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  1. #1

    Cool Control toons almost without macros (guide)

    Greetings. My scripts for control windows on 1 PC almost without macros finalized and this is a little "how to" for using it...

    5 windows (macros not needed)

    1. Setup in-game keybindings like below:
      Action Key
      Target Party Member 1 F2
      Target Party Member 2 F3
      Target Party Member 3 F4
      Target Party Member 4 F5
      Assist Target F
      Follow Target Alt+F
      Set View 4 End
    2. Load in HotkeyNet this script.
    3. Enjoy.

    5 windows in raid (need 1 macro)

    1. Add this targeting macro in each window (imo shorter version is more complicated for editing):
      /target [nomod, target=Nickname_1]
      /target [mod:ctrl, nomod:alt, target=Nickname_2]
      /target [nomod:ctrl, mod:alt, target=Nickname_3]
      /target [mod:shift, target=Nickname_4]
      /target [mod:ctrl, mod:alt, target=Nickname_5]
    2. Setup in-game keybindings like below:
      Action Key
      Targeting macro [
      Assist Target F
      Follow Target Alt+F
      Set View 4 End
    3. Load in HotkeyNet this script.
    4. Enjoy.

    10 windows (need 2 macros)

    1. Add this targeting macro in each window with names of characters from 1st group:
      /target [nomod, target=Nickname_1]
      /target [mod:ctrl, nomod:alt, target=Nickname_2]
      /target [nomod:ctrl, mod:alt, target=Nickname_3]
      /target [mod:shift, target=Nickname_4]
      /target [mod:ctrl, mod:alt, target=Nickname_5]
    2. Add this targeting macro in each window with names of characters from 2nd group:
      /target [nomod, target=Nickname_6]
      /target [mod:ctrl, nomod:alt, target=Nickname_7]
      /target [nomod:ctrl, mod:alt, target=Nickname_8]
      /target [mod:shift, target=Nickname_9]
      /target [mod:ctrl, mod:alt, target=Nickname_10]
    3. Setup in-game keybindings like below:
      Action Key
      Targeting macro (group 1) [
      Targeting macro (group 2) ]
      Assist Target F
      Follow Target Alt+F
      Set View 4 End
    4. Load in HotkeyNet this script.
    5. Enjoy.


    1. Be sure, that game path inside script is matches your. It's in "Template for starting clients" section.
    2. If you don't want enter your logins each time, write them in script. See LOGIN1-5 in "Starting clients" section.
    3. Window layout, used in my scripts, is for 1920x1080 resolution. If you have different, use this calculator ("Eng" button in the middle).
    4. Your PC has non 4-core processor? Change values in SetAffinity command. Check this for more info.
    5. Onscreen buttons, that you will see in the left bottom corner, means:
      • H - on/off hotkeys (Pause key)
      • S - enable sending keystrokes for typing (ScrollLock key)
      • L - launch the game, only nonexistent windows (Ctrl Alt L combination)

    6. How to add more hotkeys to attack with auto-assist (interract with target, for example)? Find keylist "AssistList" and write here keys, that you need. Then add them into the line with exceptions (in previous section you will see W, A, S, D etc).
    7. For broadcast mouse-clicks use Insert (left click) or Delete (right click) keys. Side buttons are sent to windows normal keystrokes - just bind in game "0" for middle button, "minus" for button4 and "plus" for button5 (3 keys left from backspace).
    8. Use Shift+(1-5) for switching between windows or onscreen buttons on the top panel. In 10win-script you can swap active party by pressing Alt+Tab and then use the same keys for switching inside party.
    9. Use Alt+F4 for closing windows instead normal exit. It will restore some other functions in windows like hidden taskbar or active window tracking.

    Source: translated, original.

    I'm open to discussion and ready to make changes to the result. Best regards.
    Last edited by Pashted : 10-23-2016 at 03:01 AM

  2. #2


    Not sure whats wrong but i am trying you script for 5 windows and it launches the games but does not rename them / put them in layout

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Daecor View Post
    Not sure whats wrong but i am trying you script for 5 windows and it launches the games but does not rename them / put them in layout
    when you start game by script, hotkeynet adds some logs to the main window. this logs can help us to find problem.. and solution

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