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  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Reprieve View Post
    The one big problem I had was that typing a chat message would, almost half of the time, cause the two slaves to get stuck in the chat box
    You can add ENTER key to black list. The minions will not open chat at all. Another solution is to pause broadcasting via hotkey.

    Quote Originally Posted by one-man_band View Post
    Anyone know how to exclude/blacklist mousewheel up/down?
    You cannot exclude it yet, but this is second feature in the list

    Quote Originally Posted by one-man_band View Post
    How difficult it would be to change the keys sent by the mouse click features?
    Relatively difficult - I do not want to bother people with keybinding. However sometimes I think how can I add keybindings and do not make interface more difficult.
    Last edited by MiRai : 12-27-2019 at 01:45 PM Reason: Merged - Use Multi-Quote

  2. #32


    Hi again, version 1.8 has been released!

    What's new:

    [-] Fixed bug with program delay at exit.

    I know it sounds not so much , but... I am going to implement the most wanted features soon, so keep an eye on official Levelbuddy site or this topic.

  3. #33

    Default Version 2.0 has been released!

    Hi, buddies!

    Version 2.0 has been released!

    It has most wanted features and improved stability:

    [+] You can exclude mouse events from broadcasting.

    [+] You can use white list instead of black when broadcasting.

    [-] Fixed scaling with 4k monitors.

    [-] Minor bug fixes and improved minion stability.

    There is also a roadmap with more useful features like auto update, new settings, in-game object interaction, better minion behavior and so on.

    Just visit to get more info and download.
    Last edited by sharpMouse : 03-26-2020 at 03:35 AM Reason: add title

  4. #34


    Windows 10 saids that level-buddy 2.0 has Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl in it :/

  5. #35


    This is quite shitty (((

    I checked it at virustotal 5 days ago and it wasn't detected.

    I rebuild exe but result is the same. Dunno what can I do yet..

  6. #36

    Default Version 2.1 "Forward and Three Month" has been released.

    What's new:

    • [+] You can setup forward key (no more restricted to default 'W').
    • [+] You can buy program for three month which saves time and money.

    Request more features if required.

  7. #37


    I am wanting to to dual box a resto shaman, and hunter. Does this software have more than one key function? I would need at least a 12 key minimum.
    Also, Do we the user have to set up macros on our game or is it built into your software?

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by XLander View Post
    I am wanting to to dual box a resto shaman, and hunter.
    I am leveling resto shaman and mage and everything is fine.

    Does this software have more than one key function? I would need at least a 12 key minimum.
    What do you mean "key function"? You can broadcast any number of keys. By default, most of the keys are broadcasted.

    Also, Do we the user have to set up macros on our game or is it built into your software?
    The user has. However, Levelbuddy needs only 2 macros so macros setup takes about 2-3 minutes.

  9. #39

    Default Version 2.2 "Massive Troubleshooting" has been released.

    Hi, buddies!

    Version 2.2 "Massive Troubleshooting" has been released.

    What's new:

    • Fixed bug with unstoppable minion running.
    • Fixed bug with Alt sticking after Alt-Tab.
    • Added Triple-Assist feature to prevent minion from using old targets.|
    • Fixed UI when Windows has scaling larger that 125%.
    • Blacklist: now you can disable Alt, Control and Shift keys.|
    • Blacklist: added keyword "whatever" which always matches the key, regardless of modifiers state.
    • Checks for updates and informs if new version is available.

    Download there:

    Also Troubleshooting Guide ( and Gaming Guide ( have been created.
    Last edited by sharpMouse : 07-06-2020 at 03:00 AM Reason: tuning

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