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  1. #1

    Default Fittings and Ships for the beginner Incursion Runner

    I touched base on this a little bit in my previous C5 WH thread but I wanted to start a new one just for incursions.

    I know for low skilled ships you want to go with Navy Apoc and then later 6x Nightmares with 2x Vindicators and 2x Basilisks.

    What are the ship fittings for a multiboxer for these ships? I know generally it will be different than the ones individuals run but what are the best way to fit them?

    Is there a guide that would help a new multiboxer run VGs as a solo operation especially if you were to get contested by another group or even if you weren't?

    I know I will run 10 accounts with possible off grid booster with links.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2


    I've been browsing recently, as I am considering getting into incursions myself. A lot of fits on there are obvious crap, but some of them seem pretty decent.
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by EaTCarbS View Post
    I've been browsing recently, as I am considering getting into incursions myself. A lot of fits on there are obvious crap, but some of them seem pretty decent.
    I was surprised to see not a single fitting for the navy apoc on that site. A quick google search pops up a lot of debate that an abbadon or geddon was a better choice. Maybe for dps but not for reaching spawn points. I guess multi boxing is a completely different realm in incursions.

  4. #4

    Default VG's

    This could end up being wall of text and I am unsure how much about VG's you know.

    If you haven't run VG's solo then I can't recommend it enough... Get a NM and join 'incursion public' and it will list all the VG communities! Join all channels and add all mailing lists and you get to see each community fit! TVP + Helix are very good Shield VG runners. (There are others but these run a lot and run 5min sites all day everyday).

    Next run like 100-200 sites, this is about 10-20hrs of sites... It may seem like a lot but your targeting needs to be completely automatic, Not even think just auto click and lock up and spam F1 (/F2).

    So fits and methods to run sites.... These come down to what sites you wish to run...Some ppl never take NCO's because they have like 10-15 frigs + each spawn and take forever to clear in a NM setup... (webbing multiple targets + they get within 5-10KM and become a nightmare to hit) On the other hand ran into a guy running 10 navy mega's last night and he blitzed through them...

    Setups : If you want to go pure sniper NM fleet then I would recommend 12 NM + 1/2 logi + perfect booster. Thats 2 more DPS than ppl normally take on grid... 8-10Dps is the norm with 2 scimis/ oneiros/basi /guard... But the extra 2 DPS really mean that u can alpha most waves before they get within webbing distance.

    There is so much more information but do not know what u know and what you don't

    1. Check out the fits of the main shield VG incursion runners. (they all have mailing lists with different fits standard, shiny etc)
    2. Run 100+ sites in a sniper fit so that targeting becomes super automatic.
    3. Decide what sites you will run then build a fleet around it.

    Ask as many ques as you want. I have spent more time than I wish to admit trying to get a "perfect" setups.

  5. #5


    All of this sounds like a lot of work and studying but gained mostly from experience which I don't have. I used to run incursions when they first came out as a logi as I didn't have the funds around that time to afford the preferred fits on most faction BS. Compared to running sites in a c5 it seems it could be the same amount of isk but with c5 it is a lot cheaper to setup.

    My concern is that I would have to start from scratch and running incursions with no experience may cause me to lose more isk than I have available.

    What are the thoughts on this idea?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by K'man View Post
    All of this sounds like a lot of work and studying but gained mostly from experience which I don't have. I used to run incursions when they first came out as a logi as I didn't have the funds around that time to afford the preferred fits on most faction BS. Compared to running sites in a c5 it seems it could be the same amount of isk but with c5 it is a lot cheaper to setup.

    My concern is that I would have to start from scratch and running incursions with no experience may cause me to lose more isk than I have available.

    What are the thoughts on this idea?

    Risk is relative imho. Once setup and know what your doing... the only risk in a High Sec incursion site is a DC... u would basically have to fall to sleep in a site not to be able to run it if you know what your doing... But that said, the setup cost is expensive if you wish to go optimum shield (sniper NM).

    Here are some good fits for Basic Battleships which you can run with about 1 months training!

    Come with a INapoc with New Eden Incursions... I am in their channel and we have quite a few boxers in here chatting a lot!

    Its really really important to learn how to do the incursions solo without the pressure of targeting + Logi! When I first started I took way too much damage cause I was just to slow to clear out what did most damage! Which means I can end up spending way too much time doing logi and not clearing dps off field...

    Between C5 and Incursions. My only question is how many C5's can u constantly do ? Because save drama u can do Incursions everyday anytime of the day with very little risk... ISK is paid directly to you so no selling no hauling... little maintenance. LP on top of ISK which is pretty cool for getting implants.

    What I like about my incursion setup is that they are a completely separate entity. They sit there and when I need some ISK or I have free time, I log and run for a couple of hrs and make 600-1.2bil per hr depending on how crowded, site times, general effort... The only problems I ever have is when incursion groups insist on popping moms over and over... but generally prior to this last 2 weeks of constant mom popping it has been run whenever i want for however long i want. Also after like a 5-6month train u can do whatever u want with the other char slots.. When do u stop with a drone setup ? I am guessing u could do something similar with them.

    One thing to note is, I have trained my NM's for the prereqs for most T3's as well. I want them to have some value... If there comes a time when this no longer works... or incursions become unviable then I want them to have some resale value so I have tried to add a broad sub cap skill set as possible..

  7. #7


    Also :

    A NM Setup well explained

    A armor fleet

    Another armor fleet where he says chars are only 1 month old...

    1 thing i will say is that a maxed OGB makes a massive difference in site times etc

  8. #8


    I like the idea of incursions as it would suit me better as I get distracted very easily by my children. Night before I know I will have several hours to play (while my children and wife are sleeping) I will take my small fleet of expensive ships to the incursion areas. Then I can make some isk for my multiboxing PVP. I can also train them to a point where like you said would be valuable enough to recover some isk and time if I would to sell them later on or things change to a point they are no longer acceptable for incursions.

    So your suggesting I run the incursions to learn more about them? It is slightly different when running them on your own as you said you would take out the highest dps npc first and work your way down as to the traditional way of a group of individuals. These are all things I would need to learn. Also with the spawns being random I would think I need to make a cheat sheet of in order npc to kill per spawn till I can memorize them.

    Would you suggest the Navy Apoc Idea starting out with the intension of running NM's?

    You mentioned you run them do you multibox them solo? What is your setup like?

    Thanks for your input it helps out trying to figure out which direction i want to go with my 11 accounts. Only reason I am leaning towards WH sites is because I have lived in them since they came out except for a year when I was helping out some new bros to the game for a year. I am more comfortable in that sense compared to incursions where I only dabbled in them for just a month or two and only rand maybe a dozen sites.

  9. #9


    another thought is, do you think i would ever be able to find someone to run incursions with where i just run dps ships? atm i got 7 characters with high gunnery and t2 large lasers subbed which atm is in a WH running sites in there in drone boats. Ive never bothered with incursions due to hearing that people there hate boxers and i havent had more then 8 characters untill recently.

  10. #10


    having a limit on the maximum number of peopel you can field in incursions is the drawback for it. needs experience and setups can be more expensive since youre looking to min max each member of the fleet.

    wormholes, you have neither of those constraints so you can fly 100 frigates if you wish or just a couple dreads. up to you.

    the main difference is going to be safety. in wormholes its a lot easier to get ganked if youre not paying attention. of course this doesnt mean suicide ganking in hisec doesnt happen. its just a lot easier to tell when youre going to get ganked in hsiec over wh.

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