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  1. #1

    Default Levelbuddy - easy multiboxing software for WoW

    This thread is deprecated and asked to be deleted.

    See new thread for actual info.
    Last edited by sharpMouse : 08-10-2020 at 02:48 PM Reason: deprecated

  2. #2


    Welcome to the community

    As you might expect, people are generally suspicious of new software from new people. So I will throw out there that I personally downloaded and analyzed this Level Buddy executable, and I didn't turn up anything immediately suspicious.

    Everyone loves new choices for multiboxing software, so all the best to you, and I'll leave it to others to try it out.
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  3. #3


    I'm trying it out on BFA and works somewhat for me. Thanks for putting in the effort.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Lax View Post
    Everyone loves new choices for multiboxing software, so all the best to you, and I'll leave it to others to try it out.
    When somebody tastes dual playing, I guess soon he/she will want more - 5 or even 10 boxing. And buy more powerful software like yours so we both get profit.

    Quote Originally Posted by tank1 View Post
    I'm trying it out on BFA and works somewhat for me. Thanks for putting in the effort.
    Pleased to hear. Are you using advanced features? Which of them?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by sharpMouse View Post
    When somebody tastes dual playing, I guess soon he/she will want more - 5 or even 10 boxing. And buy more powerful software like yours so we both get profit.

    Pleased to hear. Are you using advanced features? Which of them?
    Using all the advanced although i had to remove some of the changes u set out in your guide.

    Click to move.

    It's a bit buggy - sometimes the characters run amok by itself.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by tank1 View Post
    It's a bit buggy - sometimes the characters run amok by itself.
    Most probably this is because of right click. When characters gets IWT it runs to target.

    If you use right click to turn around, it may happen occasionally. The program distinguishes turning right click and just right click, but it is done via timestamp only. So fast turn might be treated as single click. (Unfortunately, when mouse button is pressed in WoW window, system mouse hook gives incorrect mouse coordinates. I didn't find out why it happens yet ).

  7. #7


    Hey I'm really new to this community and I don't plan on doing alots of multiboxing the reason I turned to that is for classic because my older brother is gonna be absent during the first days of classic release so he agreed that I play, get his caracther with me so when he came back we can continue together.

    I did tried a little bit of hotkeynet but i was not succesful and I wanted a really simple script and then I found your thread your work is awesome it does just enough for me and with all the advance setting it work like a charm.

    The only thing is missing to me or maybe its me who did not do correctly is when minion is interacting with npc can he accept the quest at the same of main other than that its super cool must have been alot of work.


  8. #8


    I suggest that you rename/rebrand right away before getting too far along with this.

    Quote Originally Posted by sharpMouse View Post
    My friend recommended me to try Classic by leveling two characters simultaneously. And I have written a small software for it!

    The key points of this software are:

    • Very light - just one exe without installation
    • Easy to use - start and enjoy
    • Minimal character setup - just make three macros and one keybind

    The idea is to engage casual players (not multiboxers) to try dual leveling in WoW Classic. This can familiarize a lot of people with multiboxing and some of them might became true multiboxers in near future.

    The program and instruction can be seen at

    What do you think about this idea?

    What do you think about the program?

    Any feedback is very welcome!

    The program is free till september - I am still thinking about monetization. The main idea is subscription like 1$ per week so you can level the character to cap just for a few dollars. Any ideas there are also welcome.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by david9428 View Post
    The only thing is missing to me or maybe its me who did not do correctly is when minion is interacting with npc can he accept the quest at the same of main other than that its super cool must have been alot of work.
    We have EMA for that and alot more

    Quote Originally Posted by Jabberie View Post
    I suggest that you rename/rebrand right away before getting too far along with this.
    Name reminds me of a bot
    Eonar - EU

  10. #10


    virus detected with the software and an error comes up saying theres a memory error when shutting down my computer. Windows auto deletes.

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