I am relatively new to multiboxing in world of warcraft but i used isboxer for quite some time in other games.
I am wondering what is the most comfortable way to spam the main dps button for my team while playing.
At first i just had it bound to the regular 1 key on a keyboard but i was getting painful rather quickly. I switched now to mousewheel up since a few days but im curious if there is a still more comfortable way to spam this one macro. Still after a few hours of playing it gets pretty uncomfortable. Normal beings might say now: "Then stop playing and go outside you nerd!" and they are probably right with it.
I am aware that a GSE macro will never outperform a human effincy-wise but i want to use it for rather grindy tasks like running through dungeons in the leveling process.
One thing that came into my mind was a mouse with a free spinning mousewheel like i owned a couple years ago. Unfortunatly it broke back then. I can imagine this would ease up the process by alot. Does anyone here have expirience playing with it?
I also read something about autohotkey but from what i've found it is not allowed to use within the game even if you are not automating button presses while you are AFK to do whatever.
Another thing i was thinking about was converting mouse mouse movements into keypresses or maybe inputs given by a gamepad-sticks or joysticks or someting simular. I am not sure if it is possible or not and if its possible, if its allowed within wow but i am eager to hear your expiriences.
If this all fails or i've overseen some possibilities that might translate into a more ergonomical button mashing i am also happy to hear them.
Im sorry for this awkward read but english is not my first language.
Best regards
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