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  1. #1

    Default Alpha and Omega clones

    Hey folks,

    Just deciding if I should dip my toes back in the water and see how Eve has progressed. I have 11 accounts but probably only want to reactivate 3 of them, the others are disposable.

    Is it possible to login an alpha and omega clone on separate pc's to enable item trading or will this get me in trouble...?


  2. #2


    I will just put it like this:

    If you are logging in a alpha account you are not allowed to log in other alpha or omega accounts while you use the alpha accounts characters.
    You can log onto the character selection screen, but not past that.

    That is basicly how it is for now.
    There are ways around this, but i do not suggest walking the line of something that may cause you a suspension.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Eckhe View Post
    I will just put it like this:

    If you are logging in a alpha account you are not allowed to log in other alpha or omega accounts while you use the alpha accounts characters.
    You can log onto the character selection screen, but not past that.

    That is basicly how it is for now.
    There are ways around this, but i do not suggest walking the line of something that may cause you a suspension.
    Thanks for the reply.

    Yeah, I decided against it. Luckily I remembered 'contracts' so it won't be an issue.

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