most dungeons and heroics. Great gold especially if you res the blues as well. Will continue that into wrath as well.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by tocrenshaw View Post
    Sethlan...used to go against you all the time back in classic. had MMMMP x3 Razamage was my main leader. Fun times in winterspring.

    As for the actual answer, Im doing dual pallies atm. I main prot and have a holy pal as well. You can do some larger/quicker pulls in places like strat/lbrs/scholo and i heal myself in most dungeons and heroics. Great gold especially if you res the blues as well. Will continue that into wrath as well.
    When reading the initial post I thought it was 2v2 Arena focused only so didn't respond.

    If not focused on just Arenas I also would do at least 1 Prot Paladin for grinding gold and fun in general with a healer on the 2nd account...

    While I typically main Paladins and agree that a Paladin on the 2nd account as the Healer is a really good option I personally probably would do Druid initially on the 2nd account just because they give you upto 4 alternate specs to play with and a stealth option.

    I also would also do a mage on my 2nd account for free water/food/ports for my main Prot Paladin.

  6. #6


    I don’t mean to hijack your guys thread, but I’m just excited someone is active one here recently. I’m really getting the itch to find another class to help my rogue out. I’ve been away from the game for almost a year it seems, maybe more. I dinged 70 in blades edge when tbc classic launched and haven’t played since. I got so tired of the slowness of combat and taking so much time on each mob. I don’t see myself playing without at least dual boxing, and I know it will never be the same as before, but I’m thinking of running a light script on a 2nd window that does the bare minimum to be able to run 2 accounts comfortably. Leaning toward a Druid for the stealth, maybe a mage for pyros n polys.

    How are you liking 2 pallys? I would imagine you have to have 2 different specs and roles to keep it from getting boring. Paladin is my favorite class but I always shied away from 2 of the same classes for that reason. Also SHadow and warlock sounds so cool you can just rot and keep running. My god I want to play so bad I love this game and given the direction the company is going I would like to play it while i still can.

    Are you guys Horde US? I’m on horde for my most recent toons but I much happier playing alliance. Really want some like minded people to play with, any faction will do.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Mmrwowboxer View Post
    I don’t mean to hijack your guys thread, but I’m just excited someone is active one here recently. I’m really getting the itch to find another class to help my rogue out. I’ve been away from the game for almost a year it seems, maybe more. I dinged 70 in blades edge when tbc classic launched and haven’t played since. I got so tired of the slowness of combat and taking so much time on each mob. I don’t see myself playing without at least dual boxing, and I know it will never be the same as before, but I’m thinking of running a light script on a 2nd window that does the bare minimum to be able to run 2 accounts comfortably. Leaning toward a Druid for the stealth, maybe a mage for pyros n polys.

    How are you liking 2 pallys? I would imagine you have to have 2 different specs and roles to keep it from getting boring. Paladin is my favorite class but I always shied away from 2 of the same classes for that reason. Also SHadow and warlock sounds so cool you can just rot and keep running. My god I want to play so bad I love this game and given the direction the company is going I would like to play it while i still can.

    Are you guys Horde US? I’m on horde for my most recent toons but I much happier playing alliance. Really want some like minded people to play with, any faction will do.
    If my main was a Rogue then likely I would do Druid for a co-stealth option.

    The other duo combos of Paladin+Healer & Warlock+Priest both have some pros/cons and I could see both as strong for many things.

    For strongest solo single character farming I would either do Prot Paladin AoE or BM Hunter depending on what type of farming you prefer. Warlock could be an strong alternative as well and maybe next would be a Feral Druid self-healing-HoTing between farming mobs for minimal downtime...

    I am glad to help folk with ideas/builds/etc but personally I nor my bother are playing right now.
    Last edited by nodoze : 06-15-2022 at 10:07 AM

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