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  1. #21


    sigil of chains is a godsend when you are playing 4 or 5 vengeance tanks. If you loop your round robin of chains and silence you can eliminate most damage intense mob packs. its like having 5 extra interupts when you get good at placing the chains quickly.

  2. #22


    @Tripeel Don't forget the smart cast. Awesome quality of life improvement for boxing: "/cast [@player] Sigil of Chains"

  3. #23


    yeah i love the smart cast they implemented. i just recently found out about it a few weeks ago and it makes my life so much easier with most of my spells...

    i use the @player tag for Meta and sigils. i also have 1 keybind i use on the main demon hunter with the @cursor tag so i can quickly move the IWT team out of bad stuff just by chaining mobs to another location easily.

  4. #24


    So rerolled to another server some Demonhunter but to do so I needed 70s on that server. Doh so I created some druids (could have created so DKs might have been faster) .Then at 70 I went to create some Demon hunters but all i get is "creation of that type of character is currently throtted"
    why? I got that. no idea

    I came back after work to try again and it allowed me to create two, then this morning I could create another two, and now im just waiting for the 5th but its so annoying. .

  5. #25
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Wonder why they would throttle that. People re-rolling constantly to try different stuff?
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Ughmahedhurtz View Post
    Wonder why they would throttle that. People re-rolling constantly to try different stuff?

    Whenever something has limitations applied, you can count on someone having found a way to abuse it - see starter license restrictions *sigh*.

    Why we just can't have nice things

  7. #27


    I got the same thing and had to create my 5 DH in two days. Gamemaster confirmed that I had to wait, he might also have done something to unlock the situation so I would suggest to open a ticket and retry in 24h.

    Edit: I read a bit too fast, you were able to create 2 DH then 2 more the following day. Yeah, that's expected behavior, unfortunately.
    Last edited by charly : 02-21-2017 at 04:36 PM

  8. #28
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Tire View Post

    Whenever something has limitations applied, you can count on someone having found a way to abuse it - see starter license restrictions *sigh*.

    Why we just can't have nice things
    My inner demon observes that there are times when I'd like to see them start banning entire IP subnets or providers where the bots operate. Piss off enough people on the same subnet and those "neighbors" would take action by moving to another subnet (forcing the ISP that provides for the botters to police their own) or seeking other remedies against these malefactors.

    The other side of me cringes at the world becoming Lord of the Flies, writ large.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  9. #29


    is that something the added after live? i made all 5 of mine during the Legion pre-patch
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  10. #30


    Yeah they added it on January if I remember correctly.

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